Hi ya, Lois ~
So happy to hear from you and to answer your questions.
People on the full fast are
of course under a doctor's care.
If you are on the full fast, theoretically one has NO real food - just Medifast food. However, in the beginning stages if people have the NEED to chew or are dying and thinking of caving - they
may have three stalks of celery and 1-2 dill pickles.
I advise Full Fasters to drink water frequently throughout the day, to have 6 Medifast meal replacement products per day. Drink PLENTY of water - 64 ounces is a minimum. You need to have your MF meal replacements on time, evenly spaced throughout the day and absolutely do not ever skip a meal. Drink lots of water. In addition to consuming a lot of water, be sure to have H2O all day long.
If you are on the Five and One Plan, you have 1-2 cups of mixed salad greens (any kind - spinach, too!) AND up to 1/4 cup of raw chopped veggies. The chopped veggies include cukes and zukes, onions and cabbage, peppers and celery, brocc & cauli, 'shrooms & radishes, and tamaters are fine, too. No starchy veggies - so that means NO corn, potatoes, lima beans and similar veggies. You may have 1-2TABLESPOONS of non-fat or low-fat salad dressing. NO CHEESE! NO Croutons! - Use your Multi-Grain crackers in place of croutons.
Weigh your meat portions after the meat is cooked and before you eat it. Women, you may have 4-5 ounces of meat. Men get a tad bit more: 6-7 ounces. You may have 1-2 TEASPOONS of ketchup, mustard, barbecue sauce, salsa, etc.
Beware of Fat Free foods - often they are loaded with corn syrup and that = sugar = carbs = flab storage. Medifast is BALANCED protein and carbs. That's why if ya eat those corn syrupy foods, without protein with them, they live forever on your hips.
It is my opinion that Full Fasters do best when they have a small green salad every day - it keeps your stomach operating and the exit route and chute motating...drink plenty of water!
Yeah, yeah, my answer is rather circuitous. Theoretically Full Fasters have NO real food but if you DO have a piece of celery or a pickle or a salad, your weight loss will still be consistent, your digestion processes will work well and so will your dumpster if ya have a tad bit of veggies and drink lots and lots of H2O. All of the studies and the weight loss averages for men and women are based on the Five and One Plan.
Buh bye 4 now and don't forget to slurp that water!