Hey, this is exciting for me! Just decided on a whim to try my size 16 Levi's and they fit again! Yea!! Just had to share! I didn't think 8 pounds would make that much of a difference but apparently it does!
I'm off now to Pittsburgh. Just found out there's a Trader Joe's there now--one of my favorite stores when I visit friends in AZ. Also plan to hit Whole Foods, too.
Thanks! I put them on and zipped them up and looked at my husband with a sort of look on my face like "are these too tight?" and he looked at me and said, "What?! They look good! Wear them!" Which was sweet and my turned into a
Thanks, Nickie! It IS nice. People at work have said nice things about thinking I look thinner, but I haven't really believed them because I just doubted that 8 pounds could show and thought they were just trying to be nice and supportive (which I should appreciate at any rate), but it's nice to have some concrete proof. See what a PIA I am?!?
You know, this type of NSV will keep on happening and the shock never goes away. It is a wonderful NSV, and I have had it happen from size 58-60 to size 34. It amazes me each time! Keep up the GREAT work and keep on shaking!