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Postby Lauren » June 5th, 2007, 2:08 pm

Hey, you want another reason?

You've stated in many of your journal entries for quite some time that your family's finances are an ongoing struggle. Both you and the hubby juggling multiple jobs to make ends meet, paying off loans, and trying to put many away for the future, right?

Well, here's some ammunition for you: nearly every study out there confirms what I've already personally experienced. Thin people earn more money than fat. It's not just the obvious reason, of being discriminated against (which of course plays a role), but there are a host of other reasons: our motivation increases exponentially, we're more apt to try for higher level positions because we're no longer ashamed of our looks/appearance, we have stronger resolve in our opinions and put them out there more publicly, we have the physical energy to work harder and with greater gusto, we tend to glow and attract the attentions of the people around us, shall I continue?

I've always been extremely motivated, hard-working, and (fortunately) successful in my career, but you have no idea how rapidly opportunities (and more money, advancement, promotions) were being thrown my way when I lost the weight.

If that's not motivation, I don't know what is!

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Postby bikipatra » June 5th, 2007, 2:35 pm

Lauren wrote: It's not just the obvious reason, of being discriminated against (which of course plays a role), but there are a host of other reasons: our motivation increases exponentially, we're more apt to try for higher level positions because we're no longer ashamed of our looks/appearance, we have stronger resolve in our opinions and put them out there more publicly, we have the physical energy to work harder and with greater gusto, we tend to glow and attract the attentions of the people around us, shall I continue?


Please, no because I bet you would for a long time.... :hug:
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Postby SuzyQ66 » June 5th, 2007, 5:02 pm

Hi Nickie - I hope things are going well today. Your posts are very insightful and I do agree with Tawanda even though you have never lost your health. I have no clue how old you are but believe me - all it takes is one health crisis and we wish that we could change a lot of things. It's always advisable to be proactive than reactive to our health because sometimes what we do now cannot be reversed. I also agree with Lauren. Back in '95 I left the workforce to focus on my family. I stayed out for about 7 years (only work part-time here and there). Before I went back to work I lost about 90 pounds and in the first year back to work my pay increased about 43% - and I thought I was making good money to begin with. I am amazed at how people discriminate against weight - it's not right - but discrimination in and of itself if not right.

Just more food for thought.....sorry if you are on overload...
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Postby nickieluv » June 5th, 2007, 6:05 pm

That's neat about the money thing. I was about to discount it entirely because as a teacher the only thing I can do to influence my pay is to change schools. But no, I could take on more leadership roles like department chairperson, or go into administration, etc. And even the jobs I have are a result of me being willing to put myself out there more. So yeah, I can see it. And the discipline of MF is helping me to stick to a budget and pay off bills instead of eat Chinese food. All good things.

About to end another compliant day - a REAL compliant day, according to all the rules I choose to follow. :mrgreen: Just kidding, I really was proper about my eating today. Looking forward to the scale tomorrow even though I KNOW that you can't count on that sucker to validate you. Whatever - I shall be strong!
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Postby Mike » June 5th, 2007, 6:59 pm

Wow... did I start this? I hope not. :roll:

What I intended Nickie was for you to think about the kinds of things that these other ladies are bringing up. Yes, you aren't focused on your health right now, but in my opinion it should be there in the back of your mind. As time goes on, if we aren't at our optimal best, our bodies break down and its best for our longevity to be the best we can.
I've been large my entire life and thankfully, and edging closer to being healthy.
Lauren nailed it about the money thing. I practically had to buy into my first job. After I lost alot of weight I had jobs being thrown at me... for my choosing. BTW.... in my opinion... avoid administration at all costs. ;)
I hope your do stick with Medifast, its a life thing, not a looks thing. Our program is called Take Shape for LIFE for a reason. Thats the focus, lifelong health.

Well, I apologize for taking up this much space in the journal, but I needed to clarify a couple things. :shock:
Pre WLS 460
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Postby nickieluv » June 6th, 2007, 6:09 am

I'm not trying to undervalue the health aspect. I just can't get excited about it. It's nice but it's not grabbing me. And maybe that's immature of me to want some kind of spark here, but that's exactly what I want. Something I can get worked up about and really strive for.

Oh, and no worries, Mike - I have no interest in administration even though EVERYONE tells me I should go into it - they all say I should because of the money. What about doing what you love, people? That's more important than money - as every teacher knows full well.

Scale problem - I was up 7/10 after being compliant. Times like these I think I should not weigh in every day. But then I think, if it's going to fluctuate this much, what if I only weigh in on Sundays and it happens to be an 'up' day? Then I would never know what low weight I might have hit during the week, and I might get discouraged. I still feel light and look slim to myself (there's the looks again - I'm sounding like a very shallow person lately) so I'm trying not to let it get to me today - and really, it isn't. It just would be more pleasant to see even a tenth of a pound gone every day, instead of losing 2 only to gain 1 back over and over again.

Who knows. In the end maybe I don't really need motivation, even after all this talk about reasons to lose weight. Maybe I just need to go about my business and have part of that business be MF - an attitude of 'this is just the way I'll eat from now on.' There doesn't need to be an end in sight, really. I should be looking at this as permanent changes, even if I won't be specifically on the weight-loss program forever.

Well, I must potty before the kids arrive - already had 34oz of water in the last hour.
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Postby bikipatra » June 6th, 2007, 6:14 am

nickieluv wrote:Scale problem - I was up 7/10 after being compliant. Times like these I think I should not weigh in every day. .

Quit jer whining. I went up 2.5 pounds on Monday after being compliant and the scale hasn't moved! Have some gratitude!
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Postby nickieluv » June 6th, 2007, 6:42 am

I knew I'd get no sympathy from you, Biki - you and Tawanda have indeed taught me to be grateful when the scale goes down at ALL. But it is nice to know, too, that it's not just me that has a wonky scale - or a wonky body, whichever. :lol:

I just have to keep making it through one day after another, doing the right things, keeping up at work, and then summer vacation will be upon us here. Not that I don't have a hundred projects to do this summer (I was going to say a million, but that would be exaggerating just a little bit :-P ) but it will be different than having to get up and go to work every day. I'll only be going to work three days a week with this church job I've gotten for the summer.

Well, another class is on its way - my first one was cancelled but I didn't know it, because the class was on a field trip. Nothing like telling the special area teachers - eh, why bother to tell US? :roll:
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Postby DonicaB » June 6th, 2007, 8:21 am

nickieluv wrote:But then I think, if it's going to fluctuate this much, what if I only weigh in on Sundays and it happens to be an 'up' day? Then I would never know what low weight I might have hit during the week, and I might get discouraged.

This is what I have been thinking lately myself. I used to only weigh twice a week, but have since decided that I like weighing every day. I agree, I might miss an opportunity to see a lower weight if I don't.

I think I understand what you are saying about the health issue. I want to be healthy but it doesn't push me as much as other things. I want to look great and be healthy.

Have a great day!!

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Postby nickieluv » June 6th, 2007, 8:25 am

OK, in all fairness to the teacher who was on a field trip - he did leave me a voice mail about it, but I didn't get it until after they didn't show up. Our voicemail system just has a little red light on the phone that goes on when you have a message - well, I barely ever look at the phone so I never see it. I need it to beep at me or something. Not his fault I'm un-observant.

Today is going to be one of those days when you all get sick of me posting. I feel like finally I'm getting a little bit of a break - the last 2-3 weeks have been very hectic and there's been so much work to do getting ready for the end of year that I barely had a moment to breathe. Now it's all just coasting along on its own and I just have to supervise. I will be glad when the year is over, not just for the obvious reasons, but because next year I will know what to expect and I think it will be an even better year because of that. I'll know my timelines and what needs to be done and I can take care of it without having to bother so many people with questions.

And of course, if all goes well, I'll be pregnant next year. I've been doing some thinking and when I get under 200#, I'm going to make my goal 165. It's not my be-all-end-all goal, and I reserve the right to lower it at any time to the real goal. But my husband and I have been talking, and because you never know if you're going to conceive in the first month you try or in the tenth, we're going to start trying to have another baby in October. So I feel that I should be transitioning at that point.

I've asked a lot of questions about pregnancy and MF and it seeems to me that if I have to go off MF while pregnant, I don't want to go off cold turkey. I feel that to do that, I will go overboard and gain 50 pounds with the next baby. So I want to do a full-length transition, gradually adding in calories, working out regularly, and really trying to get in good physical shape for labor and delivery. 165 will be almost 100# lost, and over 100# lighter than I was when I got pregnant the last time. It also doesn't seem like a huge failure to me, because that is almost 20 pounds less than I was when I got married 7 years ago. And I have full faith that after breastfeeding, I can begin MF again in earnest and get down to my honest-to-goodness goal.

Also, with the new BeSlim rules there is no minimum order, so I can keep ordering non-soy products to have as snacks and keep my membership current so I can continue to enjoy the discount when I am ready to start up again full force.

Even though I said there doesn't have to be an end in sight, I feel better having a timeline. I didn't like feeling as though I was putting my family on hold until I could lose weight. And it also gives me more reason to step it up and be perfectly compliant for the next 4-5 months so that I can get the maximum benefit from MF before I am ready to transition. I am so eager to have a baby, and now I can set a date and make a plan and really let myself get excited about it!
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Postby bikipatra » June 6th, 2007, 9:25 am

Nicks, I never get tired of your posts. They help me get in all my water! :-P Seriously though, you make me grateful I don't want to have a baby and go through all the planning and changes. I have gone through enough changes for a while. But this is your second, so I guess you'll know more what to expect.
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Postby MerryMary » June 6th, 2007, 10:59 am

nickieluv wrote: So I want to do a full-length transition, gradually adding in calories, working out regularly, and really trying to get in good physical shape for labor and delivery.

So, Nickie, seems to me there IS a health reason for your determination:
(Good physical shape for labor and delivery = healthy mom + healthy baby <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">) ? ;)
Started MF 11/6/06; reached goal 9/27/07.
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Postby Mike » June 6th, 2007, 11:23 am

nickieluv wrote:Oh, and no worries, Mike - I have no interest in administration even though EVERYONE tells me I should go into it - they all say I should because of the money.

Actually, Di was an Admin, and she makes more as a teacher. Go figure. :idontknow: :dunno:
Pre WLS 460
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Restart MF 330

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Postby nickieluv » June 6th, 2007, 12:25 pm

Yeah, to make the big bucks around here to have to be the big cheese - superintendent. No thank you!

Mary, yes, as I typed that I thought of that very thing. It was just hard to remember that because I kept talking of putting off having a baby - and that's not what I want to do. I want to be pregnant NOW but I need to lose more weight. So to put a number on it - 165 and then I will let myself transition - makes it all seem more real and immediate. In fact, we have this countdown clock at home, and I am going to have it countdown to mid-October just for fun! I can check my projection graph to see exactly what day I'm supposed to hit 165 and then get going!!!

Well, I have to be off now - have to go to the bank, pick up the baby, then go to the store for some incentives for the kids - I dug myself this hole with giving them stuff and now I'm stuck with it - but next year I can change all that!
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Postby nickieluv » June 6th, 2007, 2:45 pm

Man, I don't know what happened, but I was an eating MACHINE when I got home today.

Had my approved medi-bar at 4. Followed closly by an Atkins bar. Followed closely by a steak. Followed closely by another Atkins bar.

I did not have a veggie so if I'm still hungry when I get home from practice I can have a salad - but it all finally caught up with me and I feel very full now. Another non-compliant day - I'm reminded of Donica who said she can't seem to go more than 2 or 3 days without cheating. I feel that way this week - cheated Sunday, good Monday-Tuesday, cheated today....

And after all this mental harangue I've been working through, too. Thinking I was ready to move forward and then bam! Sudden crazy hunger.

I'm nervous, too. I was thinking I was too attached to the chocolate mint bars so I ordered chocolate peanut butter and s'mores. I hope I like them because I ordered NOT ONE box of chocolate mint. What is with the self-denial I seem compelled to do? It always ends up with me going off plan in some way.

Tomorrow my monthly order will be here with bookoo RTDs so I can finally stop rationing the darn things. I'm up to 4 cases per order now - I love 'em! I couldn't dream of taking THOSE away from myself.

Ah well - time to leave the house for practice. Eventually I'll get my head on straight. I don't know if it's hurting me to not be panicking, or if it's a good thing. At any rate, I'm not compliant but I still haven't broken down and ordered in or had Goldfish. It is a small victory.
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