by Nova » February 16th, 2007, 1:57 pm
I'm still here. Been crazy busy lately. I get about 4-5 hours/week in my office to do stuff, and at home, been even busier. Thankfully, I get a whole 3-day weekend to goof off!
Hanging steady around 168, and I'm keeping up with my diet and exercise plan, with a planned cheat meal last night (chocolate fondue, strawberries and SF angel food cake. Yum!).
Some nice NSVs this week. For the very first time since I started losing weight, I had someone comment on my loss when they looked at my driver's license when I bought something. it was the guy at the nutrition/supplement store, so we got into a big discussion about weight loss, lifting, diet and so forth. Then my physical therapist said she thought I had lost weight even from the last time she saw me 4 or 5 weeks ago. I think I'm shifting some weight into muscle and away from fat.
Finally, I ran for 32.5 minutes straight today!!!! I made my first couch-to-5K running goal of running for 30 minutes. now I need to increase my speed so I can get up to 5K in 30 minutes. Right now, I think I'm around 4K. Yay me!
Would you rather eat what you want, or wear what you want?