Ongoing Love Affair with Medifast...

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Ongoing Love Affair with Medifast...

Postby Lauren » April 23rd, 2007, 7:38 am

Hey, folks!

So, I recently returned from a business convention in Las Vegas, and had the best time! But, while you all may be assuming that the shows, bars, casinos, etc. were what led to my great time, it was actually Medifast!

Several years ago I worked this same convention, which includes a major trade show experience with endless hours of standing, walking miles through the convention, meeting clients, exhausting hours, and blisters upon blisters upon blisters. It was miserable. I remember being so physically worn out after the first day that I could barely drag myself out to "do the scene," and I encourage my colleagues to take taxis everywhere, bc I couldn't bear to walk another step. I remember sweating the whole time - blaming the LV heat, but no one else was sweating! And I remember never feeling like I could get over the jet lag, feeling just like crap the whole time I was there. I vowed to never go again, it was so bad.

Anyway, months ago, when I knew this convention was coming again, I asked my company to fly me out. I wanted to do it right, and while I was still anxious that it might still wear me out, I was eager to see my clients, hang with my LA colleagues, and make it work.

Well, it was FANTASTIC! The flight was easy, plenty (PLENTY) of seat space, I wasn't hot, I didn't sweat, my feet felt great (heck, I even wore heels out every night after long days at the show!), I was literally bouyant! Honestly, I had more energy than my colleagues, who are also thin, but don't necessarily run/exercise the way I do. I was non-stop the whole time, working all day, playing all night, and there wasn't a moment in time that I didn't feel fantastic - physically and emotionally. I even went running each day in between the work and the play! Truly a grand experience.

This was probably the most significant NSV and "thin" epiphany that I've had since having lost all the weight. This trip sealed the deal for me on the love affair I've had with MF, and I wanted to share it so that all of you can have the experience as well!

Oh, and the business part was extremely successful as well!

Cheers to all of you, keep on keepin' on!

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Postby bikipatra » April 23rd, 2007, 7:56 am

How awesome! You continue to inspire. :)
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Postby Lauren » April 23rd, 2007, 8:03 am

Aw shucks, thanks! :-)

Wonder why my ticker is not coming through. Can you see my ticker?

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Postby Tawanda » April 23rd, 2007, 8:11 am

Lauren, thank you for posting just reaffirms my resolve to stay compliant and my thankfulness in finding MF (and this site).

I cannot see your ticker.....maybe the site where it is linked from is having some technical difficulties.

I hope you are back to 100% after your accident.
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Postby bikipatra » April 23rd, 2007, 8:22 am

I see your ticker. It says 167 at the end.
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Postby kmr » April 23rd, 2007, 8:23 am

That is truly a fantastic story and NSV. You are inspiring. :D
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Postby Lauren » April 23rd, 2007, 8:28 am

Thanks, folks, I fixed my ticker. I think I let it "expire!" :-)

I do hope the story was inspiring, that's why I wrote it. I swear it wasn't to pat myself on the back (don't worry, I do plenty of that too!). Haha. I really want any of you (espcially, you, KMR, who's just getting back on track), to know what a miracle this plan can be, and to stick to it!

No excuses, people! I have said this from my very first day on MF - and if you don't believe me, go look at my early posts - nothing can get in the way of the diet. No holiday. No event. Whether tragic or celebratory, life happens, that doesn't mean that being healthy and taking care of yourself has to stop. These events should just reaffirm why you're doing MF - to make the most and best of your life and the lives of those you love. What could be more important?

Do not deviate. Do not "add" or "be flexible." Just do the program and don't question it. It's not rocket science. Pour packet into bowl. Add water. That's it. Don't overthink this, guys, I swear, if you overthink it, you'll doom yourselves. I know everyone is in this great quest to find the "big answers," but lose the weight, and I promise clarity will follow. I speak from experience!

Much love-

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Postby nickieluv » April 23rd, 2007, 8:34 am

Thanks for the report, Lauren. I'm sure we all want to have that kind of experience here. The thing is, some people have to learn by experience no matter what someone else tells them. I'll confess - I'm being a bit flexible with the program. Although my version of flexible might still seem really rigid to someone else. I read this feeling like you were talking right to me, but I'm still in the place where I have to try it for myself. I'm a like a little kid who won't listen to mom because I'm sure I know better. But keep teaching us these lessons! Eventually it will sink in!
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Postby Lauren » April 23rd, 2007, 8:51 am

Ha, Nickie, I wasn't talking specifically to you, but I hope it does hit home! Oh, and I mean that in a good way, not in a condemning way!

How many experiences do you need, exactly, to finally learn the lesson? When we're children, and we touch the stove and burn our hands, we've learned not to touch the stove. So how many times do you (or anyone else) need to go off plan or eat junk or whatever, to finally hit home that it will lead to weight gain? Again, this is coming off way more aggressive over type than it would in my intonation, so please know that. But really, Nickie, what great lesson are you really trying learn here? You know that when we eat crap, we gain weight and feel like crap. It's that simple. You were doing so well, and so on track, and walking alot and feeling great and confident and then you gave yourself an "out." And, hey, you are your own person, I truly don't say this with judgement, I just wonder why. Why bother? Being flexible only means that it will take that much longer to feel your best. What benefit is there to that? And you can say that you're giving your mind time to process all your feelings and concerns and fears, but really, you can address feelings and concerns and fears from a thin place - you don't need to do it while simultaneously unhappy with your body! You can still go to therapy, still talk to friends, still be a great mom, all while losing weight. Why put it off?

Anyway, I want for you whatever it is you want for yourself, so if you feel like you are on target to achieve that, then I support you and your efforts 100%. But if you feel like you aren't on target, then it's really easy to change directions, and there are a ton of people here who would be happy to hold your hand in the process!

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Postby nickieluv » April 23rd, 2007, 9:11 am

Well, I'm telling myself right now that what I'm doing is better for me in the long run. My long-term binge last week was not me being flexible - I don't mean that I'm letting myself have junk once in a while. But I've had 2 bars in one day a couple of times, and once I had an Atkins bar instead of an MF bar for something different. I know none of these are strictly allowed, but I'm trying to get rid of that feeling of deprivation.

That said, though, I had an on-plan binge last night. I ate a bag of soy crisps when I wasn't hungry, just because I hadn't had a snack yet. I didn't need them, I didn't want them, but I ate them mindlessly. So even though that's on-plan, it was not good for me. If I were still tracking compliance, I'd probably say that was not a compliant day because I wasn't being true to the SPIRIT of the program, even though by the book having the crisps was OK. That's really what this is about - staying true to my goals.

I had also said that if I was craving something I would have a bite then and there to get it out of my system. Since saying that, I haven't had to do it yet. That's what I was hoping for - to take the stigma away from off-plan foods, and to let myself know that if I want it, REALLY want it, I'll have a taste. And now that I have permission, I don't need to do it. It is childish, but I'm trying to defuse my rebellious side because it always works against me.

I know it should just be 5/1/water and that's it, no changes. But my binges were increasing in length and frequency so I'm easing up on myself a bit. If not having a second bar leads to pizza, that's worse than just having another bar, right? I know this must all sound like high-falutin' justification for bad behavior - but I'm really trying to do what's best. And I guess I am looking for approval, too, but really what matters is that I believe this is helping me. And I do hope that everyone will be honest, and if you think I'm full of it, tell me so. If you see me crashing and burning, tell me so. I don't have to like the truth but I need to hear it.
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Postby Pashta » April 23rd, 2007, 9:13 am

Lauren, that's a great NSV. I'm very happy you were so successful. :mrgreen:
- Tonia

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Postby Pashta » April 23rd, 2007, 9:16 am

nickieluv wrote:And I guess I am looking for approval, too, but really what matters is that I believe this is helping me. And I do hope that everyone will be honest, and if you think I'm full of it, tell me so. If you see me crashing and burning, tell me so. I don't have to like the truth but I need to hear it.

I'd say we shall see on your next weigh-in, eh? If you don't lose or lose too little in your opinion, then something needs adjusted. :) Just my opinion.
- Tonia

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Postby nickieluv » April 23rd, 2007, 9:39 am

Pashta wrote:I'd say we shall see on your next weigh-in, eh? If you don't lose or lose too little in your opinion, then something needs adjusted. :) Just my opinion.

Well, that's the truth, isn't it? :D I am going to try to ease up on the bar situation. I only had one yesterday so I want to continue that streak, because I know it will lead to trouble if I start having 2 out of habit. But it was really helpful, especially on that day 2 back on track when I was feeling a little out of control.

I'm glad too that I have some past MF history to draw on. I know it takes me 3-5 weeks to lose 10 pounds. So when I hit the 40# club, I can see how long it takes me with this new plan to get to the 50# club, and have something to compare it to.

I'm also going to print out the new guidelines. I think it's probably a good idea to know what the changes are, even if I decide to stick with the old guide. At the very least I'll know good, better, and best choices and maybe I can try some new things every so often for my L&G to mix it up.
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Postby bikipatra » April 23rd, 2007, 9:41 am

I used to have problems with the bars too. So bad I had my husband lock them up. So guess what, I just stopped ordering them. Problem solved!
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Postby DonicaB » April 23rd, 2007, 10:01 am

Lauren wrote:No excuses, people! I have said this from my very first day on MF - and if you don't believe me, go look at my early posts - nothing can get in the way of the diet. No holiday. No event. Whether tragic or celebratory, life happens, that doesn't mean that being healthy and taking care of yourself has to stop. These events should just reaffirm why you're doing MF - to make the most and best of your life and the lives of those you love. What could be more important?

Lauren~ I have been telling myself this every day that I have been on plan (since Jan. 3). Since I have failed twice before on Medifast, I decided that this time I have to change the way I view things and I have. There have been countless parties, countless family meals and countless time I have eaten out since I began this journey. Each and every time I have told my self in advance that I am sticking to plan no matter what. What a difference it has made.

Thank you for reminding me to not allow any excuses to creep in as I know they can easily do. I am going to get to my goal this time and I'm not going to allow myself to stop me again!!!

You are truly inspirational and I appreciate your honest words of wisdom.

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