Haha Ron, I can so relate...
My coworkers are doing a weekly event which consists of volleyball, badminton, skiing, etc...
I told them that as soon as I get more calories in my body, I'd never miss one of those events. I'm even thinking of organizing them!!
The more I approach my goal, the more I become enthusiast about being active. I'm so full of energy, but am limiting myself to light exercise for the moment (walk, jog). Soon (near the end of my MF cure), I'll do a jogging plan which will allow me to run 4 miles one-shot.
And in May 3rd, when I turn 22, I promised myself I'd be fit for some serious exercise and fun with my coworkers. For the first time in my life, I think I'll be competitive with the others, and actually have a motivation to run, jump, hide, sweat, etc
Indeed Ron, let's keep shaking!!