Lizabette wrote:
Lizabette you are my new best friend for saying that! I know you meant my weight and not my size, but you can call me 'teeny' all you want.
This was a neat NSV, thanks for noticing you guys! I hadn't had this experience before of things getting too big all of a sudden like that. I guess because most things I wear pretty often since I don't have that much to choose from right now. But this outfit had been in the laundry for a while....
I'll race you, Pashta, but I'm a really slow runner so you can take a little nap on the way....
Mary, I hope I am turning the clock back in more ways than one. It was nice though to put a date to a weight, even in a general sense. I found myself at my top weight wondering how on earth I had let it go for so long. Now I see that it all came from somewhere - and I'm only 20 pounds away from what I weighed in I believe 2001. So if I think back, it seems like I gained about ten pounds a year. And I can see how that could sneak up on you. Which just makes it even more important that I remember to be like all those other successful maintainers and jump on those pesky 2 or 3 pounds before it becomes much, much more.
Well, I'm making the oatmeal cookies tonight because I have a trip tomorrow night and I'm out of bars, and I don't know if my order will be in before I leave, so I need something portable. I didn't have vanilla extract so instead I mixed 1/4c SF pancake syrup with the water (I tripled the recipe so it's not as much syrup as it seems) and I'm hoping they turn out OK. If they're done before I sign off I'll check back again.
Doing a 6/0 today because of a busy schedule - tomorrow I should be able to get in a L&G though. I also was about 4 hours between meals 3 and 4 tonight, and am going on 3.5 hours between meals 5 and 6, so I hope I haven't screwed anything up too much. Well anyway, here's to the experimental cookies....