Okay, I need to ask a little question about....constipation

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Okay, I need to ask a little question about....constipation

Postby itsgonnaworkthistime » February 4th, 2005, 7:38 am

I am having a little problem.....and kind of think that is what is holding me back on the losing game. I am going to buy some metamucil and was curious if anyone has just mixed it in their shake?

Or if you have any other "cures" for the issue.... :?

Sorry to bring up the wierd subject....

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Postby Marseilles » February 4th, 2005, 7:51 am

lol..not to worry Maura, it happens while on MF.

Fact is, you are not taking alot in so you are not expelling alot. People do use metamucil or something like it..just make sure you buy the sugar free stuff. As well, I think there is a pill form, which would be my choice as opposed to snarfing a big old glass of fibre. I do not know that I would try to mix it directly with the shakes though!

Nancy has suggested in the past that women have a small green salad 2-3 times a week to help with this as well.

I believe I quote the leopard woman verbatim when I say "Green will eventually turn to brown." Yes, out of the mouth of Miss Nancy. LOL!!

I would suggest increasing your water intake for relief from this too, if at all possible.

Good luck!
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Postby raederle » February 4th, 2005, 8:22 am

Thanks for the info, Marseilles, and thanks for bringing this up, Maura! I've been in such a perpetual state of constipation for the past couple weeks that I 'm ready to call it "constant-pation." I'm still in a stall like I know you've been, too, Maura, so I hope for both of us that solving this little problem will help us lose more quickly.

I've never taken a fiber supp so I guess I'll wander around the CVS this afternoon over lunch and see what SF options there are these days. I've tried taking laxatives, but I fear them somewhat because of their unreliability, if you know what I mean. Plus, for some reason taking them makes me feel like I'm a psycho for weight loss-- desperate to get rid of poundage however I can! :shock: FIber seems like a kinder, gentler alternative...
Last edited by raederle on February 4th, 2005, 8:47 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Marseilles » February 4th, 2005, 8:31 am

I will add one more thing as well to this one, for the record...

I have found that if you mix up your MF supplements to include a good variety of the whey protein and soy protein there is less problem with constipation.

And really, dont stress it too much...your mind is telling you that you aren't going often enough but I chalk it up to the fact that there is so little 'waste' involved in medifasting that you really just dont need to go as often, in addition to the fact that this is a very low calorie diet.

Also; water, water, water!!

I hear ya though Rae...the whole laxative thing is just NOT a move I am prepared to make for those very same reasons.

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Postby itsgonnaworkthistime » February 4th, 2005, 8:32 am

Thanks Marseilles and Rae,

From reading the FAQ's etc, I knew the little problem came with the territory. My thought was if I could just mix it in the shake, then I wouldn't have to worry about wolfing down a full glass of that "stuff". :toast:

I drink a ton of water as it is, but lately in lieu of the salad, I have opted for the veggie veggie. So I will get back on the salad, and also take a trip to the drug store to see what there is available. I had no idea they had a sugar free version of Metamucil.

thanks you guys.

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Postby explorthis » February 4th, 2005, 9:59 am

Trust me when I tell you that Metamucil capsules on this program will be your best friend.

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Postby raederle » February 4th, 2005, 10:17 am

Metamucil caps might not be so bad--- I must try! I also see that Benefibre makes a SF stirrable fiber mix that supposedly is tasteless and non-gritty. The reviews on drugstore dot com look pretty good. Maybe, Maura, you could mix that with a shake? It says you can add a TBSP to about 4 oz of liquid, and some people stick it in Gatorade without tasting/feeling it. Hmmm... I might try it (sans Gatorade, of course!) ;)

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Postby LongWay2go » February 4th, 2005, 10:51 am

I have to pipe in here. When I was on OptiFast several years ago, I went on Metamucil for daily fiber. I continued that even after I left their program and found after time that I basically had to have that all the time. My body had become dependent. It took me months to get off it!

When I started on MediFast I was determined that I would NOT use a fiber supplement this time. I'll tell you that was rough for the first month, (maybe a few weeks, but sure felt like a month!) but my body adjusted and if you'll pardon the pun, it's been smooth sailing ever since!

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Postby Marseilles » February 4th, 2005, 10:56 am

lol..so punny!

I have heard that as well, actually, that one could become dependant on it. I would guess occasional use wont hurt anything though.
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Postby monkeymom » February 4th, 2005, 11:32 am

If the fiber laxatives don't work, you might try "correctal" for a short time. It's very gentle and works well, I used it years ago during pregnancy. It might just get you through the weeks it takes your body to adjust to the program without having the problem of becoming dependent on the Metamucil or other fiber supplements.

I've only been on the program a week and luckily haven't had any problems yet. Keepin' my fingers crossed.

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Another Idea

Postby Joan Roman » February 4th, 2005, 11:50 am

It might not sound like fun...but if you don't already do it....walking or some exersize can get you MOVIN'...sorry couldn't resist. :o It does really work though and it doesn't have to be vigorous. The best thing is it is free and natural!

I hope everything works out for you! Sorry...can you tell I teach kindergarten? It just comes naturally! :roll:
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Postby raederle » February 4th, 2005, 11:55 am

Hmmm... Last thing I want is to get hooked on fiber supps. First nachos, now fiber!!!

Just wanted to pass along (ha ha ha) the news that I just bought some FiberChoice chewable tablets after lounging in the laxative aisle for half an hour at CVS. They're SF, and you get 4 grams per serving (=2 tabs) of natural, plant-derived fiber that doesn't swell up in your gut when you eat it like some other kinds of supps, supposedly. Anyway, they're only 16 cals for a 2-pill daily dose, and they're all fiber cals-- no sugar. Funny thing? They're *really* yummy! Orangey-flavored, like Flintstones vitamins...

Yikes. Now I have to stop myself from gorging on fiber pills! Good lord, what have I become? A fiber-munching lunatic! No wonder people get hooked on these things!!!

Whew. I think the moment has passed. Time for some chili. I promise to use the fiber sparingly. Really.

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Postby Marseilles » February 4th, 2005, 12:24 pm

Okay, I dont know what is funnier Rae...you, 'lounging' in the laxative aisle at CVS or you, addicted to fibre supplements and eating them like candy!

What a comical thread this is...wheeee!

And hey...at least noone has suggested tape worms in this one yet!

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Postby TamiL » February 4th, 2005, 12:30 pm

Do you like the orange Flavored shakes? what I have been doing is using the ORANGE flavored metamusil packages..they sell them in individual packs...I mix one package with an orange shake..add some ice and a dash of vanilla extract...and it tastes fine....it gets a bit thicker even like a milkshake!! but its very tolerable!! I have that 2ce a day at times I cant go to the bathroom...and its like MAGIC!!!
also....along with the WATER....try taking some type of essential oil caps...like evening primrose oil at night....that helps as well....

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Postby explorthis » February 4th, 2005, 1:22 pm

Trust me when I tell you that Metamucil capsules on this program will be your best friend

Who said that?

Yawn….. Fiber, Schmiber. Take the capsules. You ain’t gonna overeat them, and how could you possible get “addicted” to a fiber capsule? Not like your snorting it (Spidey?)

DURING… and again, DURING!!! the full fast part, I was a little, uh, “backed up” and taking 2-3 of these in the morning. Made for (as Spidey said) “smooth sailing”

Nothing like mixing up something else in Medifast to make it easier, just pop the capsule.


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