Dearest Lisa ~
I like your positive
new name – you may have a new name but your

heart and

desire to make it to a healthy weight are ever the same.
You are a

precious person and were sorely missed.

Good grief!

Flabber happens. I cannot count the times I set out to lose weight and fell off the wagon.

If I had not given it another go, made the necessary changes to my eating/drinking/moving styles permanent changes, no doubt I would have a different story to tell today.
Let's hear it for second and third and 99th chances.
You tucked away those mistakes in the right place – to use them for your good and not allow them to

conk you over the head and tell you that you are a failure.
The past is over; behold a new day is at hand.
Let us be motivated because we l

ove ourselves enough to make the healthier choices.
No time like the present.

Shaking it up with you and the others who chose to pursuit health and happiness today.