by oksoonergirl26 » July 11th, 2010, 10:19 am
Hello ladies! I just wanted to touch base and tell you guys how much I truly appreciate your words, encouragement, and support! I am still having an interesting time trying to figure out this whole feeding my body so it can run, but its getting better. I am doing about 1700 calories a day and the bulk of those are from healthy carbs and then I divide the rest evenly betweent healthy fats and lean protein. The scale will go up, but then it drops back down, so I am going to give daily weigh-in a rest so I won't be so manic about it. I am looking forward to meeting Robin on the 18th-we will have to let you guys know how it goes. I am up to 8 miles for my long runs, but now I am having to run 6 days a week and my body is finally starting to protest. I have been so lucky thus far that I haven't any knee, ankle, or hip problems since I starting running last April but my shins and knees are making it very clear that they do not approve of the increased mileage. I am using ice and stretching to alliveate the issues, its not debilitating or slowing me down-just kind of aggravating. I hope everyone is doing as well as they can. I noticed the board has been very quite, even if you aren't on plan check in and let us know what is going!