oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

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Postby oksoonergirl26 » May 24th, 2009, 9:56 am

Well...I am sort of falling apart. Last week was really bad with the cheating, so I behaved this week...until Friday. Pizza is my weakness, my HUGE weakness and I decided that I have been good, sticking to the plan, exercising 5 or 6 times a week, what's a couple of slices going to do? 2 pounds-that's what it will do! In combination with TOM I am so mad at myself. Around Wednesday I stepped on the scale and it read 195.5! I was so excited and my "skinny" jeans are getting baggy. I really thought it would be okay. I was physically ill after I ate the pizza. I got up Saturday to do my 3.1 miles and had a decent time (41:44) and decided to put the pizza behind me. Unfortunately that did not happen. I ended running errands and forgot to have a bar or shake in the car with me and by the time I got home I was ravished.I ate another piece of pizza and mini-sandwhich. Last night was prom and I always go and have a good time. I get all dressed up in a fancy formal and I get my hair done. I should have eaten, but I didn't. I completely and totally lost it-we had 3 chocolate fountains, nuts and homemade potato chips. I ate some of everything. I tried to stick with marshmallows and the strawberries on the fountain and the dark chocolate, but who am I kidding..it was all bad. I can't even tell you how many chips I ate either. If that wasn't enough damage we went to Buffalo Wild Wings afterward and I did get something grilled??? No, I got cheese sticks and I ate all six of them. The only I did not have was alcohol and that was simply b/c I was afraid of falling asleep while driving home. Today I will get on the treadmill, if we do not go to the lake, and I am only eating MF meals today. I will not do a L and G. I have already had 3 liters of water, hoping to help flush my system. I run the real 5K tomorrow that I have been working for and will probably screw my time up b/c of the bad food choices I made. If anything, this has taught me that bad food=bad feelings everywhere. I will put this behind me and move forward, but next week will be brutal b/c of having to readjust everything again.
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Postby nickieluv » May 24th, 2009, 10:15 am

Bad food definitely makes your body operate poorly. Don't avoid your L&G today unless you think it will set you off (it does that to me sometimes so I get it) because you don't want to get more hungry than you need to. Make sure, if you do, to have an extra supplement or two - you want to be well-fueled for tomorrow's run. Good luck with your time!
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Postby dede4wd » May 24th, 2009, 1:16 pm

I've been where you are, I don't know how many times. I'd convince myself I'd been doing so good that I deserved a "treat". I can't do this because it sets something off and opens the floodgates and I go willy nilly all weekend. I know people that take a weekend once a month or so and get back on, but I can't do it. The weekend turns into a month!

Like I said, I've been there, and the first thing that comes to my mind is my Granny's old saying, "It doesn't matter how hard you fall, it matters how fast you get up." Sounds like you're getting up well!

Stuff happens, sounds like you have the head in the right place! You can get through a couple of days of carbie feeling-bad and get back on program, I know you can! Have an extra MF meal if you need to for your runs and we'll be right here for you!
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Postby sidrah » May 24th, 2009, 5:16 pm

How often will that situation come up. Prom season is over.
You know now how to handle those times.

I keep bars in my car in one of those silver freezer bag thingies. They aren't cold, but at least they don't melt as much. I also keep water in the car and packs of shakes in the glove compartment or in my school bag just in case. Yeah, the water is not cold, but if nothing else drive through or go to 7-11 and buy a cup of ice for a quarter. Even if you are hungry you'll live til you get home and feel better later on.

But, my gosh.....Focus on the good. You are running races and training and doing what I would love to be doing. A 5K is like my goal. Can't do it now, but working on it. You are so much further than you were and you are going right back, so blank thise days from your mind and just keep running and drinking that water. I don't think you should miss a meal, but maybe eat something lighter than normal. Not sure of the temp there but here it's like 100 degrees, so yeah....lots of aqua!!

Good luck in the run. Run for all of us who cannot do it, yet!
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Postby oksoonergirl26 » May 25th, 2009, 7:13 pm

Thanks for the kind words and encouragement! I appreciate the support from all of you guys. I really really learned a hard lesson with the bad food bender. I was so sick yesterday and part of today. I did the 5k in 43:02-that was my best time ever! I was really proud of myself. The course was pretty tough, with several steep hills, and I told myself that I would jog up and down every hill, even if I didn't jog at any other time. My goal time was 45:00 and I surpassed it! I did mess up a little bit today with my L and G-but I stuck to the plan yesterday and most of today. Yesterday it was just too much for my system to deal with, but I took Nikki's advice and had my shakes. I had one before the race today and one right after. It really helped to have the good nutrition. I am taking off a couple of days from the exercise to let my shin splints heal up a little and then back to training. I plan on walking/jogging another 5K on Father's Day and my goal is 41:30. I probably could have had a time closer to 42:00 today, but my heart rate went through the roof, so I slowed down and talked to another walker.
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Postby sidrah » May 25th, 2009, 10:21 pm

I wish I was there so I could say, "Congrats" in person. That's so cool. 3 miles, 45 minutes, 1 inspiration!

And I agree about the running inside and walking and going for the goal of a little less each time. I do 5K AIDS walks and cancer walks all the time, so I don't think the distance is as intimidating as the whole thing about running in public :oops:

I sit and read the medifast board and there are people there who have lost like 190 lbs. in 16 mos. and I am amazed. I guess if you stick with it and follow it to the T, it works out that way for some. I have this Yoga for Dummies DVD that I like and the Walk Away the Pounds. So, whatever the time set on there is for the mile is what I keep pace with. So sad I am waiting to be on my own again and not worry about taking care of everything and actually have a free half hour in the AM and PM to pop a DVD in and not be disturbed.

I was looking for some new DVDs to get. I hate those Richard Simmons ones. The music is not so hot. Sometimes, I put my own music to them. I am getting a zumba DVD, so that should be fun if I don't die doing it. A friend teaches the classes, so one day soon I would like to go be part of the class, but also not feel dumb at the same time. Lots of goals. I'd also like to do some yoga classes in a gym. I guess I can keep hoping, but I know what I need to do...

Good job! :D
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Postby nickieluv » May 26th, 2009, 6:23 am

I'm glad you're back on track, and congrats on totally crushing your goal time! Imagine what you'll do next time - maybe break 40 minutes! Keep on the right track - you've come so far, now take it all the way home.
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Postby oksoonergirl26 » May 26th, 2009, 6:14 pm

I lied when I said I was going to rest...I did 50 minutes on the treadmill today. Just light walking and very very little jogging, my legs are hurting even more now. I stepped on the scale this morning and was back to 195.5, so I am going to go ahead and update my ticker! I have stuck to the plan all day today and even with my L&G, so back on track....thanks again for the support! Sidrah-good luck with the DVDs you have way more discipline than me when it comes to that!
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Postby sidrah » May 26th, 2009, 10:14 pm

Every time I think my legs hurt from walking X miles or why did I not find a closer spot, I have to stop and think that I should probably be lucky and take into consideration the people who don't have the chance to do whatever....walk, have money to shop, heck, even cook the food I am complaining I am stuffed from.

Not to be a downer at all, just a thought that popped in. I think it is so good that you are doing everything you do for yourself. No pain no gain....

Have a good day :mrgreen:
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Postby Karli » May 27th, 2009, 7:45 am

Hey Oksooner,

Hope everything is getting on track for you and you are feeling like you are getting the 'ickies' behind you. Cheers !
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Postby oksoonergirl26 » May 31st, 2009, 8:59 am

Sorry I have been absent for most of the week. The end of the school year is always so hectic and I still have 4 more days to go! I did really well this week with the food (I slipped up and a had two breadsticks on Wednesday, but countered it with exercise). I intentionally cheated last night-it was my son's birthday and he wanted Persian food. I also had 2 small glasses of wine and a piece of his cake. Luckily, it only did 1/2 pound of damage. So I will be on the treadmill today. I have decided that I want to do a half marathon in November and you HAVE to finish in four hours and thirty minutes. Now I have a definite goal to work towards. My next 5K is on Father's Day and I want to be at 41:00, instead of 41:30. I want to be under 190 by the end of the week as well. I am so pleased that even though I have screwed up, I manage to get back on track! Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
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Postby nickieluv » May 31st, 2009, 10:10 am

Getting back on track is so important. It's all about moderation once we get to maintenance - we just have to keep planning when we will 'go off' and make sure they are few and far between, or that we compensate with increasing our activity level. I am very happy for you that you have been able to do this so well. And a half marathon?!?! What a massive goal!! Good luck with your training.
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Postby sidrah » June 1st, 2009, 5:06 pm

What happens if you don't finish in under 4 hrs. and 30 min.? That's amazing by the way to want to do that. Like you've heard before, giving up is the mistake, not realizing you made a mistake and fixing it. If you keep trying to do better, you will never fail!!

I second this: Good luck on the training. It takes a good deal of dedication and I am sure you have been a shining example for all around you.
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Postby oksoonergirl26 » June 5th, 2009, 7:41 pm

I don't really know what happens if you don't finish the race in the allotted time...I will have to ask someone. I thought that my son's b-day dinner didn't do too much damage, wrong-o!!!! Pair that with end of year parties with the kids = 3 pounds gained by Wednesday, luckily I was down another 1/2 pound this morning. Once again, I screwed up and didn't lose as much as I could have.
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Postby Karli » June 6th, 2009, 7:34 am

Hope you're getting rid of 'em poundies as I type ! It's so cool that you are giving yourself these goals of exercise, I feel like that part of myself was a whole other lifetime now! Maybe someday, but probably not for a good while.

Rock the socks today ! I'll be thinkin' 'bout ya' !
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