Not sleeping = Hunger = Tough day on program

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Not sleeping = Hunger = Tough day on program

Postby victoria7 » June 14th, 2005, 2:30 pm

I have Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea, which I suffered from for ten years without a diagnose (even though I went to doctor after doctor, but that's another story). I was diagnosed and began treatment at the end of January of this year.

Before treatment, I woke up every day with a headache, sick to my stomach, dizzy, and in pain all over---everything hurt all the time.

With treatment, I no longer feel terrible all of the time. I can feel myself energized and my metabolism returning. I, for the first time in a long time, feel that I can really do something positive for myself.

Hence, the MF program. :-) I've been able to remain compliant to the program for almost two weeks, I've felt even better than with the treatment alone and I've felt good about what I'm doing for myself. I've also lost 10lbs!

The treatment that I do for the OSA is sleeping with a machine that splints open my airways. Now, I have a genetic form of OSA and, no matter how much weight I lose, I will *always* have to sleep with the machine. It's just the way of it. I may be able to get the pressure down, but that's a slight chance.

What happened this weekend is that my machine broke on Saturday evening, so I didn't get effective sleep on Saturday night or Sunday night. So, now I'm, once again, feeling the affects of sleep deprivation... :-( Grrr...

I am hungry. Even right after a shake---that just a few short days ago would have have me full & happy---I am hungry. I know that it's just my sleep deprived brain looking in the wrong places for energy and I am not going to go "off program," but it's really hard today and yesterday.

I know that when my sleep deficit gets smaller, it will be easier for me to stick to the program, but what do you do when it gets tough??? Anything to make it easier?

Please keep me in your thoughts today...

Thank you.

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Postby Emma » June 14th, 2005, 2:40 pm

Oh Victoria, I'm sorry you're going thru this - is your machine getting fixed soon?

What if you just have an extra shake at your worst moment, or try the "free" snacks (celery w/salsa, etc.). You're strong and determined - you'll get thru this.

Praying for you.
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Postby DonicaB » June 14th, 2005, 3:34 pm

Victoria~~I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there girl. You can do it.

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Postby victoria7 » June 14th, 2005, 3:43 pm

Thank you, Emma & DonicaB! I so needed to hear from you. :-)

I got a new machine yesterday afternoon---it's definitely a short-term problem... But it takes about a week or so for me to recover from the two nights of no sleep.

...and this may be the day that I go ahead and have the extra shake. :-)
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Postby LeeannNH » June 14th, 2005, 4:09 pm

hi victoria

im so sorry to hear about your hard few days. i will be thinking of you. please be sure to check in later to let us know how you are. i cannot imagine the stress you and your body are going through being sleep deprived.

i hope your machine gets fixed soon and i agree with emmas comments on the free snacks and heck yeah with the extra shake :mrgreen:

take care of yourself
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Postby martha » June 14th, 2005, 5:04 pm

Victoria-- So glad you got your new machine today.. I know what I feel like without sleep and I can't even imagine what its like for you... hope the 2 weeks passes fast for you-- You are in my prayers and like everyone else said "try the free things" or another shake.. post again and let us know how you are doing..Martha
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Postby Spunky » June 14th, 2005, 6:59 pm


I had an ol' beau up north that was on one of those machines. I remember those contraptions you have to put on to sleep. Lord love a duck, you must be going through some serious issues now.

We are all pulling for you youngin'! Bless you.
Happy Trails Y'all......... Spunky

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Postby victoria7 » June 14th, 2005, 11:51 pm

Well, I made it through today! Whew... That was a tough one... But I made it through with flying colors!

I gave myself permission to have an extra shake, but didn't end up doing it---Maybe all I needed was permission for my brain to give me a break???

And I took my brain off of hunger by going to the baseball (A's vs. Mets) game tonight---Brought my lean & green, snacks and drank some diet pepsi... :-)

Thank you for your thoughts!

Whew... :-)
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Postby LilMsTexas » June 15th, 2005, 2:43 am

YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Vic!!!! Another day another victory!! Every single days counts as much as the next 8) I hope you are getting a good night sleep too :snooze:
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Postby dlr2424 » June 15th, 2005, 4:32 pm

VICTORY for VICTORIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....... :yeah: prayers are with you........ :angel: is full of challenges and some have more than others...... :huh: ........I guess we will never know why......... :hmmm: least not here on earth................focus on all the positives you have done with your life...... :yes: ......sometimes that helps with the many challenges one faces........ :roll: ......Life is not always fair but GOD is good!!!!!!!!!!!...... :D ......may you be blessed........ :angel: ........

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Postby doglover » June 16th, 2005, 4:56 am

Hey V7 - what a burden you have to bare. I am so sorry but thankful to have read the end of the posts that you got a new machine and made it through another day. Keep us posted. We're all thinking of you.
Donna :hug:
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