Nuther Newbie

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Nuther Newbie

Postby Shelly Mills » February 9th, 2005, 8:24 am


I just ordered a two week supply and I wanted to give this a try. I want to lose 30 pounds. I read all good things about this. How long should it taske before clothes start to get loose?


<edit>Moved - UT</edit>
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Shelly Mills

Postby explorthis » February 9th, 2005, 8:55 am

Hey Shelly. Welcome to the group. Everyone is different with loss amounts.

Come over to this link, and become a member. There are benefits, like being able to see who is on line, and becoming a member of the weight clubs.

After you become a member, tell us little about yourself, and we can give you a better picture.

It's a great forum. We can probably answer most any question you have, as we have "all been there, done that" !!
Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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