One last time - fire sale - get it before it goes (bad...)

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One last time - fire sale - get it before it goes (bad...)

Postby nickieluv » October 6th, 2008, 7:39 pm

If you've read my journal you know I'm headed off on another road for a few months - but most of the food I have will not last long enough for me to justify hanging onto it. I'd like to clear it all out and start fresh when I'm ready to begin again, which could be over a year from now. So, here is what I have for sale:

Chili - 12 packets
Minestrone - 7 packets, 5 are expired (5/3/08 )
Chicken & Wild Rice - 11 packets, all expired (12/8/07)
S'mores Bars - 26
Beef Stew - 17 packets, 4 expired (4/12/08 )
Peach Oatmeal - 8 packets, 1 expired (7/27/08 )
Maple & Brown Sugar Oatmeal - 9 packets, all expired (8 on 8/25/08, 1 on 11/18/07)
Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal - 17 packets, all expired (14 on 11/19/07, 3 on 9/14/08 )
Chocolate Pudding - 2
Fruit Punch - 139 (all exp. 9/13/08 )
Strawberry Shakes - 2 (exp. 12/13/07)
Strawberry Plus Diabetic Shakes - 6
Chocolate Plus Diabetic Shakes - 8
Swiss Mocha Shakes - 4 (exp. 2/1/08 )
Orange Cream Shakes - 2 (exp. 12/27/07)
Hot Cocoa - 17 (10 exp. 9/15/08, 2 exp. 2/25/08, 2 exp. 12/24/07)
Chocolate Mint Bars - 16

If the quantities listed by the expiration dates don't add up to the total number, that means the remainder are not expired. Also if no expiration date is listed at all, that means it's good till sometime in '09.

If you want the whole batch, 303 packets (divided by 7 = about 41 boxes, or just over 2 months of food) I will sell it for $440 and I will pay shipping. That's less than $1.50 per packet!

If you just want the non-expired food, that is 95 packets (13 and 1/2 boxes), I'll do those for $150 and I'll pay shipping. That works out to less than $1.75 per packet (I'm doing this math in my head so be kind if it's not perfect - check my work! :) )

I have not had any ill effects from using expired packets - the plan still worked just fine, when I didn't supplement with pizza of course. The oldest packets are still within a year of the expiration date, so if you used those first it would still be fine. They are powdered, how can they go bad? But I understand if anybody is squeamish about it.

You can also pick and choose what you'd like, and offer what you think is a fair price for your batch.

Please help me out and buy some if you can - it would be a horrible waste if this all had to be just thrown away. Get some use out of it, get a good deal - where else could you get two months' worth for so little? I welcome any action on this.

Thanks -
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Postby nickieluv » October 8th, 2008, 6:30 am

I went ahead and listed this on eBay today - you can check it out there if you want, I have the same username. But thanks anyway for clicking on this thread. :D
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