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One week down

Postby KLCHRISTIAN » May 31st, 2005, 8:34 am

Wow, I just finished my first week of Medifast. I thought I would share my observations after the first week.

1. I feel better.
2. I have lost the puffiness from my face and body
3. My rings are looser
4. I have significantly more energy
5. I do not need naps
6. My mental health is better

Since I know the scale is NOT my friend, I will only be weighing once a month when I start my new packages of Medifast.

As for the uncomfortable, I wore a new outfit today. It is lighter in color than I normally wear and shows a little cleavage. It makes me very uncomfortable. I believe the reason I put on so much weight is for people to quit looking at me. I know that doesn't make sense, but in my mind it does. I will have to work on this if I want to stay firm to my committment to losing this weight.

Thanks for reading.
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Postby tumbleweed » May 31st, 2005, 10:21 am

Hi there! That makes sense to me! I know exactly what you mean.
I also feel so much better! and today was wonderful, I went shopping and for the first time in over 15 years I was looking for clothes not in the plus size section. It was awsome for me but a little odd because in my mind I kept thinking I didnt belong in that section, then I would walk past a mirror and think to myself ..yea I belong in this section. medifast has been wonderful to me. Keep up the good work and when you do get on the scale you will be :dance: for joy!
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Postby Helen » June 2nd, 2005, 11:57 am

Pam isnt it wonderful. You have gotten past the hard days and from this point on its all about how long YOU choose to stay on. God, MF and we at this forum are on your side. The weight is going to come off fast and consistantly. thats the great thing about this diet. and get used to the stares b/c you are going to continue to look great.
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Postby Paula » June 2nd, 2005, 12:51 pm

HI Pam, thanks for posting. I think a lot of women understand exactly what you meant about people looking. I'm sure you'll do great with Medifast, those first 3 days can be difficult but that's behind you now. Keep lookin forward and keep coming here to soak up support and inspiration.


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Postby martha » June 4th, 2005, 1:17 pm

Hi Pam,
Welcome to this forum.. I really like the way you say things.. the scale is not my friend wither but look forward to making it one of my best friends in the future.. you are going to do great...

Tumbleweed--Wow to go shopping for the first time in 15 years must have been GREAT!!!!!! and to not have to shop in the plus sizes must be awesome!!!! can't wait-- :D :D --Martha
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