Marseilles, this thread *is* hilarious!
So, Mike, maybe it's just a girl thing. Apparently the conclusion is, if you want a quick, non-nonsense, cut-to-the-chase solution, you go with the guy's advice: just pop a couple pills already and quit yer bi***in'!!! Buuuuttt.... if you want PIZZAZZ and EXCITEMENT and VARIETY and COMPLICATION (wowwweee zoweee!!!!), well, then, you gotta follow the gals and spend 15 minutes a day mixing yourself up a darling cocktail of orange metamucil delite topped with fiber tablet shavings and a pink umbrella!
Nothing is worth doing if ain't overly complex, more difficult than it has to be, and a general pain in the butt to do... at least, if you're a chick!
So I'm stickin' to my fiber munchy candies and you can't pry 'em from my desperate, grubby, orange-stained hands! (Especially since I shelled out $14 for 'em!
