Hmmm - where shall I begin and end this evening?
I cheated. I want to say I only kinda sorta cheated but given Jo's comments on the other thread about how many people are around cheating and thinking it's OK, I shouldn't justify it like that. It's a slippery slope that I'm very susceptible to (say that three times fast!). I have to be completely honest with myself and instead of saying it could have been worse, I need to admit that I consciously stepped off the track.
I chose to have a bigger portion of lean than I should - about 7-8 ounces of shrimp and a Pepsi One with dinner. And then I chose to skip my last supplement and instead eat a jar of nice, crunchy pickles and have another Pepsi One. Yes, that's right, a whole JAR of spears.
Despite what I just said, I can't help but feel that, for me in general, it showed progress. Yes, for MF it definitely was a cheat - whether big or small, cheats are cheats and sabotage the program - but I feel like I've shown some progress just in the fact that it was thought-out instead of random or like I was driven to do it by some external force. I had plenty of time to think about it, I planned it, and I did it. I just wanted something more to chew. And I had to buy snacks today for school tomorrow, so I have three packages of cookies in the house, and I did not even consider ripping into them. So yes, it's progress. I was not 100% compliant, but I did not completely give in to old behaviors.
Now, it was still my fault. I had a RTD yesterday instead of my L&G. I'm kind of stuck with those RTDs because I need them for work - but I'll have to watch myself because they go down really quickly even when I'm trying to just sip them, and they taste very rich and sweet to me. So anyway, no "real" food yesterday set me up for hunger today. And only I can watch myself to be sure I don't let this become a daily thing that turns into going completely off plan. For that reason, I'm not getting on the scale tomorrow. If I see a loss by some chance, I know it will fool me into thinking this wasn't so bad. And I don't need the guilt trip of seeing a gain. But I am looking forward!
I can do this program. I can stick with it. I have seen the fabulous results and I don't want to take the long way around - I want Jo's shortcut!! I am confident that I have the tools to stop making bad choices, and to stop trying to convince myself they're not bad after all. I just still have a lot of work to do on me.
Tomorrow I am going to get in 48oz of water at work. I'd like to just start with that much before I tell myself I have to drink a certain amount at home, too. I don't want to overwhelm myself with rules because, like Karli, I rebel against them the minute they're laid down, even if I made them up myself. I think that's why I'm being more successful this time - because I haven't told myself any foods are off limits, I'm just choosing not to eat them (well, except for shrimp and pickles obviously - Biki, were you saying I might be pregnant?
So, even though this happened, I feel good. I just don't feel guilty about it no matter how much I think I should. I could have made a better choice but the thing is, I know I COULD have made that choice. I wasn't powerless to stop myself. I am in control, although I may need to adjust my steering and alignment. And I just really feel confident right now. It may be misguided but I'm proud of myself, darn it!!
******* OK, so it's been about 15 minutes I guess and now I'm starting to feel guilty about it. *sigh* But I can't change it now, I can only change the future - so, self, remember this feeling. It didn't seem so bad at the time but you cheated in spirit and you let yourself down. You are human and you are allowed to make mistakes and I am still trying to learn how to love you, but I am disappointed because I know you can do better.