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One month in ...

Postby czavadil » July 13th, 2005, 11:34 am

Yippee for me. I have had a hard time staying fulling compliant, but in spite of my shortcomings, I am one month in and have lost 14 pounds!
I can't even believe it.
The more I lose, the more compliant I want to be. (That's a nice side-effect.)
I have changed by lean and green to lunch time. That way I am not letting myself eat too much with my family at dinner time. It really seems to working for me.
So, here I am, looking forward to being a bigger loser!
June 14, 2005

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Oh Yeah and Even Better ...

Postby czavadil » July 13th, 2005, 11:36 am

I am off my diabetes medication ... all of it!
Yeah! That is the best part. Not only am I losing weight, I have already reached my "goal" of getting off diabetes meds.

Praise God! He is so faithful!
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Postby martha » July 13th, 2005, 11:42 am


WOW!!!!!!!!!! that's great.. the best part of this is you are free from the diabetes meds.. that is truely a blessing from GOD..One goal down and working BIG time on the other.. :D :D GOOD for you.. you are doing so good.. 14# off and still going :mrgreen: so proud of you--Martha
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Doing Great

Postby Jan » July 13th, 2005, 11:42 am

Wow you are doing GREAT :D :D Pounds gone and meds gone as well!! Things are only going to get better and better for you!! Congradulations. I would put on some cute little clapping hands or something but haven't quite mastered that yet. So GREAT JOB!!!!

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Re: Oh Yeah and Even Better ...

Postby MomsTherapy » July 13th, 2005, 1:53 pm

czavadil wrote:Praise God! He is so faithful!

So True!! That is great that you are off the meds - that is the best thing!

And 14lbs GREAT!! :yay:
Leah (Lee-uh):D aka MomsTherapy

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Postby LeeannNH » July 13th, 2005, 2:18 pm

yay charlotte!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

congrats on your loss and more so your loss of medicine! that is fantastic!

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Postby czavadil » July 13th, 2005, 2:55 pm

Thanks everyone. I am just so thrilled to finally be in the 10# club. It just kind of shocked me. It is really amazing how your body wants to be healthy, and if you give it what it needs, it does what it is supposed to.
June 14, 2005

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Postby LuzInIt » July 13th, 2005, 4:01 pm

Welcome Back Leeann - I just noticed your post. How was the wedding? I noticed you managed to show a loss despite the wedding feast :D . I remember that "gumball dress" :shock: . I'm sure you were a knockout!
Linda - Started MF 3/22/05

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Postby FitQueen » July 13th, 2005, 4:45 pm


Congrats on your personal achievement! I look forward to joining you in the 10lb Club. I am so happy for you.
Ruth aka FitQueen

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Postby mytime » July 13th, 2005, 7:40 pm

Charlotte - what wonderful news ! CONGRATULATIONS !!! My favorite part is that you were able to figure out what you needed to be successfull and really stuck with. Great job ! Mytime
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Postby Alisha » July 14th, 2005, 9:17 am

Charlotte way to go! Praise YOU for being faithful and having such a great loss even at such a hard (but wonderful) time! I'm so very proud of your accomplishments! Pat yourself on the back because you deserve it!

All the very best!

Alisha :rose:
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Postby LeeannNH » July 14th, 2005, 2:33 pm

hey linda!

yes the wedding gumball dress was hilarious! :mrgreen:
it was funny i had to use double stick tape to hold it up

thanks for asking! the wedding went well i did decide to have some mac and cheese but that was it. i was really proud!!!

thanks again for asking about me---that means alot to me

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Postby Nancy » July 15th, 2005, 7:33 pm

Charlotte ~

It is so rewarding to me to read that you are off of your oral agents for diabetes.

One of the reasons I started on the weight loss program three years ago was to prevent diabetes. It is prevalent in my family and while I know that my weight loss is no guarantee that I will remain diabetes-free, it is my desire to prevent complications of an unhealthy weight.

We are thankful that you have eliminated some prescriptions - they all have nasty side effects. Look at you - 14 pounds: Outta there! Medication: Outta there!

Yeah! Keep on going, Charlotte and think of all the GOOD things that you are gaining as you lose those nasty pounds of flabber!

Just think of what health benefits will be yours as you choose to follow the program correctly!

Yippy Charlotte - go for the goal! :hi5:

P.S. Leeann ~ we are really stoked about your report, too. Double sticky tape to keep up the dress, eh? We wanna see a picture of you in the dress - you must be so proud - we are! We'll be watching for your photos in the Studio...
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