Not so good news

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Not so good news

Postby falisamarie » February 9th, 2006, 12:46 pm

First I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and support over the past week or so with the medication and everything. I was put on the steroid because I have had an ear infection for about a month and a half and the antibiotics were not working and I also have trouble with recurring sinus infections. Well I called my Dr today and told him the ear is still no better so now I have to go to an ENT specialist(ear, nose, and throat) and have a tube put in the ear and possible surgery on my sinuses. I will not however let this discourage me I know that in the end it will all be worth it once I am pain free. Please continue praying for me and supporting me I do so appreciate it.

Thanks to all
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Postby SueInSLO » February 9th, 2006, 1:02 pm

I'm sorry to hear about your ear. BUT, look at all the good stuff that's going on too!! You're getting thinner and healthier! Think positive!!!

You'll also be pain free once they get that ear taken care of. You'll be getting healing vibes sent from me!!! Take care of yourself! :hug:

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Postby BerkshireGrl » February 9th, 2006, 1:11 pm


I'll be thinking of you and sending healing vibes your way too! :)

My grandmother had sinus surgery when she was young, because she always had sinus infections too; the bones weren't wide enough to let them drain properly. My mom said she looked pretty rough with two black eyes afterwards (and she was also dealing with a newborn son who she was breastfeeding, heh!) - but after she healed up, no more problems!

My mom and I have the same problem, with the right side of our sinuses always a mess. But instead of getting surgery, we take drugs (nose sprays or decongestant pills) - but this never SOLVES the problem. It just creates a dependence on drugs. I think you have the better plan! ;)

So if surgery is the route you go, rest assured you'll be breathing freely and ear-pain-free afterwards...

Hugs to you! :hug:
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Postby DogMa » February 9th, 2006, 1:31 pm

Lisa, I'm so sorry about your ear, but you're going to do great. Just do whatever they say (which might mean eating more calories while you recover; I gather that sometimes is necessary).

You'll be back on track in no time!!

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Postby aphrael » February 9th, 2006, 1:34 pm


Hang in there and hopefully soon they will be giving you answers that will end the pain for good. Keep up your great work we are all here to support you in whatever way we can.

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Postby Drama Queen » February 9th, 2006, 2:28 pm


So sad to hear about the surgery, but if it will end the pain and clear up the wonderful. It's always tough to get discouraging news. I am sending all my get healthy prayers, thoughts and vibes your way. We are always here to boost your spirits.
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Postby Ashes » February 9th, 2006, 2:49 pm

:hug: :hug:


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Postby Soon2bFitSonja » February 9th, 2006, 2:56 pm


Sooo sorry to hear about your ear. The good news is that the doctor is monitoring you and you are going to get this sinus and ear infection looked into and resolved. You will do just fine.

Keep up the good work on your MF program and before you know it your ear and sinus will be in good shape and you will also.


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Postby Dayna » February 9th, 2006, 3:37 pm


My thoughts and prayers will be with you while you get through this. Surgery is always kind of a yucky option (I've never liked the thought of somone cutting into me), but I've known some people who had surgery for sinus-related problems, and the difference it made in their total health and overall well being was enormous. Hugely enormous. They just felt SOOOO much better.

Whatever happens, I hope you get quick relief! Good for you for sticking with the program through all of this. Be proud of yourself for what you've accomplished so far.

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Postby MusicalMomma » February 9th, 2006, 3:41 pm

Hey Lisa, I'm sorry you're having such a rough time :( I hope the ENT specialist offers new hope :)
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Postby falisamarie » February 9th, 2006, 5:47 pm

Thanks guys for all the support. The not so funny thing about all this is the sinus problems I have now are related to guess what...That's right being overweight. See my weight problem caused me to have severe sleep apnea which they did surgery for a few years back and as a result of that surgery my sinuses got screwed up! Go figure sometimes it seems like most health problems go back to the weight thing!

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