Okay, I need some help !!!

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Okay, I need some help !!!

Postby Tiolazz » March 31st, 2006, 1:41 pm

Started on my M/F today and I am currently freaking out. :shock:

I had the maple oatmeal for my first meal, it was not horrible, but the consistancy kinda freaked me out... so I was fine..... :)

Then came the smore bar, I have a sore tooth so it was kinda tough to chew on, but I managed and I can handle that one okay too. Strange taste, but I can handle it.... :?

Then came my third meal, I chose chicken noodle soup. I made the soup at home last night on the stove top, added some seasonings, salt, Pepper and a little poultry seasoning, put it in a container and brought it with me to work.... I then heated it up in the microwave before eating, and OMG. I totally freaked out, the little clumps of stuff in it, what are they. I almost gagged.... :x And I love chicken noodle soup....

I know I said that I could eat dirt to lose these pounds, but I am really nervous that I won't be able to keep it up. I really need some help with the food, some ideas, some suggestions, something that can help me be able to eat this.

I know everyone said that it would get better after the first three days, but I need to be able to eat it during those three days...

Please, Please tell me some ideas, what you have found that it good, what I am doing wrong. HELP !!!

I really have to have this work, and don't want to fail at another diet.....
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Postby Pashta » March 31st, 2006, 2:17 pm

If the consistency of the oatmeal is weird to you, too thick or something, just add more water. As for the S'mores bar, those taste best nuked in the micro for 10 seconds. Much easier to bite! The chicken noodle soup, the lumps are the soy protein. You need to follow directions exactly so you don't get lumps, and I don't think making it last night and eating it today was such a great idea. :( You don't have a microwave at work?

There are lots of different food choices here, you will find one you really like. It only takes a couple days to get used to the soy taste if you are sensitive to it. You can do it!!

Check out the Lean Cuisine section here on the forum for tons and tons of ideas and recipes! It's great! :mrgreen:

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Postby loriannk » March 31st, 2006, 3:52 pm

I almost quit after my first day until I found this site. I have to doctor all the food a bit to make it better for me. You have to play around with spices, extract and DaVinci Sugar Free Syrup to your liking.

My favorites are the Oatmeal Muffins (apple cinny or maple syrup). I put Walden Farms Fruit spread on the top and it is so so yummy.

Vanilla Shake with Banana Extract or DaVinci Banana Syrup.

Chicken Noodle Soup with 1 boullion cube.

I can eat the chili all spiced up and the puddings are ok. I like the hot chocolate all by itself. Everyones tastes are different.

Dont give up. Keep trying some recipes in the Lean Cuisine Section.

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Postby falisamarie » March 31st, 2006, 3:58 pm

You can do this! I think that maybe you cooked your soup too quickly. If you do it on the stovetop(I perfer it this way too) just heat it slowly I usually put mine in a pot with a lid and put it on low and let it cook.

Don't worry you will find things you like and some that aren't too your liking. For me personally the Smores bars smell like playdoo and I have a hard time getting those down.

Keep shakin you will do this

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Postby DogMa » March 31st, 2006, 4:37 pm

I do the chicken noodle ahead to soften the noodles and then nuke it a day or two later all the time, but I've never had lumps. There ARE little bigs of "chicken" in it, but I wouldn't describe them as lumps.

I didn't like many of the foods at first, either. I lived on cream of broccoli soup (be careful not to get lumps, and add some salsa to perk it up), RTD shakes, s'mores bars and chicken noodle soup at first (didn't love any of it, but I could tolerate it).

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Postby JustJeni » March 31st, 2006, 4:41 pm

Terri! Hello! Hang in there! Just to let you know i don't like any of the HOT items except the oatmeal. What I do with that Smores bar is I pop it in the microwave for a few second and it taste lots better! I add sweet N low to my oatmeal. Hope this helps you. Don't give up!
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Postby bzlife1967 » March 31st, 2006, 4:43 pm

I felt the same way about the oatmeal and now it is one of my favorites. You have to mess with the consistancy a bit. The first time it was like glue, next time like soup but now I have it down. I don't measure the water just use the same bowl all the time. You will get it.

The chicken noodle soup is one of my favorites too. I have a shaker jar in my desk drawer and when I get to work in the morning I add the soup and water to my shaker jar shake it up and put it back in my desk drawer, by lunch time I just heat it in the micro for one minute and its perfect.

The first day everything tasted kinda funny to me too, but now I love it all. Still not a fan of the chili, the orange, strawberry or banana shakes but I put them aside and will try them again.

You can do this!! Just put your scientist hat on and concoct up your favorite flavors, its quite fun to come up with new ones.

Browse the lean cuisine section. Tons of ideas there.
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Postby Taszi17 » March 31st, 2006, 7:27 pm

Hey chickie:) I had the chicken noodle today as well but I used the hot water from the coffee maker at work and shook the hell outta it in the shaker and I thought it was pretty good. Now the chili is a different story. It wasn't bad per say but it looked nothing like the picture on the box no matter how long I let it sit.
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Postby bzlife1967 » March 31st, 2006, 7:35 pm

Taszi, be very careful putting hot water in the shaker jar and shaking it up they have been known to explode and get your meal all over the place. Just make sure you hold on tight to the lid while your shaking... You don't wanna know how I know 8)

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Postby Taszi17 » March 31st, 2006, 7:42 pm

lmao omg that was way 2 funny. I read in the quick start that the water shouldn't be boiling but just hot so I figured that spout on the coffee maker at work would do but man oh man I can only imagine hehehe.

That was one of my questions if it really matters how much water you add to these meals. I know with the pudding I added more than I should of and it never congealed (if that is how you spell it hehe)

I only have the baby shaker and I fill it up to that I think it is the 8 oz line the top one.
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Postby Tiolazz » March 31st, 2006, 8:38 pm

Well everyone, I had my L/G tonight which after the day I had was sheer heaven.
I ate exactly as instructed all day, and am very proud of myself for making it through day one.

Pee'd like a maniac all day, (bet my boss's loved that hehe)

Had a heck of a headache but I was prepared for that. I get migraines alot anyway, so I just took my meds and presto it was gone.

I had my chocolate pudding tonight, (first batch was a disaster, but I did not give up) and second one was actually good.

I guess I will get use to the aftertaste...

I made it through day one, and am not giving up. My husband is such a great support person, and he even told me that he would eat the chicken noodle soup with me to show me that it was not that bad, (kinda like my daddy telling me he would sleep under my bed when I was little and scared, LOL)

I think I just made a mistake cooking it too fast and the night before.

I bought some syrups tonight and lots of seasonings and hot sauces so I will be better prepared over the weekend to doctor things up.

But just wanted to tell you all, everyone, specially those of you that sent me private messages of encouragement, that this place is a god send.

Had it not been for all the positive messages, and replys I would have quit today.

So Thanks !!!! I guess you will all just have to put up with me from now on, at least until I look like Nancy..... Wow! won't that be great !!!!

On to Day Two.... :bib:

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Postby Loribug » March 31st, 2006, 10:50 pm

Terri, with the pudding, I put splenda and a splash of divinci chocolate syrup and there is no aftertaste, kind of reminds me of a fudge flavor.

(that is the choc pudding I am talking about, not the nanner) :lol:
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Postby Bonnie » April 3rd, 2006, 2:32 pm

Hi Terri

The first time I made the Pudding I put too much water in and stirred and stirred and stirred it and it was soup. I drank it anyway. Now I own a little wire whisp - I put the 4 oz of water in with the Medifast and whisp it with refrigerated water and it is ready in 1 minute. I love the taste of both puddings.

In regards to the Chicken Noodle Soup - the secret is to put it in your shaker jar 1 hour before you cook it. Then sprinkle a little chicken boullion in it and put it in the microwave for 1 minute & 20 seconds. It is my favorite.

The Peach Oatmeal is my new favorite - take 3/4 cup water put the oatmeal and 1 splenda packet in & microwave it for 1 min 20 sec then stir & put it back in the microwave 30 seconds and it is done.

Have fun watching your weight do the disappearing :couch: act on you!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Marseilles » April 3rd, 2006, 2:37 pm

Falisamarie? Re: Playdoo....is that what a playdoggie does in the backyard? :P

Way too funny, Lisa and I were strolling Costco and she almost made me choke on my Smores bar when she said it smelled like play-doh!

yes, we met today for coffee and did some shopping and it was a blast. Tomorrow we intend to meet again and spend some time lounging by the pool...wheee, how cool huh?

I did bring my camera but got sidetracked with all of our chatting and took no pictures. i'll do better tomorrow, promise!

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