I thought about glossing over the cheat yesterday - not lying, exactly, just not mentioning it. I always think of that when I have a bad day, but then I figure I'm not hurting anybody but myself if I'm not totally honest here, of all places.
So I have thought in the past that my workouts were not good - I didn't know what half-a**ed was until today. I even went to bed early like I said, but I was so tired this morning I could barely do anything. That's what the junk food does to me. I should know it by now.
It was another 'I don't really want to do this' last night. Sure, I'd slipped up, but I didn't want to make it worse. Then I had to go out and get my daughter a prescription refill and I took cash to do it and my husband asked me if I was going to get food and I just said yes. Yes, instead of 'no, I don't really want to do that.' I can't blame him for it, but it was like some switch flipped and all those thoughts of 'you're going to be fat forever so why fight it?' came flooding right back in.
I don't want to talk to him about it because - well, I just don't. I don't think he'll be supportive of how I'm feeling. I think he'll just feel attacked and like he can't say anything right. Which he can't, when it comes to my diet or my weight, but that's not his fault. There is no right thing to say on those subjects. It's best to just leave them completely alone. But he doesn't seem to understand that, no matter how many diets I've been on and how many times I've asked him to stay out of it. He thinks he's being helpful, or 'just making conversation,' but it ends up making me feel like he thinks I can't be trusted or stick with anything. He asks me at least once a day if I'm being good. I hate it.
Anyway - back on plan today, I've had my bar - I know people have tried to tell me this, but I need to take this thing just one meal at a time. I don't have to face a day, week, year of right choices. Just the one choice in front of me at the moment. Yesterday, I was hungry. Instead of cooking something off-plan I should have had a glass of water. Or two. Or gone ahead and had another bar or shake even though it wasn't time. I could have made up for it later by stretching the time between supplements - or even just had an extra supplement again yesterday and moved on.
No more dwelling - fresh day, fresh start, fresh choice, and I've already made good ones today. I've exercised, I had a bar, and I've had two glasses of water. I hate how depressed I feel today. And the fact that I did it to myself is even worse. I'm going to be lucky to even be at ticker weight this week. I only made it 6 days on plan. And I thought I was feeling so strong.
So much for not dwelling on it, huh?