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Postby supermom » April 10th, 2006, 5:38 pm

Okay, I am really new here. But, I have lost weight in the past and on plans very similar to medifast. When I hit a plateau, I was told to put a couple squirts of fresh lemon in my water. They didn't recommend using it all the time, but it did work to get me off of my plateau each and every time. I just don't know about the lemon and medifast. Maybe a question for Nancy or your HA?? Good luck!!

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Postby Nancy » April 10th, 2006, 9:17 pm

Laura ~

I concur with Marseilles - I'd check with the doctor. I know how it feels to have a certain goal in mind and I always think it is best to go all the way to the goal before beginning transition. I also know that sometimes we have a goal that is not realistic.

I did lose weight during transition - I went up at first and then lost a few more pounds. I also learned that it was nearly impossible for me to stay at 128 pounds - it was really hard, especially since I was no longer in the fat-burning mode. I was hungry. My doctor told me that weight was too low for me. It was a constant struggle for me to stay at that weight and I looked like I had been stranded on an island. Too skinny.

You are tall. Very tall. Even though your desire to weigh the same as you did when you got married thirty years ago is noble, the truth of the matter is...this IS 30 years later. Our body does not have as much muscle as it did thirty years ago. You may actually me smaller today at 165 pounds than you were thirty years ago at 150 pounds.

You are in no way 'giving up' if you stop at 165 pounds and begin to transition - you have done a fantastic job! We'll talk about it as I have an idea.
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Postby Arklahoma » April 10th, 2006, 9:31 pm

Hey Supermom ... Previously, I emailed the MF nutritionist and she said we could have up to 2 Tbsp of lemon juice per day.
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Postby Nancy » April 11th, 2006, 7:14 am

Yes, Lemon juice is fine - sometimes having a cup of hot water with a squeeze of lemon juice or a glass of chilled water with a drizzle of lemon juice makes it easier to get the water down. It is also good drizzled on steamed veggies, thinly sliced and baked with chicken or fish. Since lemons do have carbohydrates, that's why we limit it to 2 Tablespoons a day.

I'll copy this and post it in the Lean Cuisine, too. I've written about lemon juice before and it is easy for posts to get lost.
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Postby BoPeep1 » April 11th, 2006, 7:55 am

I wonder if Laura didn't answer her own question. My goal is 200 because my body just refuses to go any lower. It's where my body wants to be. Maybe her body has decided it's where it wants to be too.

When I lost weight about 5 years ago (and gained it all back and more), no amount of anything I did would lower it past 200, and if it did, it was only for a week or so and then I was back up.
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Postby Mom23 » April 11th, 2006, 7:57 am

A trick I learned when I did LA Weightloss was to take a cup of warm/hot water and put real lemon juice in it -- it acted as a diuretic. If you are feeling bloated, have yourself one of these in the morning and it should help flush the extra fluid you may be carrying.
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Postby Nancy » April 11th, 2006, 8:58 am

Yup, Bobbi, you're right. Hot lemon tea helps to flush our system.

Parsley tea is a natural diuretic, too.

It tastes :puke: yuck-o-lah but it works.

:chef: A few sprigs of crushed fresh parsley in the bottom of a mug or in a pan, pour hot water over it and allow it to steep.

Laura, we know you're :felix: anxious for those last few pounds to melt away and it feels dreadful when our body is in a :snooze: resting phase.

It is easy to tell someone to be patient in all things, to not worry, etc. and it is quite another to live inside the skin of a body that :x refuses to shed those last few fluffies!

When you broke your leg, extra energy was used to knit and repair it and as we discussed, I believe you may need an extra packet right now because of your increased activity level.

You are an :dance: active thinny woman now that you are no longer hauling around that extra person. :mrgreen:

As we discussed, let's add that extra food and see what happens.
We'll be :shock: watching the Roll Call Room to see how it goes this week.

We are being remodeled on the inside while we lose weight and our body is such a marvelous thing. It heals, repairs, rearranges, and rests. Sometimes it simply needs more fuel to do all we require of it.

Some of us view food as our enemy and yet it is essential, basic to our survival and necessary for our well-being. :secret: Laura, you have :weightlift: worked very hard to understand the program, to fuel yourself on time - what a :goldstar: model you are for us! You eat on time, you do not cheat, you do not allow food to control you and you have learned to be patient - with grace!

You have the desire to reach a certain weight and with your positive attitude and consistent behaviors, you will get there.

We :stroll: stand beside you and walk alongside of you! :goteam:

:angel: Praying for you as your body 'gets there'
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Postby lauradr » April 11th, 2006, 2:13 pm

Nancy, Thank you for your help and support I Want soo bad :x to be at my goal weight :D and after talking to you I will reach my goal :) with your help :D and the help of the team :goteam:
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby Nancy » April 11th, 2006, 8:57 pm

Yup, you are :hi5: right-on, Laura about the value of support.

We all need it.

:shock: Many of us think we are :weightlift: stronger than food.

We think we are :lightsword: invincible.

Most of us are true :eat: foodies at heart and have :deadhorse: struggled with food for many years.

It is easy to get :dance: cocky.

Weight loss and weight maintenance success are enhanced when we have support - it is vital to long-term success when we hold ourselves accountable to others. We can easily :hammerhead: break down and revert to our former :bib: foody ways during times of :whattha: stress, :eyecrazy: deadlines, :yawn: boredom, :tears: disappointments and :redhead: unfulfilled dreams - the pressures of :help: life can get to us unless we are :angel: accountable to someone or something.

The MakeMeThinner Support Forum is an excellent community that

:pet: encourages us when we are going thru :boohoo: tough times,

they :clap: inspire us to keep going when we wanna give up,

they pick us up and :coolnana: brush off the crumbs from our chin when we blow it

and they :whoohoo: celebrate our victories along side of us -

:secret: I couldn't do it without 'em either!

:cheermed: :cheermed: Cheers to you, Laura! :cheermed: :cheermed:

You're rounding third base

and :runner: heading for home plate

and we're standing in the grandstand cheering you on.


:coach: Go, Laura, go! Go, Laura, go! Go, Laura, go!

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Postby dede4wd » April 11th, 2006, 9:26 pm

Is that an Emoticon record? If not it should be!!!!

Whatever you decide, I'm with you! I've got your back!



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