ÑÐÎ×ÍÎ!!! Ñíèìó êâàðòèðó â Ìîñêâå!

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ÑÐÎ×ÍÎ!!! Ñíèìó êâàðòèðó â Ìîñêâå!

Postby AlexanderKV » April 17th, 2006, 1:46 pm

Äîáðîãî âðåìåíè ñóòîê.
Äâîå ïîðÿäî÷íûõ ìîëîäûõ ëþäåé, ñòóäåíòû ìîñêîâñêèõ ÂÓÇîâ ñíèìóò äâóõêîìíàòíóþ êâàðòèðó â Ìîñêâå.
Æåëàòåëüíî íà àðáàòñêî-ïîêðîâñêîé âåòêå (íî íå îáÿçàòåëüíî), îïëàòà îò $500 äî $1200/ìåñ - â çàâèñèìîñòè îò ñîñòîÿíèÿ êâàðòèðû è áëèçîñòè ê öåíòðó è ñòàíöèè ìåòðî.
Ïîëíàÿ ïðåäîïëàòà ãàðàíòèðîâàíà.

Âîçðàñò - 23 è 20 ëåò. Áåç âðåäíûõ ïðèâû÷åê. Òèõèå. Ñâîé ñòàáèëüíûé, ëåãàëüíûé áèçíåñ â èíòåðíåòå.

Ïî÷òà äëÿ ñâÿçè:

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Postby Tiolazz » April 17th, 2006, 3:42 pm


Does anyone know what this means????

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Postby DogMa » April 17th, 2006, 4:01 pm

Spam. I assume. Probably something about enlarging something or sex with teenage girls.

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Postby Tiolazz » April 17th, 2006, 6:25 pm

LOL !!!!

there goes that water out of the nose again......

You crack me up dogma....
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Postby BerkshireGrl » April 17th, 2006, 8:14 pm

Ok, being the certified Geek that I am... I could not resist the siren call of cracking the code! I have my ways! ;)

Here it is, translated for your viewing pleasure.

Whether it makes sense, well, I think we lost something in the translation :lol: And why they're posting here? Who knows! Deep Russian Secrets! Ya!

URGENTLY!!! I will remove apartment in Moscow!
Good time of day. Two considerable young people, the students of Moscow VUZ - Institute of Higher Education will remove two-room apartment in Moscow. It is desirable on Arbat -pokrovsko1 the branch (but not compulsorily), payment from $500 to $y200/мес - depending on the state of apartment and proximity to to center the stations of the metro. Complete predoplata is guaranteed. Age - 23 and 20 years. Without the harmful habits. Quiet. Its stable, legal business in the Internet. IT IS STRICT WITHOUT THE MEDIATORS!!! NOT AGENCY!!! Mail for the connection: Thanks
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Postby Joelie » April 17th, 2006, 8:21 pm

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Postby Unca_Tim » April 17th, 2006, 8:45 pm

Maybe it's a secret message from the KGB?
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Postby lauradr » April 18th, 2006, 9:03 am

lol :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby supermom » April 18th, 2006, 9:12 am

As my little boy Max would say, "You Crack me OPEN!!" :roflmao:
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