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Postby nickieluv » April 4th, 2007, 9:49 am

Well, I ate, but I'm not sure I felt better. I am going to put those particular feelings from last night behind me, though. And I'm going to try to take Lauren's advice and simplify - not think so much and just *do* for a while. I have plenty of other things to think about. I'm still just wrapped up in finding the *right* way and not making any mistakes. I want it all figured out - I don't like surprises and not knowing the answers.

If I think too much about what awaits me in maintenance - good or bad - I'm not focusing on the present. I am going to lose months of my life waiting for something new to come along. So I am going to try to be present in my life. In everything. Really in the moment and focusing on what I am doing - whether it's eating, teaching, reading, posting, whatever. I am going to start by having my bar in a few minutes and just looking out the window while I eat, instead of trying to read or type and rush through the day. I can't do it all the time - but I'm going to try to get better at it.

On the MF front (although everything is on the MF front) I've gained a pound in two days. Not TOM or anything. I did eat too much meat on Monday (my husband cooked 7 oz of red meat and I cut some up for the baby but she didn't eat it so I did :oops: ) and gained 1/10 yesterday. Then yesterday I was compliant and ate all my supps and I did have a snack, but it was pickles - up 9/10 today. And the thing is I even upped my daily water intake to over 100oz, when before it was around 80. I'm not very patient, still. I'm sticking it out. But it stinks to see a gain when you're being compliant. In the big picture, though, I'm doing well. I'm still getting compliments almost every day - from different people. Maybe it's lack of sleep. Or thinking too much. :lol:

OK, I'm going to go be "present" with my bar.
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Postby bikipatra » April 4th, 2007, 10:11 am

I gained a pound last night being compliant. It's going around like a virus. :twisted:
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Postby BiggerInTexas » April 4th, 2007, 10:14 am

Hi, Niki! I really appreciate the encouragement and advice you've sent my way! You've come so far, I have no doubt you're gonna hit your goal.

I think about maintenance a lot, too, and I just started! Reading Lizbette's journal about her struggles with maintenance helped a lot. I think I'm slowly starting to accept that I'll never be able to be casual and free about food. I hate that. :x It seems like after we do all the work to get back to fit, it should just stick. Not fair.
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Postby katieb920 » April 4th, 2007, 10:42 am

bikipatra wrote:I gained a pound last night being compliant. It's going around like a virus. :twisted:

Hey Biki keep that ugly little virus :twisted: away from here. Dont want any of that. I catch those things way to quick. :lol:
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Postby nickieluv » April 4th, 2007, 4:56 pm

bikipatra wrote:I gained a pound last night being compliant. It's going around like a virus. :twisted:

If I've gotta catch something from you, why couldn't it have been the "lose 7 pounds in 5 days" flu instead of the "gain a pound being compliant" bug? :mrgreen:

Well, I was *present* with my bar. It was kind of nice actually. It felt very indulgent to just sit for a few minutes and enjoy the silence and not feel the need to DO anything for a bit. I'm always afraid that if I'm not busy every moment someone will come along and fire me or something. I know, that's dumb - but I still feel guilty when I have a moment and I'm not doing anything. At work, this is - at home I can be a blob and I have no problem with it - it's my husband who minds!!

My order came today and it doesn't seem like much, I gotta tell ya. I'm not sure how this is supposed to last me a month. I know it will, because it's actually more food than I've ever ordered before - but with so much of it RTDs, my cupboard looks kind of bare. However, I am really excited that there is nothing in my cupboard that makes me want to heave just looking at it anymore. My chocolate mint bars are back, and my beef stew - will you listen to me? Here I am yesterday pissed that I'll never have a normal relationship with food, and today (and several times, to be honest) I'm drooling over my supplements. Like that's normal.

There must be a balance, right? Between obsessing about food and just liking the taste of something when it's available to you without dreaming of it? I'm getting dangerously close to thinking again so I'm just going to nip that in the bud. 5/1/water and let the chips fall where they may.
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Postby nickieluv » April 5th, 2007, 9:35 am

So, I am 10% of the way to my 90-day compliance goal. I just have to get through 9 days, 9 more times. I can do it!

I am gaining strength I believe. Not physical strength, but emotional strength. I had a long talk with my husband this morning about how I am no longer going to be the kind of person who sacrifices what she needs to make other people happy. Do I want people to be happy? Yes. Will I sacrifice a want of my own for a need of my daughter or husband? Yes. But no longer am I going to lay down for anyone and everyone and just do what they want me to do, even if I don't want to. It did nothing for me but leave me stressed, tired, and resentful.

I have started to make it clear to others that I will help them, but on my schedule. I am still a caring and giving person. But I am now doing things willingly, by my own volition, instead of volunteering or agreeing to do things because I think it will make someone else happy or it's what they want. And even more than that - I am not feeling guilty about this. I believe that a lot of people are this way. They know how to take care of themselves, and they know that without a strong self they cannot give adequately to others. I've gone from doing a bunch of things half-a**ed to really focusing on the things I do, and making them count. I don't mind having a reputation that I can't be counted on to do everything, but the things I do will be top-notch work. I really think that's better than people knowing I'll say yes to anything and then overwork myself.

I am making better plans with the things I am doing now. I am committed to each of them and working to improve. I feel calmer most of the time. I feel my patience coming back with my daughter, that I am not so frazzled at the end of the day that I can't take a moment to enjoy her without getting frustrated at some stupid little thing.

It's all attitude. It's deciding that what I need IS important. And even that what I WANT is important. That I can still be loving - in fact more so - when I am putting myself first sometimes. I am increasing the supply of love I have to draw on, by loving myself without so much judgement. I can reach out to others better when I know that I don't NEED them to survive - that I have what I need inside myself. That may seem odd, but if I need someone too much, the fear of losing them is too great, and I pull away so that they can't leave me first. If I know that I am worth knowing, then I have more confidence that people will not leave - and that even if they do, I will still be strong and I will still find friendship and love again. And I can be MYSELF and not censor everything all the time.

I know this probably sounds like thinking. But it's not. :D I'm just sharing ways that my life is changing - ways that are good. Ways that are scary because other people might think I am cold, heartless, selfish - but I know I'm not. It may take people time to get used to me acting this way, and they can think what they will of me - I know this 'me' is better and healthier and is closer to becoming all I can in every area of life. And eventually, I have faith that others will look back and track the changes and realize that it was for the best, too.
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Postby nickieluv » April 6th, 2007, 8:36 am

10 days down. Now I only have to do THAT 8 more times. And then in five more days I'll only have to do THAT 5 more times. Baby steps. I like having that ticker down there, though. It reminds me of my strength everytime I read something and I happen to have posted on that thread.

I finally lost a bit today. Yesterday I weighed in up again 2/10 before my shower - and after my shower I had lost 8/10. That was odd because usually I gain a tenth in the shower (I always assume it's the water in my hair, or my body soaking up extra moisture through my pores :roll: ). But anyway, today I was down under ticker finally. It feels like Saturday though, because I have today off from work. And it still hasn't sunk in that I'm on vacation next week. And beyond that, there are only I think 10 weeks of school left before summer. This year has gone by quickly.

I was thinking about my last attempt to MF in a different light this morning. Along the lines of letting yourself be happy before you can make any lasting changes. When I first began MF last summer, I was in a job I really hated. I was on maternity leave but scrambling for pennies, and so had to get a part-time job. It was something I'd always wanted to do - work in a vet's office - but the reality was largely unpleasant. It was not my fantasy of snuggling kittens all day every day! I think trying to lose weight at that time was a bad move, and my body let me know it by rebelling and cheating almost every day in one way or another. I was stressed almost all the time, feeling pulled in all directions, and constantly in fear of losing my job (not that I was bad at it - the bosses are temperamental and it's rare for anyone to last longer than a few months before they're fired for one little mistake or another - or that the person leaves because they're tired of being treated like crap).

When I restarted this fall, I was in a much better place. I was sick of seeing my fat self in all those Christmas pictures, yes, looking no better than the year before when I had yet again vowed to lose weight. But I had had several months to adjust to my new job, and I really enjoy it. My daughter was happy and all the kinks in the babysitting schedule had been worked out. My husband and I had just finished a week of vacation at home together and were getting along grandly. And the finances were finally starting to be in a position where I felt I could spend this much on food (although I've since discovered we are SAVING probably hundreds of dollars a month now - paying bills is SO much easier it's amazing).

So in short, I realized this morning that my failure last time was not a result of a lack of character, but that the timing was not right. There is no perfect time to start a diet - but the time I chose this go round was pretty darn close. And with less stress on all fronts, I can commit the time to thinking and enacting change (even though I'm taking a sabbatical from thinking at the moment) and taking care of myself. Side issues continue to come up - I am, after all, ALIVE and in relationships with other people - but as each one does, I am better prepared to handle it without sacrificing my own needs, whether it be my eating or my schedule or just my peace of mind.

I feel I need to shift the focus from thinking about MF - what can I eat, what's allowed in transition, can I stay compliant, are there too many broccoli spears in this bowl - to ME. Are my ultimate goals served by having ice cream or by having a shake? Will eating (fill in the blank) make me feel better about myself, at peace, comfortable? Food is still there, but instead of thinking about what is good for the diet, I can think about what is good for me - truly good for me, not good in the moment.

And that is how I will get to the point Lizabette mentioned - sure I like how pizza (or candy or bread or whatever) tastes, but I do not WANT it. I am not AFRAID to eat it because it is forbidden, because I will gain weight, because someone else might think it's weak of me. I just don't WANT to eat it because it will not get me closer to my goals. If ever my goal is to get sick to my stomach then yes, I will eat pizza, because that will make sense and serve the purpose. If my goal is to love myself and have a healthy body, eating pizza does not make sense. And at heart I am a reasonable, sensible person who wants what is best for herself. I just have had a lot of trouble admitting that without feeling selfish.

And on a little side note - I am addicted to this place. No one posted anything here yesterday and I felt neglected this morning. :oops: I am not saying that I feel I'm so interesting that my journal is required reading for the masses - I'm just admitting my feelings. I feel lonely without feedback. I think it's good for me to admit that. And also to realize that other people have lives and if I am left alone for a day or a week, it does not mean no one loves me or that everyone thinks I'm stupid and am going to fail miserably at this diet so they're not going to waste their time with me. Seriously - that stuff goes through my head. I am still used to measuring my value through the perceptions of others, even though I am trying very hard to find strength inside myself to be alone. Not lonely - not isolated - but alone and quiet with myself and feeling that I am enough even without someone else reassuring me.

So - eventually someone will post something here (hopefully not in pity for the above paragraph) and eventually something I say will touch someone else and help them. That does not have to happen every day. Just as I do not need to give every day if I am not up to it, neither does anyone else. And in the end, this journal is for me - with an added bonus that it might draw others to my side in support or help others through tough times of their own - but mostly it's a dialogue with myself. And it is valuable even if no one else ever reads it. So there. :-P ;) :mrgreen:
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Postby bikipatra » April 6th, 2007, 8:58 am

Congrats on the loss today! :D
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Postby Tawanda » April 6th, 2007, 10:50 am

Nickie I had to laugh because I do the same thing....weigh before the shower and then after. I don't know what I think is going to happen....that the water will wash away some of my weight.....but I do weigh myself, more times than not, before & after. Glad I'm not alone with my little eccentricities. ;)

As for feeling a bit 'lonely' when no one posts to our journals. Yeah, I feel the same way.....but then there are many times that I read entries in someone's journal or other thread and I just don't have anything to add, no comment comes to mind, I don't feel like 'talking' or maybe I don't understand where the person is coming from and don't have the energy to try to figure it out. ;) I try to remember not to take it personally just as I hope others don't take it personally when I comment on lots of other threads/journals/posts and don't comment on theirs. Sometimes I'm embarrassed when I update my journal a time or two and there haven't been any response to what I write. I figure journal is my diary so I can track my journey during this anyone else's input is just icing on the cake (I think I should find a new metaphor....don't want icing on any cake at this time. ;) ).

Keep writing in your journal and know that there are many who care, a lot, how you are doing.
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Postby Lizabette » April 6th, 2007, 12:37 pm

Lizabette :heart:
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Postby Tawanda » April 6th, 2007, 1:20 pm

Lizabette, where do you find these .gifs?! :)
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Postby bikipatra » April 6th, 2007, 2:09 pm

Tawanda wrote:Lizabette, where do you find these .gifs?! :)

I doubt she will reveal her souce. Then we would all be as cool! :mrgreen:
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Postby JonnaD » April 6th, 2007, 4:31 pm

Nickie, I still recall making a telephone call (before caller i.d.) and if they didn't answer, thinking they were avoiding me :oops: I think some of this goes back to our issues of self worth - we are usually harder on ourselves than anyone else could ever be :)

I'm glad you are not letting these feelings derail you. Keep shaking. :yay:
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Postby nickieluv » April 6th, 2007, 6:28 pm

Tawanda wrote:Nickie I had to laugh because I do the same thing....weigh before the shower and then after. I don't know what I think is going to happen....that the water will wash away some of my weight.....but I do weigh myself, more times than not, before & after. Glad I'm not alone with my little eccentricities. ;) anyone else's input is just icing on the cake (I think I should find a new metaphor....don't want icing on any cake at this time. ;) ).

So, I'm curious - do you always weigh more after the shower, too? I don't know why I weigh twice either - but yesterday I was glad I did since it showed a loss afterwards. Maybe that's why I do it - I'm greedy and want better numbers no matter how silly I look.

Oh - and how about 'extract in the pudding' or 'ICBINB on the veggies' as alternative metaphors? I know - nothing has the same ring as cake and icing. Well, as long as we're only metaphorically speaking it's probably carb- and calorie-free. ;)

Thank you for the good wishes, Biki, and the phone confession, Jonna. I was prepared to find no comments today and be fine with it - but I'm glad you all stopped by, just the same. Today was a good day - I stayed offline all day and it was nice. Sometimes I think I get a little carried away here, coming 5 or 6 times a day to check the posts or write. Today was a day I didn't need to be here so much. And I'm not sure what vacation will bring - but honestly, I'll still probably be here at least twice - morning and night - because I would miss too much if I stayed away!

Dinner out tomorrow night for my stepson's birthday - at a buffet. My biggest fear is that they will still make me pay for a meal even if I am bringing my own food. I'm just too skittish to trust their meat and vegetables the day before roll call! They can plant a waitress by me all night to make sure I don't eat their food, I don't care - but I don't want to pay $18 to just sit there and drink water. On the other hand, if it comes down to it, I'll pay it and still not eat. My health is worth a measly 18 bucks.

I have visions of myself being held at bay, cowering in a corner, by a stalk of broccoli and a slice of turkey.... :mrgreen:
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Postby Lizabette » April 6th, 2007, 7:08 pm

Tawanda wrote:Lizabette, where do you find these .gifs?! :)

I think that a picture says what I want to say, better than words, don't you think?
Okay, I don't mind at all, BIKI GIRL sharing where I get them.
Well I use Photobucket (It's free to download) Anywhere I see a great icon or picture online (non-copyrighted), I 'SAVE AS' on my desktop.
Then I upload it to Photobucket.
When I need something that fits, I go to Photobucket, copy it, and paste to my post.
Real simple when you get the hang of it.
JOELI helped me get started with this...she's GOOD!
BIKI is GOOD, too! Don'cha know?

NICKIE, About the shower situation. Usually I weigh a little less after I shower!
Yes, I often do the same thing, before and after!
I choose the lowest number, by all means!
Lizabette :heart:
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