One month, nine pounds

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

One month, nine pounds

Postby TooManyBooks » May 5th, 2006, 1:20 pm

Hi all -- I've been following the program for four weeks and am down 9 pounds. (156/147/125) Yes, everyone loses at a different speed. Yes, inches not pounds. Yes, etc etc etc. LOL I know all this. But it seems to me I could have managed this minute loss for FREE, rather than spending hundreds of dollars.

Another frustration lies with the Medifast site/people. Rather than giving me answers or suggestions, they continue to feed me (heh) the same ol' tunes: Drink your water. Eat your lean and green. All the standard rhetoric, no new suggestions. I do not like veggies, other than corn and lima beans. Period. Solution? None, evidently: I get the cut and paste "remember to eat your lean and green."

Is this program simply not a solution for some individuals? Is this how much I'm "supposed to" weigh, regardless of what I do? :?

Thanks for reading my rant/semi pity party. :| I can't rant on the Medifast company board, they filter out the ones they don't like and don't post them to the board. :x
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Postby DogMa » May 5th, 2006, 1:37 pm

Not to be harsh, but ...

If you can lose the weight withOUT Medifast, then go ahead. Most of us are here because we couldn't or didn't. If I could lose the weight on my own, I'd have done it. So for anyone who CAN, I'd say go ahead and do it, and why would you even CONSIDER Medifast if you could lose as much and as quickly on your own.

As for whether it's for everyone or whether they're giving you stock answers, it seems to me what they're telling you is to follow the program. That includes vegetables. If you won't do that (corn and lima beans are starches; lima beans, in particular, are a legume and not a vegetable), then what else can they - or we - tell you? If you refuse to follow the program, then no, I would say Medifast isn't for you. Again, why bother ordering the plan if you're not going to actually DO it?

Maybe someone else will have something more constructive to say. But my guess would be the consensus would be to follow the program. If you're unwilling to do that, then it's probably not for you. And if you feel you can do just as well on your own, then go for it. Good luck to you, whatever you decide.

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Postby dede4wd » May 5th, 2006, 1:39 pm

Hi too many books,
Sorry about the situation you're in. I'm also sorry that you're not getting the support you need. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's over 2lbs a week. Maybe you could lose that much on your own, maybe not, but if you're willing to work on it, we're willing to help you. If you feel you're better off without MF, than more power to you...If you'd like to give it a go with some help, let us know!

I know I for one would be happy trying to help you figure this out. If you could just tell us what your current weight is and what your goal weight is, what you eat and when and we'll see if we can't get this thing speeded up (if it's possible).

Give us some more info and we'll be happy to help! Also, corn isn't allowed on the plan and lima beans either...maybe we can get you a veggie/recipe that you CAN deal with!

You may get some harsh replies because A LOT of people have been bashing the ONLY program that has ever worked for some of us, so be warned!

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Postby TooManyBooks » May 5th, 2006, 1:54 pm

DogMa: I AM following the plan, best I can, that’s my point. I’m not eating corn/limas for just that reason: they’re NOT allowed on the program. So my meal is lean, but not green. If not eating the green is “refusing” to follow the program then you’re right, I’m refusing. Gagging down my food and/or having it come back up isn’t worth it.

DeDe: I’m not bashing the program in any way at ALL – I love the program! Who wouldn't love milkshakes all day! :D No cooking, no deciding what, where, when to eat, etc. I’m still plugging along with it, haven’t quit or diverted.

If I’m too impatient about results, tell me I am. I started this after reading all the wonderful successes boards, and am disappointed that mine hasn’t been “up to par.” I really didn't feel my initial post was snotting or flaming, but if so I apologize.

Thanks again……

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Postby dede4wd » May 5th, 2006, 2:01 pm

I didn't mean for you to take anything as a bash, I was just warning you. If you'd like to post what you eat and see if we can see anything...let us know. We'd love to help!

You CAN speak to your DR about doing the complete plan with ALL Medifast foods, but your doc will tell you how to tweak the program and how many and what kinds of MF meals to have etc...But that should ONLY be done under a doctor's supervision.

I wasn't a HUGE veggie eater before, but I really like them now. I have a starting point different than yours because I was NEVER gagging around vegetables.

If you'd like to post what you eat and when, we can try to help. However, I must warn you that people with less weight to lose do lose slower than those of us who have around 100 to lose generally. Let us know if we can help!

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Postby loriannk » May 5th, 2006, 2:14 pm

Hi There,

Here is my 2 cents on the matter. The majority of us have a considerable amount of weight to lose. Most starting out in the 200's. We may lose weight faster as we ate a lot more to maintain our high weight and switching to the low calorie, carb, fat, etc makes us lose weight faster. You started out at almost my goal weight of 156. It will take you longer to lose as you are not cutting your calories etc as much as the rest of us that weigh more. I don't know if that makes sense. I hope so.

I dont eat veggies either. I do like salad and that is usually my green part. I sometimes have green beens with a few sprays of I can't believe its not butter.

I think you are doing great considering the weight you started with and your weight loss so far. I would keep doing what your doing, maybe start to excercise and see how it goes from there.

Good Luck!

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Postby TooManyBooks » May 5th, 2006, 2:39 pm

Here’s the dirt. 156/147/125, 5'4", two cats =^..^= (who eat better than I do :lol: )

Eating schedule. Times are approximate, they can vary an hour/half hour here or there depending on what's going on at work.

6:00: MF meal – (oatmeal or bar)
9:00: MF meal (shake or bar)
11:30: MF meal (shake or oatmeal or pudding or bar)
2:00: MF meal (shake or pudding or hot drink)
5:30: Lean (no green LOL) meal (always fresh mean, not take-out type)
7:30: MF meal (shake or pudding or oatmeal or hot drink)

I have only one bar per day.
I drink at least 72 ounces of pure water.
I drink no more than 32 ounces of Crystal Light or equivalent in addition to the 72 ounces of nonpolluted water (I drink 8 ounces of Sunrise Orange w/my breakfast…I’d kill for a real glass of OJ about now LOL)
I drink one 8 ounce cup of coffee, decaf, one tablespoon of FF creamer, two Splenda, usually in the evening. I occasionally mix my coffee with the cocoa/cappu for my last MF meal of the day
I add one Splenda + cinnamon to my oatmeals
I rarely add any flavoring to shakes; when I do it’s always SF/FF etc., and is usually just a small amount of extract rather than the SF Toriani types
My one snack per day, if I have it, is crackers, boullion or Jello
I have no more than four pieces of gum/mints
If I’m having an appetite attack I’ll add an additional shake or oatmeal at that time
If I want a pathetic little taco bake for dinner, I'll use my snack with my lean and have the crackers as a chicken taco thingy

Lori: Thank you for your insight, and it does make sense. I know the weight ratio thing is something I have to keep in mind -- but I want it to come off NOW! :lol:

I appreciate all the comments and support.
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Postby electra000 » May 5th, 2006, 2:51 pm

Hi, I am not an expert, but here are my observations:

You should not have a bar first thing in the morning. I have read that cutting out the bar completely may speed things up.

I am not sure what sunrise orange is. You may need to list the ingredients.

If you are using taco seasoning be sure that it does not have sugar. Alot of taco seasonings have sugar.

Also, just wondering about your lean. Are you eating alot of beef ? You should not eat beef everyday because it takes our bodies longer to process it.

I think you are doing great ! You will lose slower because you don't have alot to lose. Just hang in there ! It will come happen !
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Postby loriannk » May 5th, 2006, 2:52 pm

I am pretty sure you are not suppose to have your bar as your first or last supplement of the day. I would stop eating it first thing in the morning.

Having an additional suppement might hurt too. I would try to eat 2 pickles and 3 celery sticks if you are having an appetite attack. An additional supplement adds a bunch of carbs & calories that my hurt you as well.

Otherwise to me you look good. (some might say to find some way to stomache the green portion.) Salads are no good for you either? You can add cuccumbers to it with low fat dressing. I use the Walden Farms SF, FF, Carb free, Calorie free dressings. They have a wide varity.

Again that is my 2 cents, I am by far not an expert.

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Postby DogMa » May 5th, 2006, 3:50 pm

I apologize if I misunderstood; the others are right that we've had a lot of Medifast-bashing around here lately. But not eating the "green" really IS refusing to follow the plan, for whatever reason. If you truly can't stomach any vegetables at all, maybe you should consider seeing your doctor more often and going on the complete plan instead.

Although maintenance will include vegetables, too. I don't know of a diet out there that doesn't; even Atkins expects you to eat nonstarchy veggies.

You're also already at a pretty healthy weight for your height, so losing is definitely going to be slow going. Have you spoken to your doctor about your goal? At your height and weight, I'd consider focusing more on exercise and building muscle to get rid of excess flab. You might want to visit a site called mybodycomp dot com, where you follow their directions to take measurements all over, and they give you a fairly accurate look at your body fat percentage and waist-to-hip ratio and such. That might help you determine whether you even NEED to lose much more weight.

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Postby TooManyBooks » May 5th, 2006, 4:19 pm

Thanks, Robin. :)

I checked out that Web site. THAT was cheery :roll:

According to their calculations my BMI fits into the severely obese category. Fat body mass is 73.78% and lean body mass is 26.44%. So yeah, I think some weight loss is in order :lol: I'm sure "Jay" my personal trainer is appalled. LOL

Hip to waist ratio is .6

Again, I appreciate all the tips. I'll eliminate the bar for a while and see if that makes a difference. Maybe I'll replace it with broccoli :-P
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Postby DogMa » May 5th, 2006, 4:22 pm

You sure that's not backwards, on the lean vs. fat?? That can't be right!! I'm 2 inches shorter and just a few pounds less, and I'm around 23% body fat on there.

Are there ANY veggies you like? Or maybe you haven't tried too many or just need to prepare them differently? There has to be SOMEthing out there you'll eat ...

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Postby TooManyBooks » May 5th, 2006, 4:31 pm

LOL There are a LOT of things I'll eat, hence my current situation :lol:

Erm, okay, so I'm probably taller that 5.4 inches LMAO!!! You know, I thought that even I wasn't even THAT bad off in the fat department. Excuse me whilst I redo...
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Postby TooManyBooks » May 5th, 2006, 4:44 pm

Phew. It's still ugly, but...

Total Weight: 147.00lbs
Lean Body Mass: 95.86 lbs
Fat Mass: 51.14 lbs
Body Mass Index (BMI): 25.2
Waist To Hip Ratio (WHR): 0.63

That's a useful tool.

I'll make some adjustments. I'll choke down some green beans :mrgreen: , skip the (Medifast) bar, and see how that goes. I'll add more exercise. I will cease whining for the time bean, er, being. And I learned how to make a ticker!

Thanks Robin and everyone. I feel better. Image

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Postby DogMa » May 5th, 2006, 4:50 pm

OK, that was TOO funny. 5.4 inches. HEE. Those new numbers sound MUCH better (and very similar to mine, except my waist:hip is worse; I've lost a bunch down below, but very little in my waist since I started).

As for green beans, try roasting 'em. A co-worker just tried my method, and said it was the first time he'd actually LIKED green beans. Get some fresh ones, thin if you can find 'em. Trim the ends if they need it, then spread 'em out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (or just in a foil pan). Spray 'em with some olive oil or butter Pam-type spray, and then sprinkle on some seasoning (I use Jane's Crazy Mixed-Up Salt, but you can also use steak seasoning or garlic powder or whatever you like). Put 'em in a 425-degree oven for somewhere between 20 and 40 minutes, depending on how well done you like them (I like 'em just shy of burned). You might surprise yourself!

Roasted broccoli is good, too, and I don't normally like broccoli unless it's drowning in cheese sauce.

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