Okayyyyy.. what's with the terrifying cellulite?!

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Okayyyyy.. what's with the terrifying cellulite?!

Postby Carbshateme » September 6th, 2005, 7:02 am

Has anyone npticed that with losing weight your cellulite all the sudden seems super noticeable?! It was like when I was at my highest weight, I had cellulite, but my fat was "hiding" it better. Now it's like BLAMMO, I have TONS.

I'm gonna go break all my mirrors now. :)
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Postby Jan » September 6th, 2005, 11:41 am

Hi there,
Well that ugly cellulite is not my area of expertise but I wil tell you what my daughter told me. She is a senior in pre-med and keeps up on such things. She says cellulite is just bumpy fat and it will go to as the fat goes. So I think you are right -- smooth fat was hiding the bumpy fat. But soon they should both be gone. Sort of like layers maybe. Just keep going along -- we know you are burning up the fat so soon the other should start going too.
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Postby Lisa Renee » September 6th, 2005, 12:16 pm

There is also a new technique where you can have your fat smoothed and rolled..lol...They use a heavy roler and suction so that it actually sucks your skin hard like a vacuum and then they roll back and forth over the area. It's not surgery, in fact I think some upscale spas do it..not sure. I have seen before and after pictures and noticed quite a bit of difference. What we do for beauty...lol... :treadjog:
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Postby Emma » September 7th, 2005, 5:39 am

Carbshateme - can I just say a super belated official welcome to you!? I've been reading alot of your posts and you just crack me up :lol: . You are too funny! And lord knows you need a good sense of humor when you have weight issues.

Thanks for being here! And I'm glad Medifast is working for you.
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Postby Nancy » September 7th, 2005, 11:20 am

Carbshateme ~

I know that when I first started on the weight loss program that I noticed a lot of things that I had never truly noticed before. I hadn't really looked at myself in a mirror for years.

Before Medifasting, I used a teensy tinsy mirror that showed my eyebrow area only so I could pluck them black beauties and also keep them off my chinny chin chins but that's about the extent of my viewing range.

Once I really gave myself the once-over, I was shocked...it was not a pretty sight. I think perhaps I had gone beyond denial...

My saddlebags were humongous...my skin must have been at maximum stretching capacity when I first started and I looked like a sausage - all stuffed in the skin and very plump. Once I began to lose weight, it looked rather bumpy and lumpy and as time goes by, it will change.

I never went through a roller machine like Strawberry mentioned but perhaps we could create our own outlet and compete with Curves...we could call it Rollers...maybe we could wrangle a retired steamroller or one of those asphalt rolly devices. O.K. Girls, line up and we'll all roll together!

Just know that what you see today or even this week is not the final person or body you will be – once you get to your goal weight and some time goes by, your body will change and be perfected.

When you blow up a latex balloon and it has been inflated for a week or two and you untie it, the air goes out, the balloon looks a bit puckery. After several days have passed, it returns to a more normal shape – it is not perfect but it is less puckery. Your bod will do the same, None of us will ever look the way we did when we first popped out of our other’s womb and made our grand entrance on the planet but we surely will not look the way we did the day we began our weight loss program either.

Some of you have been overweight for a very very long time. Some of you are morbidly obese and for years you have abused your body. All choices in life have consequences. Changes our choices now, doing the right things now will not totally erase or eradicate the effects of the previous years of crappy living. We will look better, we will improve our health and the quality of our life and we will be better for it but again, some things cannot be totally undone.

If there had been warnings on the milkshake cups, warnings on the burger and fry wrappers, on the bottles of pop, on the candy wrappers that said, “Warning. If you suck this down today in 10 years you will look like a sumo wrestler and have the heart health of a 90 year old and wrinkles on your buns, ” I doubt very much that it would have deterred me from scarfing everything that wasn’t nailed down…we are what we eat and also what we ate last week, last year and 25 years ago…cellulite is a badge we wear…
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Postby Carbshateme » September 7th, 2005, 5:51 pm

Thanks for the sweet welcome Emma! I cannot WAIT until I am 213! Then I is gonna walk my self around naked ALL THE TIME, scary cellulite or not.

And Nancy, you are always brill and you always make me feel better. YOU NEED to write a book! Or, are you all ready? "Confessions of a Leopard Vixen?" :) :) :)
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Postby Nancy » September 7th, 2005, 6:14 pm


You are about ready to slide under the 75 mark! Oh, this is a very big deal - a really Big Hairy Deal!!!!

Yes, I am quite the Vixen all right....just ask Unca and Terry (he's the husband that rarely makes an appearance here....)

I love my Leopardy life.... :secret: I got so busy today on the phone and with my email that I didn't get shower hour until 2 PM. My grandson Nick and his Mamaseetah arrived at 1:30 PM for a little nuzzle and visit and caught me wearing my Leopard pajammy shirt and leopardy underdoodies...yes, I AM a vixen, indeedy doo...I am cute now and going out for a little ride in Unca's car.... :drive: because I can! Until he returns, I'm outta here! :mrgreen:
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