One thing I have learned that has helped me greatly is....

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One thing I have learned that has helped me greatly is....

Postby sidrah » June 7th, 2009, 7:44 pm

I see lots of people coming back or who are new. Let's post one or two tips that might make the program a little easier for someone struggling. It doesn't matter if they are humorous, accidentally learned, serious. I'll start:

1. If you take a shake/soup to drink on the way to work, for the love of all that is good, take it out of the car that day! Phew, soy stinks if it sits in the car for a day or 2. :beerbeer:

2. When making numerous days' meals of oatmeal cookies, note that unless you keep it in the fridge MOLD will form on them. First time I thought it was a little gooey and chewier and thought it was great. Then, I realized it was moldy. Not so good.... :tongue:
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Postby Nurcyn » June 7th, 2009, 8:45 pm

Ick on both of yours, Sidrah! lol.

1. Don't make a shake with less than REALLY cold water. I made one with the water bottle sitting at my work station and almost heaved. :water:

2. Don't be surprised by changes in, um, bodily functions; ie: green BM's, and fewer of them! :mrgreen:

3. I've survived the hungries by grabbing a diet tea or my one diet soda for the day. Seems to help. :bigidea:

I'm still a newbie, Day 9, but I've learned alot so far!!!
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Postby alpha femme » June 7th, 2009, 8:59 pm

don't shake anything with hot water; the ceiling isn't as easy to clean as one might think.
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Postby sidrah » June 7th, 2009, 10:33 pm

Good one...

Having a hard time getting the pudding perfect??

----> Pop some ice cubes in a shaker cup, add water to the 4 oz. line. Drop in a splash of flavoring. Add 1 oz of FF cream cheese. Put the powder in and shake, shake, shake well. Take the top off and get the pudding off the blue cover and the sides. Re-cover and freeze for an hour or so. You WILL lick the parts you can reach to get it all out.
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Postby Nurcyn » June 7th, 2009, 10:57 pm

So can you actually use stuff like FF cheese or FF cream cheese? I've been paranoid. I used a little salsa on my chicken the other day and was afraid I'd ruined the whole week! lol.
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Postby sidrah » June 8th, 2009, 12:45 am

This is what the MF support lady wrote:

On the Meatless Options list you will find low-fat cheese (Leaner category) and Moderate-fat cheese (Lean category) as protein options. To determine if your cheese fits into one of these categories, look at the fat content on the food label. If the cheese has 1-1.5gm of fat per ounce then it is a Leaner category option, so a 6-ounce portion is needed. If the cheese contains 3-6gm of fat per ounce than this would be a Lean category option and a 4 oz portion would be needed. If, by chance, your cheese falls between these two ranges (1.6-2.9gm per oz), as some do, then you could have a 5 oz portion.

I take it out of my lean option..I would say I don't even use a full ounce, though. 21 grams or 1.4 tbs of fat free cream cheese has 20 calories and 0 grams of fat.

Just as a comparison, the laughing cow wedge is 21 grams, so if I use cream cheese I use a little less than that.
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