by jlaman79 » January 25th, 2007, 12:17 pm
I work in a small office and the other two ladies here have just started going to weight wathers. They are both obese and I'm glad for them that they're going to do something to get healthier. However, they do not give me the same support. They make comments about how I don't eat anything and that is takes SO much commitment to follow this plan and that it's so drastic. I've responded to them by explaining that food choices were no longer an option for me becuase I made bad choices so I just removed food from the equation. Also, anything worthy of your time and effort will require commitment and the routine is very soothing to me. I have also said it may seem more drastic to you. If I only had 20 pounds to lose weight watchers may have been a reasonable option, but making a serious change takes serious effort and commitment.
Start 285 05/24/06
Current 224
Goal 145???