by oksoonergirl26 » January 26th, 2010, 7:14 pm
Thanks so much for the support and encouragement ladies! I really had an epiphany today about my running. When I started the running/walking there were two other people with me, they stuck it out for like two months and that was it. So beginning in July I was on my own and I have been ever since. Occasionally my selfish husband (I DO love him, but I am aggravated at him at the moment) would work out with me or slow down to go with me, but I can count those times on one hand-really one hand for the last eight months. When we (meaning the group) started this half marathon thing, my husband has had his running coach with him almost every training session of the way and they ran together for the bulk of the half marathon. I ran with her once and him once, the rest of the time, guess what? I WAS BY MYSELF.....there was no one to push me, encourage, or help me. I DID this on MY OWN, and yeah, maybe I could have gone faster, maybe I could have lost some more weight, but I DID it with my own brain and strength. That really didn't dawn on me until today at the dentist's office when were talking about training and he mentioned his running group and I realized I do not have a running group-I AM the group. So, if I want to do this I am on my own. It's not that my husband isn't supportive, but he is more interested in doing better than his coach, not necessarily doing better because he needs to. Oh well, I will just have to let him figure it out. I was being totally compliant today, until I came home was derailed by the leftover pizza from my food orgy after the half. Now all the bad food is gone and I don't have a choice but to eat MF meals and L&G.