Hi, I found this site by accident while trying to find out how long it takes for your body to enter ketosis when you restrict your carbs. Thats my question.

I decided to post because I weigh 215 lbs, 5'4", not huge, but I carry most of my weight in the middle. I tryed Adkins, the results were dramatic, but hard to stay on such low carbs (20g) everyday. So right now I am just watching what I eat very close, no potatoes, rice, flour, sweets, or fruit. Mostly meat and vegies, heavy on the meat. I do drink Pepsi 1, and lots of water. But after 3 days I still don't register on a ketostik. Sorry this is so long.....I am desperate to loose weight, and due to a lung disorder i am very limited when it comes to exercise. Any idias? Support? Whatever would be apriciated.