I host the National Take Shape For Life Maintenance Support Call the 3rd Wednesday of each month and invite you to listen and participate when you are able.
In case you missed the live Weekly Maintenance Support Call this evening (October 17th), I want to encourage you to listen to the playback while it is available.
The Playback number is 1 (512) 505-6863.
It is approximately 24.5 minutes in length.
My topic this week is “From 3-D to 3-P”
Yup, TSFL took me from living a 3-D Life:

to a 3-P Life, focused on:

There is a wise saying that states: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes,
it is a tree of life.”
The fulfillment of a dream or a desire is life-giving.
Before I started on the TSFL program, I was out of control with food,
my face and body were round like a pumpkin, my blood pressure, cholesterol and weight not only taxed my heart health but I must admit that I was really broken-hearted, too – disappointed in myself; many diet failures left me feeling like I was a personal failure.
The proven TSFL Program is designed to provide the nutrition our body needs in the proper amounts, enabling us to “Git-R-Done” and we begin to take Pride in our health and accomplishment and it opens up a new world of Possibilities for us.
My guest on the call this week is a personal friend of ours Lisa Castro.
She is a client, Health Coach and National Director for TSFL.
She shares her amazing story of how her life has changed from 3-D to 3-P.
Lisa had fibromyalgia, lupus, and low thyroid, low blood sugar and difficulty functioning due to the autoimmune disorder.
The morning of her 43rd birthday, she awakened and felt so wiped out that she couldn’t get out of bed. She cried and felt resigned to being overweight and sick for the rest of her life.
In addition to losing weight, Lisa experienced wonderful changes in her health – her thyroid medication is reduced, her blood sugar is normalized, she exercises, and her blood tests show the autoimmune disorder is gone.
Buh-bye foody blues!
I know listening to the playback of the call will bring hope to those of you who may be feeling puny in your spirit…listen to the call and be renewed in your resolve to become your healthiest best!