Well, you'd be proud of me I think Biki. I did not have any pickles (although can you believe how long the taste of them lingers? It's been 24 hours and I swear I can still taste them - yuck!) AND I did not have any Pizza Hut - even though it's sitting in my fridge mocking me.
If there was a day so far I was going to lose it, I would have thought today would be it. I have church choir on Thursday nights and it's always been the routine for my mom and sister to come over to watch the baby (my husband works nights) and we all have dinner together - almost always ordering in. Well, since I didn't have rehearsal last week on day 1, today was the first time for this to happen again. They wanted Pizza Hut, which is, next to Chinese, my absolute favorite. (Now who am I kidding? If I only had one favorite I wouldn't have 120 pounds to lose!) Anyway, while they ate that I dutifully had my shrimp and salad - which I had kind of early so I could make it to rehearsal on time.
When I got home, my daughter was still up - an hour past her bedtime - and when I tried to get her to sleep, she was hysterical. She just wanted to be held and she kept touching my face and arm as if to make sure I was still there. It took me over an hour to get her to sleep in her crib, at which point I was late for my last meal. Now, I had figured I wouldn't even get it in at all, so I took my thyroid pill while trying to get her to sleep, so that left out most of my supplements because they're almost all soy. And technically I needed to wait even longer to have it because you're supposed to take the pill on an empty stomach and not eat for an hour. I wound up shaking up some peach tea and coming here - I wasn't waiting any longer and if the darn pill doesn't absorb tonight, oh well.
To write it all down, it doesn't seem so bad, but add to it that on Thursdays I have my busiest day at work and today was the day I had to get up early to get treats ready for the staff (good news - it was ALL eaten, none to bring home!), and it just was a long day. This is where I would say "you've been good for a week, you can have some pizza, it's not going to make a huge difference." And on any other diet, where you count points or calories or whatever, that might even be true. But I know on MF that it would just blow my progress right out of the water. So I am resisting. And you know, other than seeing it right in front of me in the fridge when I was getting my water to make the tea and noticing how thick and cheesy and delicious it looked - out of sight, out of mind. I actually would have had to go out of my way to eat it, rather than having to go out of my way to avoid it. I can't believe I'm saying this!! I'm saying that I would have to FORCE MYSELF to eat PIZZA!!!! Who AM I?!?!?!
I'm here typing and I had my tea and I feel fine. Thirsty, and I have a sore throat/cold coming on, but hunger-wise I feel fine. And the big bad pizza monster will just have to keep being cheesy and delicious for another six months or a year or however long I need to be on this plan - and even then, I can have a piece or two, not a whole pizza to myself!!!!
I just feel strong. I keep saying that, I know. It doesn't mean I'm not going to make any mistakes - last night proves that - but I just think I finally get it. I really believe what's clicked for me is that I just can't have it NOW - nothing is off limits forever. I need to delay my gratification. That's a lesson I need to learn anyway, let alone regarding food. And it's transferring over somewhat. I went shopping for those bed linens the other day and I was looking at new memory foam pillows. They're kind of pricey, but I've been looking at them for a while and since we got the new bed, I thought new pillows would be a good idea. But I looked at them and checked out all the brands and looked at the prices and I just said to myself, "they will still be making these in a week or a month, you don't have to buy them today." I have NEVER said that about spending money before! Of course, I didn't say that about the mega-expensive new bed I just bought, but hey, baby steps.
I am going to make it. As each day goes by and I have more little successes, like the pizza, I am more and more confident. I'm sure at least one person out there can relate - "there's pizza in the fridge? Well, I'm not hungry, but I like how that tastes, so I'm going to eat it before someone else does." But now - it's just different. Now, if they were suddenly going to remove ice cream from the face of the earth I think I'd need to go have a last sundae - but you know, who knows even then?
Off I go for the evening, anxiously awaiting tomorrow, avoiding the scale for the next two days, and hoping for a great Sunday roll call!