Sorry I've been gone. Today is my 3rd day out of work sick. I haven't taken time to read much other than my pm's and my journal, as I'm still not up to sitting here for the few hours it would take to do that.
I haven't picked up the Dr. Phil book lately, but I have been ripping through another book about food addiction. I don't relate with all of it, and I didn't realize when I got it that it was a diet book, too, with an eating plan, so I skipped all that stuff. But other things in it are speaking to me, mostly about my attitude and my self-esteem.
I came on today to write something down for myself, about missing work. Yesterday I was not able to get a sub, and so the school had to move some people around to get me covered. My principal told me I needed to call in earlier so this wouldn't happen. The thing is, I called in yesterday at the same time as the day before - and today I called in 10 minutes later - and today and the first day I got a sub. So I don't really think it had anything to do with when I called - some people just won't take a music job because they don't feel comfortable with it.
So I told my principal that I was sorry that happened but I didn't understand why. Then I had an e-mail that was sent school-wide about my missing sub, saying that they had to pull the person in the discipline room to cover for me, so another teacher had to cancel her classes to cover for her. And three times I started a reply to that teacher to say I was sorry. But I never sent it - it never sounded right and I kept cancelling it.
I realize that I don't need to feel guilty. I did everything I was supposed to do. If I am sick, I need to stay home, and that is that. I have detailed sub plans on file and I reported in almost 2 hours before the job starts. By sending an apology to that woman, it would have seemed like I thought I did something wrong. Just because people are inconvenienced - I can feel bad that it happened, but I don't have to be sorry because it wasn't my fault.
While I'm here I want to say that I appreciate everyone's support. I know that I can make excuse after excuse and it's only hurting me. But I can only move forward at my own pace. I AM moving forward, though. I am doing a lot of thinking and reflecting and while at times that puts me at a standstill, I'm still learning things that are important. I have been offplan completely for the last three days, but I'm not eating much anyway given how I'm feeling and I have had 96 ounces of water or more every day. I know that if I chose to, I could have remained completely on-plan even though I was sick. I chose not to. I am choosing not to be compliant - for some reason I am not ready. But I will be, yes, Biki is right, when I choose to be compliant I will do it. I don't harbor any illusions about this being the fault of MF or my illness or anything else. I am in control.
That's the thing I don't like about the food addiction book I'm reading. I can't accept that I'm fat through no fault of my own. That's what it keeps saying - I didn't KNOW I was addicted, so I can't be blamed for what I did, and now that I know I can change it. But that seems to me to be a cop out. They go on in the book to talk about how food addicts don't want to accept responsibility - aren't they providing that escape by saying it's not your fault you're fat? I mean, I ate the food. I knew it was unhealthy. Perhaps I'm in denial, like the book keeps saying too, but whatever, I am taking some things from the book and -
OK, I need to get going. It's almost nap time and we have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. I was already on longer than I meant to be. Anyway, I'm still around, I'm still working on me, and I've decided not to focus on how I'm NOT being compliant, but instead focus on getting myself ready to BE compliant. And I think one day I will just be ready. I am doing the mental work to lay a foundation, and I'm admitting a lot of things to myself, and eventually I will be ready. In the meantime, if I'm only on MF until 4 every day, so be it. I am laying groundwork there, too, and setting up new habits. If I keep focusing on what I'm not doing, I am only going to beat myself up more. I am on a journey, and it may be one hell of a scenic route, but I'll get there.