Okay everyone-
Today marked my first full week on medifast and I patiently waited all week to step on the scale

till this morning. I was super happy to reveal a ....drum roll please..... 8 lb. loss!!!

I was so excited!! I could already tell I was losing weight cause my clothes were oh so cozy and my tummy isn't protruding so much. This is great!!
Last night my hubby got an urge to bake some of his most famous chocolate chip cookies with our two daughters. He hasn't made those in over a year!

To his credit, he did ask me first if it would be bothersome. I told him no that I would maybe leave the house for a while during the actual baking so I wouldn't be tempted.

However, I had so much to do at the house that I didn't leave and guess what? It didn't even tempt me AT ALL!

Even he was surprised since these are my favorite.

My whole outlook on food has changed.
Even when those sorry french fries start tempting me I think "What would my MF friends think of me eating this greasy thing?"

I couldn't stand the thought of letting you down, you have all been such a support to me, Thanks. I LOVE YOU MAN!!!!