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Day 8, not so good.

Postby Nurcyn » June 6th, 2009, 3:47 pm

Well, I don't know if it's hormones starting to rear their ugly heads or what it is, but I'm having a rough day today. I feel SUPER hungry and I've just been having a pity party all day. The whole, "I wish I was a 'normal' person", "I'm tired of having to always be conscious of what I'm eating and what I look/feel like". I was jealous of my husband while he cooked whatever he wanted. I was jealous of my son for eating corndogs for lunch and being thin anyway. I think it's just my first test, testing whether I'm really in this for the long haul, if I'm REALLY ready to change and to incorporate discipline into my life. So I've prayed, I've drank water, I've tried not to think about it. I'm a little concerned about PMS, which might be kicking in, because I'm always twice as hungry that week. So....I'm just going to stick with it today; there's hope that tomorrow will be easier. I'm just going to tell myself that, because I'm tired of giving up. :cry:
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Postby Nurcyn » June 6th, 2009, 3:51 pm

Oh, and I haven't done the 24 hour shift yet. It's Sunday night; today I'm doing the goofy 3pm-3am shift. So I'm having to alter my whole MF schedule, in addition to being stressed because I'm almost out of shakes (my fave) and my new shipment won't be here till at least Thursday. That's another thing, lol....I got MAD because I can't just go to the store and buy what I need to's totally dependent on the efficiency of others!! I went to the Medifast center here in Phoenix and they wouldn't sell me any food unless I buy an entire months worse plus a surcharge...for around $330, which I don't have at my disposal this week! I was so mad about that, I almost used it as a "quit" excuse. But, I guess it's time to grow up. :x
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Postby nickieluv » June 6th, 2009, 3:53 pm

I'm sorry you're having a rough day. Sometimes it turns out that being extra hungry means you're in for a big loss coming up - I hope that's true for you.

Just a note on 'normal' - something I have learned after all this time is that thinking about what you eat IS normal - the way we have just been eating whatever we wanted all the time is decidedly NOT normal. People who can do that are in the minority, and it usually catches up to them at some point in their lives (like the 30s or 40s). When I am brave enough to talk to a thin person about what they do, they always tell me that they watch their calories and make healthy lifestyle choices. And the reward is having a healthy body. We can do it, too - we just have to want to be normal badly enough!
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Postby Nurcyn » June 6th, 2009, 4:05 pm

THANKS Nickieluv. Agreed. I'm hoping it's just a loss around the corner (though heading into TOM I might not weigh for 2 weeks!) lol, I did find that some diet wild cherry pepsi seemed to temporarily cure my blues. And I should know better.....I work in the ER and see the result of "normal" people who eat what they want all their lives. It's not pretty, and not for me. Ok, I think I'm a little better.
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Postby Karli » June 6th, 2009, 5:04 pm

Yeah, don't give up ! It sounds like the going is a little rough right now, but you will be happy you stayed the course ! Great points, Nickie ! I haven't ever looked at it all that way before, but that puts it into a perspective a bit, for sure.

That's got to be tough, Cyndi, to have your work schedule always changing all around you. It could be that, if it has changed today (which, if I am understanding you correctly, is the case), that this is the main reason you are so hungry today. Sometimes just changing when you have your meals will do that. Hang in there though !
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Postby oksoonergirl26 » June 7th, 2009, 11:35 am

To help with PMS and TOM I highly recommend taking Midol. It seems to help me with headaches and the water weight. Also, if you haven't tried the flavor infusers, I would suggest those after your first three weeks or so on the program. Another thing that helps me cope with cravings are the soy crisps and crackers. I am sorry about your center. I actually signed up through a center and my food is cheaper than online, but I paid for the "program" that includes weigh-ins, counseling, blood work, and bmi measurements. It costs a lot to get going, but it helps me when I have to turn in a food journal that shows where I pigged out on chips and queso or had a slice of chocolate cake. I did a 50 pound program and will probably renew for another 50 pounds. Have you tried the crunch bars? I also prefer the ready to drink shakes to the powdered ones...
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Postby Nurcyn » June 7th, 2009, 7:21 pm

Well, Day 9....much better than yesterday!! Still battling the hungries but not nearly so much. So all, I'm embarking on my night shift as of now....I managed to sleep till noon today to push my MF schedule forward and try not to have to have extra supplements. So far I've only had 2, so I have 3 more plus my L&G to get me to 7am. I should be able to do it. I probably won't weigh for a couple of days because I know the exhaustion factor does nothing to up the losses!! But I'm proud of myself because I made it through yesterday and in 9 days have had not ONE cheat. Not even a little! Miracle for me, by the way. I was a little irritated with an article I read about MF yesterday, where someone wrote that MF does not teach a change in behavior that caused the weight issues in the first place; I BEG TO DIFFER. I realized this today: BECAUSE MF is very strict, it FORCES discipline. Without absolute discipline, it's failure!! Major milestone the last 2 days; I realized how often I must have grazed on my kid's food when I was making it. I was almost automatic and about 4 times I've caught myself halfway to my mouth with salami, bread, chicken nugget.....but then the MF brain kicks in and I put it down. It was MINDLESS! So as far as "not changing the behavior", I disagree! MF is teaching me DISCIPLINE and AWARENESS of what goes in. THAT felt good. I'm down still 8, scale hasn't budged since Friday, but that's ok. 8lbs in a week works for me. As long as I see SOME progress this week, like hitting the 10lb mark, I'll be happy!
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Postby sidrah » June 8th, 2009, 2:45 am

Hi there,
I found this on the MF site and copied it for you:

"Don't worry, you're not alone! Many members of the Medifast family have "crazy" schedules (nurses, pilots, doctors, etc) and have questions similar to this one. The 5 & 1 Plan is designed to have an individual consume 5 Medifast meals and 1 Lean and Green within a 24-hour period (and each person may be different as the exact "hour" their 24-hour time frame begins/ends).

In addition to getting 5 Medifast meals and 1 lean and green in during a 24-hour period, Medifast recommends for individuals to try and eat every 2-3 hours when awake (you don't need to "wake up" from a sound sleep in order to get in your 5 & 1 ) to help maintain an even supply of energy to the body and help promote more stable blood glucose levels.

Also, don't forget you can split up your lean and green meal (have 1/2 at one point in the day and 1/2 at sure to still enjoy your 5 Medifast meals!)

Here is an example of how your day might look:

2pm--Wake--1st Medifast meal
5pm--1/2 Lean and Green (i.e. 3 ounces chicken and 1/2 cup broccoli)
8pm--2nd Medifast meal
11pm--3rd Medifast meal
1 am--1/2 Lean and Green (i.e. 3 ounces chicken and 1 cup salad with 1/2 cup tomatoes)
4 am--4th Medifast meal
7 am--5th Medifast meal
8 am--Sleep time

On days when you don't work the "overnighters" you can still start/stop your 24-hour period around 8 am, but would be able to space your meals differently and may not need to split up your lean and green in order to be eating every 2-3 hours.

For a non-overnight day, here is an example:
8 am--Rise--1st Medifast meal
11 am--2nd Medifast meal
2 pm--3rd Medifast Meal
4 pm--4th Medifast meal
6:30 pm--Lean and Green
9:30 pm--5th Medifast meal
11 pm--Bed"
Don't really care as long as everything's better than yesterday was...

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Postby oksoonergirl26 » June 8th, 2009, 9:00 am

I agree that there is a lot of criticism about the MF program. People have asked me, "do you plan on eating their food forever"? I don't see why I can't supplement my diet with MF meals when I begin maintaining. The discipline on this program is stricter than other diets and it does require a change. I get frustrated when people want me to do Weight Watchers, b/c it doesn't actually teach me NOT to eat things that are bad, it just offers substitute foods for the unhealthier options. I don't want to eat bread or sugar at all....Also, being on this plan has taught me to love vegetables! Something no ever diet has been able to convert me to. I believe this plan works because it really does take your cravings away and reduces your appetite (give it a few more weeks). I find myself not wanting to eat all of my L&G about 2 times a week.
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Postby Nurcyn » June 8th, 2009, 12:05 pm

Day 10, NOT hungry, down 9lbs. Can't complain! Made it through the crazy shifts and just adjusted the eating schedule and it worked out perfectly. Had my last supplement at 5am, got off at 7:30, sleep at 8, up at noon, had my first supplement. I SURVIVED! Feeling much better today than Saturday. So proud of myself for sticking with it and forcing myself to have the willpower. One battle won, gives me hope that I can face all the others!! Thanks to everyone for their encouragement. Hope you're all doing great! Just hoping that my shipment will get here QUICK...or I'll be forced to have mostly crunch bars on Wed/Thurs!
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Postby Karli » June 8th, 2009, 12:29 pm

Wow, great job, Cyndi ! That is *truly* impressive !! :thumbsup: :bravo:
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Postby sidrah » June 8th, 2009, 11:21 pm

Where there is a will, there is a have found your way
Don't really care as long as everything's better than yesterday was...

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Postby Nurcyn » June 10th, 2009, 9:26 am

Well, 12 days, 12 pounds. Can't beat that! Even at TOM, no doubt. I told myself I was NOT going to weigh for several days, but alas, I can't seem to do it :lol:

Major victory yesterday, took my kids to the movies (and if you haven't seen UP, I HIGHLY recommend it!) and got them popcorn.....but I didn't touch ONE piece...just held onto my diet Dr. Pepper for dear life, lol.

Yesterday I had alot of hunger at night; no doubt b/c of hormones, but I made it through and saw the payoff this morning.

Question: when should/can I start exercising? I feel like I'm ready to throw in a powerwalk a few times a week, which I love. (Only time a mom of a 6 and 1 year old can get to herself!)

Wishing everyone success and happy shakin' today..... :popcorn:
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Postby oksoonergirl26 » June 10th, 2009, 4:40 pm

Wait at least three weeks before you begin exercising and then only exercise for about 30 minutes three times a week. Well, that's what they say, but after a month on the program I was training for a 5K and honestly I walk/jog 5-6 times a week. I do no less than 3 miles each time I work out,now. I started out doing 1.5 and worked up. I will caution you that about the second week of exercising you will want to eat anything and everything. I threatened my husband for eating a piece of toast with PB on it in front of me. I don't even like PB! One thing I discovered at the movies is to take a package of the soy crisps and a Crystal Light or flavor infuser for water.
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Postby Nurcyn » June 11th, 2009, 7:10 pm

Day 13....scale stayed the same yesterday to today, but that's ok...losing a pound a day isn't really a realistic goal, lol!! I'm surviving PMS, though STARVING half the time along the way, but so far so good. My new shipment awaits me at home and I can't wait to try all the new stuff! It's like (a very sad version of) Christmas!!

Here's to completing 2 weeks's a MIRACLE.
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