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Postby Sylvia » January 24th, 2005, 12:10 pm

So funny. I still get catalogs from Lane Bryant, Sillouettes, and the occasional other plus sized shop I've never even frequented (but who must have purchased my name from someone else). They all have offers for 10, 15 even 20% off if I return to them. Not on your life. They get filed right in the trash. I am tempted to call and tell them they have obviously mistaken me for someone else. They have nothing my size 6-8 body can fit into.

It is really amazing. It now seems so long since I was fat but then I remember that it was only last May that MF came into my life. What a complete transformation in such a short time!
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Postby mindovermatter » January 24th, 2005, 2:13 pm

"You discover someone took a picture, and you were in it, you LIKE it. You want a copy."

Too funny, I am the queen of hide from the camera. A good friend of mine/old room mate is moving to Florida. I told her the other day how strange it was that I don't have any pictures of us together. Her reply was "what's strange about that, you hide every time a picture is mentioned". I didn't even realize I was doing it.

Hopefully, in May when I visit my parents and her we can remedy that since I'll be in my new bod.


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Postby Sylvia » January 24th, 2005, 2:33 pm

I still cringe when cameras come out but I no longer shy away. The greatest part is that when I see the pictures, I may not look great but I don't look fat.

It is so strange how long it takes for your self image to catch up to reality. Yesterday we were getting ready to go out to the health club and I had a sweatshirt over some sweats. I was looking critically at myself and asked my husband if what I had on looked ok. He said yes and asked if I didn't think it looked good b/c it was a bit baggy. I said no, that I was concerned that it made me look fat. He just gave me this look and said, "you know you're not fat, you don't have to worry about looking fat anymore because you aren't and you don't".

Hey - what can I say? I still look at myself and see fat sometimes.
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Postby explorthis » January 24th, 2005, 3:20 pm

I may not look great

Sylvia, I have never met you. From every picture I have seen, you look GREAT. I know about self image, trust me.

Hey - what can I say? I still look at myself and see fat sometimes.

I frequently ask my blatantly honest sister how I look in this, or that. I am 43, she is 39. She is the walking fashion statement, tall, lanky, never a weight problem that I can remember. The reason I ask for her opinion, is she will hold nothing back; tell me the way it is. She calls this “still seeing fat” the “ghost fat” She said (blushing) I am very attractive, Ok, maybe not blushing <grin> and that other than giving me a once over, from the “attractive department” that she would NEVER look at me as overweight, and neither will anyone else.

Like you, I still see fat (sometimes), though other than some lose skin, I know I am not. 384 days of maintenance, I still see the fat guy (ghost).

I still buddy around with a friend, about an inch shorter than me, and about 10 pounds heavier than me. I see him, and say, gosh if I look like that, I am in heaven. Well, I must be, I am an inch taller, and 10 pounds lighter.

So then, why do we still see the fat (sometimes) ??


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Postby Nancy » January 24th, 2005, 8:36 pm

It's those fattitudes rearing their :twisted: ugly :twisted: heads again!

:secret: I think I am fat more than I think I a thin.

I was at the shoe store Saturday and the shoe man said I had slender ankles (What's with that?)
then the shoe lady said "Well, she's slender all over and I hate her! She can wear anything."

I was so pleased, I nearly did the happy dance right there
in the shoe store! :dance: :yay: :dancinguy:

Of course I hauled out my "before" pictures. ;) They were amazed. :shock:

:scratchhead: I dunno if there will ever come a day that those of us who have been Chunksters for most of our lives will ever really get rid of the fat ghost and see ourselves as we are.

That's why I strongly believe it is important to say self-affirmations on our Medijourney.

Slender Nancy Pettit

P.S. Mike, you look awesome! :whistle:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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