One of US is struggling - GUIDO says go get her!!

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One of US is struggling - GUIDO says go get her!!

Postby explorthis » May 12th, 2004, 12:51 pm

Jeanette is in need of a kick in the Medifast-rear. Her note to me is quoted below:

I was just looking at my stats, and I am feeling all the same feeling of helplessness I felt before I started Medifast. I am starting to get a "XXX" attitude and THAT's NOT GOOD. Things are stressful... I am just feeling LOST.

I just gave her a nicely worded (you know me) Guido kicking, which I know she appreciated. We need to give her OUR support here .She has been here from almost the start, and has given ALL OF US support, and reasons to stay strong, and we need to pay back the favor.

Flood her inbox with private messages, and posts of support in this thread. I do not generally solicit help like this, but we cannot let her, or anyone of our congregation fall. We ARE A TEAM. WE will – must – can do this together.

Guido says – GO GET HER!!
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Postby auntjanot » May 12th, 2004, 1:44 pm

OK, I'll go for it.


You have been an ispiration to so many of us here. I don't post very often, but I look forward to reading all of your positive messages to others. Last time I posted a couple of weeks ago, I was depressed and miserable. Guido gave me a good butt-kicking and I straightened up, but reading your posts help too. I see your beautiful picture in the studio and I think that maybe somewday I will feel good enough about myself to post mine. This forum has helped me lose 48 #s. You are a major part of this forum. When I first started lurking, I thought " Oh, this member is a fake. They invented her to make the forum look good!" Then I started reading your responses and encouragement to the others and I though "WOW, if she can do it, so can I! I had 150#s to lose. I am a third of the way there girl and you helped. Don't give up, don't get discouraged, we need you!
Love, Janet

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Postby Carrie » May 12th, 2004, 2:04 pm

Sounds like if you don't shape up Mike just may pop up on your doorstep. That should scare you straight!!!!!

Seriously Jeanette, don't stop now. You have come so far. PLEASE PLEASE do this for yourself. Give this gift to yourself. You deserve it.

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Postby Landylue » May 12th, 2004, 4:42 pm

Jeanette! If you give up now, I promise you that you will do one of two things: 1) stay the same weight; or 2) regain the weight that you've already lost. We'll still love you either way, but how would YOU feel about Jeanette?

There's one additional thing that you giving up will do, and that's throwing the rest of the team for a loop. We are a forum of ONE. What affects one, affects us all. If you fall away, we are also bruised and left that much weaker. If you can't do this for yourself, do it for the rest of us.

We need you to stay strong.

All that said, do you know where the pain is, Jeanette? Can you reach it? If you can, drag it up and out and SHARE! Do you think there's a snowball's chance of someone on the forum not feeling the exact same feelings, if not now, then at some time in the past?

Talk to us, Jeanette, before it's too late!

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Postby shineface » May 12th, 2004, 5:49 pm



Don't do it --- come on honey, keep breathing, deep breaths --- don't leave us now ---NOT NOW!!!!!!!!

YOU have come so far --- I'm sure you're board and I'm sure you're thinking I can live with this weight - I'm OK here - I feel so much better --- BUT like Landy said --- then what happens --- after a while --- the creeping up the scale or the feeling that overtakes you when you start to feel like the weight you are at now isn't good enough and you start to eat your way through those feelings ------ WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE!!!

C'mon girl, I haven't been around lately - now I know why GOD gave me some time to come onto the Forum today ---- HE (like Guido) knew you needed some serious HELP!!!!

There is nothing I can say to make you do it --- we all know that -- just like you couldn't make me do it if I wasn't ready --- but you are ready - I was ready and we are doing it.... WE WEIGHED a lot --- I'd kill to be at the weight some of the other MF'ers started at ----but I know - because you've said it over and over - we are all different and we have different starts, stops, goals, and losses ----- don't quit on yourself now --- darn it Jeanette ---- don't quit on me now and don't quit on the forum now!!!!!!! WE NEED YOU ___ YOU NEED YOU and for God's sake, you seem to be the tightest connection to Guido --- SO WE NEED YOU TO HELP KEEP HIM IN LINE TOO!!!

GOD BLESS YOU Jeanette and remember ...

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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u can do it

Postby saira » May 12th, 2004, 6:18 pm

hey jeanette

saira of the newbies....i havent been around for a long time...but i gotta tell ya...u are one of my was my first day on medifast...(thank god its almost over)....and i dont think i did it perfect....but i think i was almost there....(maybe over did it with the salsa :shock: ) ....anyway point is this.....when i got real hungry today and believe i did...i thought about all you guys on the forum who have been doing this for the past many months....and have had incredible weight losses...i itold myself...i can get though one measly day...if they do it for so many months...!!! so please dont stop now....otherwise other newbies like myself may not have the guts to stick through and take it day by day.....

so please dont give up jeanette!!!

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Postby Nancy » May 12th, 2004, 11:51 pm

Dear, dear Jeanette ~

Been there. Recently. :x Hated it. I wrote you a nice little note - it's on the Studio page. Check it out.

We :heart: love you and want you to keep on keeping on. You are our shining :star:

Stress happens to all of us - it seems to be unavoidable, doesn't it? and we each deal with it in different ways. Some days we do a better job of avoiding food than others. Food is not a stress-buster. For me, food became a seam-buster. Your fiery trial is not permanent - just a season - it will come to an end. Then another ugly stressful time will come along. We all need to learn how to deal with our :twisted: situations in an un-foody way. Get a walking and talking buddy.

Thank you for your honesty, Friend. One of the best things about the MakeMeThinner Forum is that we can be totally honest with one another. Safely. For some of us, this is the first time in our life that we can honestly reveal our feelings and our situation with others who know how it feels to walk in our sandals.

BTW, I cracked up when I read Auntjanot's note:

When I first started lurking, I thought “Oh, this member is a fake. They invented her to make the forum look good!"

None of us are fakes. Auntjanot, I know that you know that now. It is painful, it is hard, and it is UNfun to be on a long-term weight loss phase. It is not glamorous in any way! Your note to Jeanette was just awesome. She helped you to know that we are real live folks with real live skanky life situations. Now you are helping Jeanette and others, too. The Forum scores again!

Together we will get you through this and when we are struggling, you will continue to be here for us, too.

We love ya! July is coming…we are going to meet. Guido is packing his bags and heading to the midwest to give you a noogie with his Shaker Jar...

P.S. Guido, you better come to the NW and visit Unca and me, too!
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Postby Jeanette » May 13th, 2004, 7:10 am

Wow...what can I say to you all? THANKS just doesn't cut it!

I've suffered a few disappointments in the last few weeks, one of them being I am NOT being sent to Portland in July on business. I work in non-profit, and this decision was strictly a money one. This is a huge diappointment on many levels:
1. I've never been to Portland!
2. I was going to meet Nancy, Terry and Tim!
3. I was going to see some people I hadn't seen in over a year and SHOW OFF my new-er body (a work in progress!)

All vain reasons, I know.... I also found out about it in a very hurtful way (an all-staff memo). Supposedly it was a miscommunication between the COO and my department head--lots of finger-pointing...oh well...

Not being able to go has taken the wind out of my sails. My disappointment combined with stress at work and home PLUS directing a musical for community theatre sent me running back to my old habits. I had made it a policy to ALWAYS pay at the pump for my gasoline, because I know that if I walked into a convenience store, the temptation would be too great and I would end up buying a Three Musketeers (or two). Lately, I would go in JUST for that!

I'm not going to rehash the other habits I went back to--suffice it to say, the M&M Mars company saw a lot of my money in the last few weeks!

But you know what? Today is a new day, an opportunity to begin again, and to be back on the road to the woman I want to become.

I don't know what I would do without the support on this board, and especially from Mike. He has reached out to me more than once when I felt like I was sinking. I know I could never thank him enough for the friendship we have.

My love to all of you this day!!!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby Landylue » May 13th, 2004, 8:18 am

Atta'girl, Jeanette! You just can't keep a good woman down!

Tell me all about your musical. Has it opened yet, or are you still in the rehearsal stage? I've been in various community theater productions and one professional show in Dallas where I actually got PAID. That was a fabulous experience! But I know first-hand that the stress of these productions, especially for the director, is tremendous. A thousand details to weave together, and everything has to be just right, on time, and working. Add to that mix the various personalities, or lack thereof, of your actors, and it will drive you over the brink.

Stay strong, Jeanette, the play will close, the immense pressure will lift, there's that brief period of post-production blues, and then you'll feel literally like a bird out of a cage.

Hang in there!

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Postby marge » May 13th, 2004, 9:36 am

congratulations Jeanette for not giving in to the demons and focusing on your road to your goal...We are so very proud of you and we are all very lucky to have this forum and all the wonderful friends and supporters we have here.

a big hug from me to you

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Postby elle4nelly » May 13th, 2004, 12:56 pm

Hi Jeanette!

Here's a quote to help you along.

" Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failure, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere: and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles. Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost."

Get back on this train with us, it's a long journey. Sometimes easy, sometimes hard. But together we will overcome all the ups and down till we reach our dreams.

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Postby Nancy » May 17th, 2004, 9:04 pm

Dear, dear Jeanette ~

re: your trip out west: Drat! I really truly pock-a-dooly want to meet you, too but guess what? I am going to Maryland in July! We are attending the second annual Take Shape For Life Conference and then my Cute Guy Terry and I plan on taking a teensy trip to DC - I really wanna see the Washington Monument & the Viet Nam Memorial and maybe take a day to see Williamsburg. I don't have much time, I do NOT deal well with humidity and heat and I do even less well with time changes - I am a west coast girl all the way! and we're talkin' about a three hour time change here...but maybe we can hook up on your end of the country somehow, some time! If not this summer, maybe some other time!

I was looking forward to chatting it up on our patio under the pergola, sipping on a Medifast Mango or Tropical Punch (say, it is mighty good and it is rather high in protein, too! 15 grams of whey protein!) but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen, Girlfriend!

I really LOVE to meet our MakeMeThinner people. You Kids really ring my chimes! I LOVE ya - you inspire me and encourage me.

We all have these rocks and bumps in the road of life and we just cannot allow them to become bigger than our dream or loom larger than our goal. Yeah, the distractions can irritate us and bug the puckies outta us but we are BIGGER than these mere annoyances.

Jeanette, we all have hiccups - they don’t last forever – we are stubborn! We shall not permit them to conquer us! Oh, that Mars Candy Company – IF only we all had purchased stock in it – I have scarfed dump truck loads of Peanut m&ms, I’m SURE! It’s a wonder my skin isn’t slime green, cherry red or velvety brown from all the m&ms I’ve consumed…my fave flaves…trust me, they NEVER had an opportunity to melt in my hand!

Jeanette, you DO have a lot on your plate right now but since you are able to resist the temptation to rob banks, to resist telling your supervisors or managers how honked off you are about their dippy decision to change your visiting plans to the west coast, you are able to resist harming people when they bug ya, then you are able to resist going into the Gas Marts – how smart of you to pay at the pump! I am in a vulnerable place myself right now and I just cannot go eastbound on one of the main streets near me as it is just too close to the bakery – the bakery has a snare vacuum tube located on my side of the street that somehow just grabs Buzz (my Vee Wee) by the front wheels and sucks him into the parking lot and then it’s all over…Challah bread must not win! We'll just have to pray extra hard that you are able to stand up under the temptation and take the exit sign and avoid the Mars Zone!

Love ya! Sing your songs, direct those people, get onboard to Thinsville!
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