oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby nickieluv » July 11th, 2010, 8:42 pm

All this training - I am sure it is a new thing to have to eat to fuel yourself, instead of eating to lose weight or fill an emotional hole or because you're bored or something. Finally you are using food for the right reasons, right? I hope your body holds up as it gets stronger and stronger!
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby katesmom » July 25th, 2010, 5:45 am

Good Morning !
Just wanted to say hello and that I am back for good...
Have to reach a personal goal by next April !!
Hope all is well with you ! :)
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby oksoonergirl26 » August 12th, 2010, 7:13 pm

Hello everyone!!! I am glad to see that some of you are back and on plan. Robin and I weren't able to get together during the race-I seriously overestimated how many people would be there! I am still running, well trying to run-we have had this heat wave going on 19 straight days now. I took off for six days when we had company and only managed to run two days this week. I am kind of in a funk-not eating healthy at the moment. I will get back on track, but I don't know if I can ever go on the 5 and 1 again. Has anyone tried the new pancakes? Hope everyone is well. School is starting back next week for the teachers and then the kids come back on the 23rd. I am really looking forward to working as a librarian. It will be so awesome to not have to grade papers....
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby rodeomom » August 15th, 2010, 2:56 pm

I like the plain pancakes, but not the chocolate chip ones, which is really weird cuz I am the quintessential CHOCOHOLIC! Don't let the pictures fool ya though - they are nowhere NEAR that fluffy! LOVE the ice creams too
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby Tawanda » August 16th, 2010, 12:45 pm

Hello! I'm happy for you about the librarian job....hope it is a wonderful position with little stress.

Rotten that you and Robin couldn't meet up.

Hope you are doing well!
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby rodeomom » August 18th, 2010, 10:30 pm

Also, if the 5 & 1 is too much for you maybe try a 4 & 2 or even a 5 & 2. When I was trying so very unsuccessfully to get back on the 5 & 1 I actually did fairly well using those others just to be a little more health conscious. Good luck to you. I would LOVE to be a librarian - would certainly put my otherwise useless BA in English (Literature) with a minor in Am History to use.
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby oksoonergirl26 » September 5th, 2010, 1:37 pm

Hellooooo everyone!!!! I am glad to see that you girls are on plan and heading towards your goals!

I have been a bad, bad, bad girl.....anything that disrupts my routine seems to take me forever to recover from, so the scale has not been kind to me. I shouldn't have expected it to, I was just hoping for a magic metabolism or something. The heatwave that wouldn't end totally messed me up training wise. I have only ran about 6 times in the last three weeks-not good when I am training for a marathon and even worse when I am not watching what I eat. Thankfully, the heat has gone away somewhat and I did my long run yesterday and it felt pretty good. I am having a very very hard time figuring out what to eat and I am going to try to go back to the 5/1 or the 4/2 to get back where I was at the beginning of July. I am also going to do every assigned workout this week if it kills me-I hate it that I have let myself get back to this place, I vowed to not let it happen and I did. Tomorrow I will begin eating my bars again and I am probably going to go back to the center for 8-10 weeks or so and then try to get in there for true maintenance and stabilization instead of trying to do it on my own.

On a happier note, I LOVE LOVE my new job! I haven't experienced professional contentment in about 3 years and its kind of revelation for me. My new principal tells me how glad she is that I am there and the little kiddos are so cute and sweet. I get told "I love you" about 20 times a day and they are just so happy to be at school! The little bigger ones are so excited to come and check out books and they want me to help them find something. I feel needed, respected, and productive on a daily basis. Now, if I can just get the diet and exercise on the same page, my life will be as close to perfect and it can be!
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby katieb920 » September 6th, 2010, 6:23 am

Hey Senorita,

I am so glad you popped in....... Missed your readings. I am so happy for you that you found a Job that you LOVE. I also love my job, sometimes it is hard because I work in the food industry and that I go into restaurants every day. But I would not have it any other way. Have you tried all the new products from Medifast. I really like the ice creams. I try to limit myself though to maybe twice a week. I have been trying to do shakes and shakes only.

Have a great labor day
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby DogMa » September 11th, 2010, 4:45 am

That miserable heat would stop anyone! It was the one consolation for being injured and unable to exercise. At least it happened during the hottest part of the summer. :)

I'm basically doing a four and two now, and that's without any running (or anything strenuous for now). And losing weight, so I would guess you need more than that when you're running. I don't know what I'll do when I can run again. Either three and three, or maybe add things to several of the Medifast meals, maybe. Or stop ordering and do it on my own again. I don't know, but if you figure it out before then, let me know!

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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby oksoonergirl26 » September 12th, 2010, 7:27 pm

Okay, so I lied-I didn't start last week. I didn't have as much food leftover as I thought, so I am going to try to do modified program until I can go back to the center and get started again.
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby oksoonergirl26 » October 16th, 2010, 8:40 am

Oh wow-where is everyone???? I am here for confessional. I am not going to do the marathon, I really hate getting up at 5:30 am and it was causing me to miss my son's band performances. I am putting it on hold indefinitely. I am not on plan and I have gained 15 pounds since last January (ouch! it really hurts to write that out). I haven't exercised in almost 3 weeks, and I am in a serious funk again. I don't know why. I love my new job, my hubby and I are fine, so I don't have an excuse this time. I was pretty good this week and managed to go down about 3 pounds, but went and had sushi and 2 martinis last night and a big bowl of Count Chocula for breakfast this morning.....sigh. :x
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby katieb920 » October 17th, 2010, 4:56 pm

Trust me girl, I know what you are going through. I am not on program either. I actually joined ww last week. Do not know if I lost anything yet. My friend bascially broke it down to me and said, Katie you need food for the industry you are in. You go to restaurants every day sampling out food. And I need to try it. So I am going to give this a whirl and see if I can lose some weight by January. If by January I do not see the results I will be back on Medifast. January slows down for me, so wish me luck.
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby oksoonergirl26 » November 21st, 2010, 6:13 pm

Well, I figured out what was wrong with me-I am pregnant! I am due June 22nd, 2011. My hubby and I are super excited and I am trying very hard not to gain too much weight. I am battling some nausea and extreme fatigue and if I don't eat something with protein every two hours, it gets really bad. I haven't had the energy to exercise yet. I have to watch my heart rate now. I tried to run the other day and it shot up really quickly and wouldn't really go back down, so I have to walk :(
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby katieb920 » November 22nd, 2010, 3:00 pm

OMG Congrats. I am so happy for you................ Were you guys trying? Perfect time to have the baby. You will be off during the summer. Do you plan on going back to school.
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby oksoonergirl26 » November 30th, 2010, 9:14 pm

Yeah, we finally decided to try and it worked a lot quicker than we thought it would! I am hoping I will actually have the baby in early June, since I do have to go back to work in early August. I wish I could stay home, but not in this economy.
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