by Lauren » March 30th, 2006, 7:47 am
Hey, Michelle-
You know, the hunger thing I find fascinating. I've been on MF for 20 weeks, and all told, I am almost never hungry. But, I have found that every once in a while (not even once a week), I just have a hungry hour or day or whatever. I am realizing that bizarre triggers could be at play. For instance, on Tuesday I took a Zyrtec for allergies, since the season is upon us. I used to take Zyrtec every day (bad allergies), but I got off it months ago. Anyway, I took it for the first time in ages on Tuesday, and then didn't think twice about it. But for the rest of the day on Tuesday I was RAVENOUS, thought about food all day, and the day was literally moving in slow motion. I love my work and it's very high-paced, so that feeling of watching the clock is not frequent. I was off the entire day, and was so excited for bed time to come, to put me out of my misery! :-)
Anyway, my point? I think that it's possible (and I am not a doctor, but becoming very aware of my body through this diet) that we take in much fewer calories and really minimal "extras," that perhaps any foreign substance could trigger our bodies to freak out. Getting sick or taking a new medication or doing some new work out, whatever it is, seems to have a more profound affect on my body than before.
So, perhaps it's not the actual sugar in your meds. Maybe it's just that the meds are something different, and are holding more territory in your smaller body that is taking in fewer calories?
Just a thought...
Hope you're feeling much better!