Okay, I need to ask a little question about....constipation

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Postby itsgonnaworkthistime » February 4th, 2005, 1:31 pm

I do like the orange shakes. Its nice to know I can mix that stuff in the shakes. I wasn't wanting to have to drink it separately.

A girl here at work, had some Omega 3 fatty acids (liquid form) and gave me a couple teaspoons of it, so we will see if that gets it movin....


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Postby NikkiNix » February 4th, 2005, 1:36 pm

Hi Maura,

I didn't do the Metamucil but I did order the tomato fast soups and let me tell ya that helped my little problem. It's a different alternative than the pills and laxatives and it's still on the MF program. Maybe you should try that and of course drinking the water really helps, they say atleast 64 oz but Dr says you should really be drinking 1/2 our body weight in ounces of water. I know this sounds like alot but when I stepped up my water to double what it says it really started to help. Good luck.

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Postby raederle » February 4th, 2005, 1:37 pm

Marseilles, this thread *is* hilarious! :nutz:

So, Mike, maybe it's just a girl thing. Apparently the conclusion is, if you want a quick, non-nonsense, cut-to-the-chase solution, you go with the guy's advice: just pop a couple pills already and quit yer bi***in'!!! Buuuuttt.... if you want PIZZAZZ and EXCITEMENT and VARIETY and COMPLICATION (wowwweee zoweee!!!!), well, then, you gotta follow the gals and spend 15 minutes a day mixing yourself up a darling cocktail of orange metamucil delite topped with fiber tablet shavings and a pink umbrella!

Nothing is worth doing if ain't overly complex, more difficult than it has to be, and a general pain in the butt to do... at least, if you're a chick! :mrgreen:

So I'm stickin' to my fiber munchy candies and you can't pry 'em from my desperate, grubby, orange-stained hands! (Especially since I shelled out $14 for 'em! ;) )

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Postby LongWay2go » February 4th, 2005, 1:41 pm

explorthis wrote:Easy-Peasy-Jappenesy.
-Just a regular guy.

Ok, you keep that up and right after I :puke: in the sink, I'm sending Marseilles with her 'maters and 24k with her bricks to visit Guido! :roflmao:

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Postby raederle » February 4th, 2005, 1:56 pm

Hey, if my tapeworm gets constipated, does that mean I stop losing weight?

Marseilles, I just *had* to do it...

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Postby Marseilles » February 5th, 2005, 8:02 am


That is just SO not fair!

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Postby raederle » February 5th, 2005, 10:26 am


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Metamucil Orange Delight cocktail w/ fiber Shavings?

Postby cthrn007 » February 5th, 2005, 11:08 am

That was soooo funny! :point:
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Postby cplantho » February 5th, 2005, 2:18 pm

Constipated tapeworm?....hmmm....I would say just down a few more of those orange flavored crack patties. :-P


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Postby MamaD » February 5th, 2005, 7:17 pm

I agree with Mike the Meta-table master. Take the dern pills... I take 4-6 a day all at once and drink a whole glass of water as I stand there. You have to drink a ton of MORE water with those little bullets tho...or they have the opposite effect........We'll all be "brown eye-ed girls" then!!

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Postby jene115 » February 5th, 2005, 7:28 pm

Hey now! Are you insinuating we brown-eyed girls are full of it? :brickwall:
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Postby MamaD » February 5th, 2005, 7:33 pm

Well Jennnnnnnn
There are those of us who are naturals....and the wannabees!!
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Postby jene115 » February 5th, 2005, 7:45 pm

Ok then, I'm definitely a natural :mrgreen:
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Postby explorthis » February 6th, 2005, 12:16 am

Gee, sorry I missed all the fun… I just got out of one of my “regular” reading sessions…

Say it with me BA-WHOOOOO-SH

Again, just a regular (non tape worm bearing) guy.
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Postby Nancy » February 6th, 2005, 2:47 am

Oh, great! When all this busts loose, we'll have to have the Hunny Buckets on parade again...

Please DO NOT mention Chili and stool softeners in the same sentence = NOT a pretty sight!
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