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Postby jump4joy » July 11th, 2006, 7:45 pm

Of course I remember you, Michelle.....I'm so glad you're back! I was stuck in Restart Land for so long (the last two years!) that I wondered if I'd EVER get out. Finding this board was the kick in the pants I needed, and thanks to the wonderful support I've gotten here, I was finally able to commit 100% and finally JUST DO IT. You can do it too, I know it! None of us has extraordinary super-powers, just determination and commitment to doing it one day at a time (or for me, 2 1/2 hours at a time). Those who have successfully gone before us serve as an inspiration that it's REALLY doable. You are NOT behind---please don't beat yourself up with coulda, woulda, shoulda's....just jump in where you are today!

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Postby KeleeGrl » July 12th, 2006, 7:02 am

Welcome back Missanne. :wave: I'm also a "returnee" and even though a lot of the shakers have changed since I have been here they are still great inspirations....and they all have a great sense of humor....they have me cracking up out loud in front of my computer, so of course people think I'm losing it!.....(which I hopefully will be literally) :cheermed:
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Postby Arklahoma » July 12th, 2006, 7:17 am

Welcome back, Michelle ~ Heck, I never knew you left. :lol:
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Postby wildtrk » July 12th, 2006, 8:45 am

KeleeGrl wrote:and they all have a great sense of humor....they have me cracking up out loud in front of my computer, so of course people think I'm losing it!.....(which I hopefully will be literally) :cheermed:

Really?...humor? did that happen?
MF Start Date 4/14/06
10# - 4/26 40# - 5/25 70# - 7/27
20# - 5/04 50# - 6/18 80# - 8/31
30# - 5/15 60# - 7/1

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Postby KeleeGrl » July 12th, 2006, 10:32 am

Wldtrk...your guilty as charged! :yourock:
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Postby dede4wd » July 12th, 2006, 3:30 pm

How are you doing today?

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Postby falisamarie » July 12th, 2006, 6:03 pm

Welcome back Michelle

I have missed you!

You can do this

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Postby sheila » July 12th, 2006, 7:33 pm

Michelle, welcome back! I have missed reading your posts. I have been having alot of trouble this whole past month sticking with it. I was telling DeDe just the other day a little bit about it. I am in the process of trying to sell a business(quickly) cuz Hubby is in the military, and we are going to be getting orders to leave Hawaii soon. So, I think I have been doin a lot of stress-eating. Its so easy to get sucked back into our old ways isnt it? Good news, though, I think we might have a buyer for our salon. Keep your fingers crossed! :D And a little prayer wouldnt hurt either. ;) I know it will all work out. Once I have that stress off of me, it will be easy to medifast again. But even though things are stressful right now, I need to get back on it 100%, cuz thats just life, its not always going to be stress-free. And when those stressful times happen, and they will, we have to know how to cope. And I am taking accountability for that Egg McMuffin I had on the way to the salon Monday morning, too. :oops: But thats ok, its in the past, and I am looking forward and marching on.So glad to know that you are here again, we'll get there. Nobody ever said it was going to be easy. After losing 43 lbs, I started to feel a little bit comfortable with myself again at that weight.(at least with clothes on :oops: ) But I know that for my 5 ft 2 inch frame, 163 is not an ideal weight for me. And my goodness, I live in Hawaii..... shouldnt I have a body that is BATHING SUIT worthy???? When I first started MF back in February, that was at the top of my list, I wanted to be comfortable in a bathing suit this summer. Well, it hasnt happend yet, but hey, the summer's not over yet. I know it is hard to not give in to those temptations, but we have to be strong.I know you can do it, Michelle!
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Postby MISSANNE » July 14th, 2006, 10:27 am

Thank you all for such kind words! I appreciate it!

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Postby chelleA » July 15th, 2006, 10:05 am

Welcome back! I am rededicating to MF myself. I started in April, lost 16 pounds, then school ended, baseball started, etc. I gained it back. I started again yesterday with a NEW MISSION!!!!!! To lose this weight once and for all.

I did a similar diet in '93. I was going out with the girls, but instead of Fuzzy Navels........I had WATER !!!!!!! If I felt weak, I ordered diet coke! The best part.........every week when I went back out, EVERYONE raved about how much weight I lost each week. It was my motivation.

If we went out to eat or to a party......I would order something I wanted, and make my skinny friend eat it for me! :D I dropped from a 15/16 (221) to a 5/6(138) and found a husband 10 years younger than me. Been married to him for 12 years!
Keep MFing, and you might find you a "sweet young thang"! :hi5:
YOU CAN DO IT !!!!!!!

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