oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby katieb920 » April 25th, 2010, 5:57 am

Hola Mama Sita,

How are you doing? I am so sorry for all of the struggles you are going through. You will get this. You have to. Look at how awesome of a person you have come. You have accomplished so much. Think of it this way, YOU RUN MARATHONS NOW. Could you imagine going back to the 200's. YOu would not be able to run. I know that you can get through this. What made you want to do it in the first place. Think of it also this way. Look how much money you have invested in it. YOU CAN DO IT GIRL. I have faith in you.
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby oksoonergirl26 » April 27th, 2010, 7:16 pm

Thanks so much Katie! I am just feeling totally uninspired because the scale is stuck or moves up, but then again I am not doing anything to help it go down. I can be good for 3 or 4 days and then bad for 4, and so it goes. I haven't exercised since Saturday and have eaten badly since that day as well. I just don't know what my problem is. I promised the ladies at the center I would be good, but it just isn't happening.
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby DogMa » April 28th, 2010, 12:55 pm

I meant to ask you, since now there's a center near me. Do you have to join with them to buy food there? I'm thinking about getting a couple of boxes, just to use as my snacks on some days. But I don't want to place a whole order, and I'd love to just stop in and pick up a box or two at a time (especially since I don't know how well this plan will work; I ate the food before, but it's been so long and I've gotten so used to regular food that I'm not sure I could stomach it anymore).

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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby oksoonergirl26 » May 2nd, 2010, 5:56 pm

Unfortunately they would want you to buy a plan to buy food from them. I don't why they won't let TSFL members purchase food, because it seems like it is good press for Medifast all the way around. I am sitting here on a Sunday, most of this week was a complete and total bust. I only controlled myself for like 1 day and then realized that this just isn't going to work. I was decent yesterday, but today all I really ate was cookie dough-I am craving it for some reason. So, I threw myself into the kitchen and cooked enough on-plan L&G meals for the next week. All I have to do is come home, heat it up, and eat-not go to the wonderful, new, cheap Italian place that just opened. I also have to make myself eat the supplements, not junk from the school cafeteria. I need to set a fitness goal for myself, when I was training for the first half-marathon I had a plan for my 5 or 6 days of exercise and an ultimate goal. I wanted to finish that race in less than 2:45 and I did it. It wasn't easy, but because I knew what was expected each day it was easier. I hate not knowing what each session of bootcamp is going to be, but the instructor doesn't usually plan until before the session. The White Rock marathon is in December and it is my ultimate goal, but tackling marathon training by myself for the next seven months is very daunting. I am going to take my meals one day at a time, if I overthink and overplan I will ended up not doing well.
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby DogMa » May 3rd, 2010, 9:56 am

Well, that's silly. Apparently they'd rather sell nothing at all (to me, anyway) than to sell just a few boxes? OK, then. :)

I posted on my journal. Found a running coach I really like who will give me a training plan. And found another who has a group I might be interested in, and one who is also a trainer (with a gym in her garage).

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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby oksoonergirl26 » May 4th, 2010, 8:42 pm

I went to the Road Runner's site and I am going to email some of the people in McKinney and see what they have to say. I really can't decide if I want someone to work out with or just to check in on me. I contacted the Dallas Runner's Club to see about their training programs, but no one has gotten back to me yet. Had one good day and offset that one with a bad day today and no exercise. My new Sookie Stackhouse book came in today and that took priority over everything!
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby DogMa » May 5th, 2010, 5:20 am

Funny, I e-mailed the DRC, too, before I found the Road Runner club. They haven't responded, either, but all four RRCA coaches got back to me. I love the one I'm working with. I've gone out running with her twice this week, and ran 3 miles both times with no stopping. The first time was almost EASY; the second time, today, a little less so because I hadn't gotten any sleep (family emergency last night; my uncle is in the ICU) and had forgotten my allergy meds last night. She's even running the same race I am on Saturday and has a course map even though it's not posted; she's going to e-mail it to me. So far all she's done is run with me (and hasn't charged me), but it was great. The actual coaching will involve a training plan, but right now I'm just loving having a running partner.

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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby oksoonergirl26 » May 6th, 2010, 10:10 am

Which race are you doing this weekend? We are running one in Wylie that benefits the police department. I haven't exercise at all this week and I was good for two days, but I had a piece of "Teacher Appreciation" pie today for lunch...along with my MF supplements. I am definitely going to contact one of the RR coaches then. The DRC finally got back to me, but they aren't starting another training course until July. I may just put down a chunk of money to do the Speed Development class through Run On! I just can't decide anymore. The pie is not making me feel good anymore.
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby DogMa » May 7th, 2010, 12:40 pm

Oh, that's too bad about the pie. But all you can do is move on, right?

It's the Arlington Highlands 5K or something like that. It benefits some group that provides emergency help to single parents or something; basically, I'm doing it because it's about five minutes from my house and right across the street from Costco, so I'm there every Saturday morning anyway.

I saw the course map, and someone else on her team checked out the elevation and said it's a very flat course. So even though I'm starting to psych myself out a litle today, I know I can do it and I'm just GOING to do it. Even if I have to visualize Coach Bill behind me the whole way, telling me I can't. And Coach Pat on the other side, telling me that of COURSE I can. I plan to be the Little Runner That Could, and just keep repeating "I know I can, I know I can, I know I can ...." But I wish it started earlier; start time is 9:30, when it's already bright and warming up outside and I've been up for hours, which means I have to alter my eating/drinking plan a little. Sigh.

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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby oksoonergirl26 » May 9th, 2010, 6:29 pm

Our race was a pretty flat course too, and I did it in 29:25. Your course was too short and ours was too long! It was 3.4. I have got to figure out to manage my water breaks-I always seem to choke and then it cuts serious amounts off my time. I am running another 5K on Memorial Day and it's the hilly course that I did for my first 5K (45:11), last Memorial Day. My last race on that course was 30:12, and I am determined to break 30 this time. Ideally I would love to do a 28 or a 27, but I just can't seem to push myself that hard yet. I behaved the rest of the week, until yesterday-darn Mother's Day dinner. So, as usual start over on Monday and work off what I gained over the weekend, at some point I will have a real drop.
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby oksoonergirl26 » May 11th, 2010, 12:03 pm

So much for starting over on Monday-more like crash and burn and eat everything in sight on Monday.....today hasn't been as bad, but I haven't been compliant.
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby Karli » May 13th, 2010, 1:07 pm

Hi OK, hope today's treating you well :).
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby saradanielle » May 15th, 2010, 3:16 pm

i love reading about your running. i whent from a competetive marathoner 4 years ago to an overweight mommy of 2 couch potato lol ... im starting from the very bottom with a couch to 5k plan. its so hard for me mentally because iv run competetively since jr high.. but im doing it and feel great! i saw you mention a speed development class? that sounds awesome! i dont think i need a coach for general running since i do know how to train and get my butt in shape but a speed development plan sounds awesome!
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby oksoonergirl26 » May 16th, 2010, 3:04 pm

I was never a runner, cheerleader and a dancer but I hated running or any sports that involved running. Last year though, I started running little bits at a time and it was the one thing that made the weight come off, so what started as exercise has slowly developed into something I am passionate about. My husband and I have a subscription to "Runner's World" and they always have speed workouts as does the website http://www.halhigdon.com. The Hal Higdon website is what I used to train for my half-marathon, but I am not quite disciplined enough to do the marathon training without an actual person there to guide me along, especially when the runs get over 13 miles. I am horrible at planning routes. SD, are you doing any better with the 4 and 2 plan?

I did my last weigh-in visit at the center on Saturday. I have decided to work on stablization and maintenance at this point. After Monday's breakdown I picked myself up and behaved the remainder of the week, ran three days in a row and felt good about it! I am having about 2 or 3 supplements a day and a sensible lunch and dinner. I have been working fruit back into my diet since February and it helps when I am wanting something sweet. I am hoping that this becomes my life and if the pounds keep coming off, it's okay and if they don't-that's okay too. I am just not ready to keep on trying and failing.
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Re: oksoonergirl 26's journey to a better a life

Postby katieb920 » May 17th, 2010, 5:47 am

Hola Sista,

I think it is great that you are focusing on Maintenance. I wish I could just focus and get my butt back on plan. It has been really hard. I do not know what has happened. I just love food a lot.

Hope you are having a great week.
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