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Postby Karli » March 11th, 2007, 11:47 am

nickieluv wrote:I don't suppose Jello pudding pops count? There's "jello" and "pops" in the name, right? :mrgreen:

Actually, you can just put your own Medipudding right in a popsicle container, freeze it, and there you have it, pudding pops :mrgreen: !! Unfortunately, they only sell those popsicle trays during Spring and Summer months, and I missed it last season. :( This season, though, I am going to get me some pudding popsicles goin' on :).

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Postby MerryMary » March 11th, 2007, 1:02 pm

Karli wrote:
nickieluv wrote:I don't suppose Jello pudding pops count? There's "jello" and "pops" in the name, right? :mrgreen:

Actually, you can just put your own Medipudding right in a popsicle container, freeze it, and there you have it, pudding pops :mrgreen: !! Unfortunately, they only sell those popsicle trays during Spring and Summer months, and I missed it last season. :( This season, though, I am going to get me some pudding popsicles goin' on :).

I had the identical thought and Spring has sprung! :lol:

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Postby nickieluv » March 11th, 2007, 5:25 pm

An OK day today, I guess. I squeezed two supplements in at the same time just now, because I'm going to bed bookoo early. I made hot cocoa and then dipped my chocolate mint bar in it until the chocolate was all warm and gooey. MMmmmmm. Not that I'll be doing that again - I know I have to space out my meals - but I napped with the baby today and so missed a meal, and had to scramble here at the end.

Not much to say today - oh, the pudding pops are a good idea - I might try that in the summer, too. I actually have frozen the pudding in the past and eaten it like italian ice - making popsicles didn't occur to me, though.

The last two days I have had a bar (after saying I didn't yesterday, I wound up having one for my last supplement of the day) so my snack has been pickles instead of soy crisps. I don't like having to choose either a bar or crisps - but it makes sense to do so. And it's not like I usually have a snack every day. But I do think I'll have to take the crisps off my BeSlim order or I'll end up with a cupboard full of them.

I've also decided not to get any shakes but the Swiss Mocha. I bought some tea and fruit punch this time, and they are so much easier to mix in my bottled water than the shakes - and, I like them better. Besides, I have the RTDs again. So in the spirit of just getting my favorites, I guess I'll be tweaking my order for a few months getting it just right.

I am so excited about reaching my goals. I am not having issues with temptation lately. I think the binge a few weeks ago was helpful in a way. I think back to it every so often and remember how it was not as good as I wanted it to be, and after the first 3 bites it was pointless to keep eating - but I did anyway. And feeling so icky and sick the next day - not for me. So even though I keep giving myself these mental 'outs' of eating off-plan after a certain amount of weight loss, I don't think I will. Instead, I see myself reaching mini-goals, and then wanting to reach my next goal in the shortest amount of time possible, and not wanting to go off-plan and screw it up. Major shift. Nice, though.

So, in a little over 3 pounds I will be in the 30# club - I will post new pictures - and on my rewards chart I get to have my hair done. Another week or two to wait!!!!
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Postby bikipatra » March 11th, 2007, 5:32 pm

Just 3 pounds to go! wow! Congrats!
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Postby Tawanda » March 12th, 2007, 6:11 am

Almost to 30#!!! You'll be there soon! :D
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Postby ChynnaDoll » March 12th, 2007, 1:57 pm

Almost there girl!!! Almost THERE:+))))))...YOU are to be "commended" for doing such a good job :-P :-P

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Postby MerryMary » March 12th, 2007, 3:17 pm

Nickie ...
YOU CAN DO IT! ((((30))))

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Postby Sojourner » March 12th, 2007, 5:16 pm

nickieluv wrote:So, in a little over 3 pounds I will be in the 30# club...


Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby katieb920 » March 12th, 2007, 6:26 pm

Way to go Nickie You can do it I am cheering for you. <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">
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Postby nickieluv » March 12th, 2007, 6:39 pm

And with this morning's weigh-in it was only 2 pounds away.... :mrgreen: Thank you all for the support! I'm thinking of calling to make my hair appointment tomorrow in anticipation of the blessed event of 30-pounds-gone-forever. I'd get it done Saturday morning though, so maybe that's cheating? What if I don't make it?

Ah, to hell with it. I haven't had a haircut in I don't even know how long and I've got to look good for those updated pictures. Anyway, technically that's my 235 reward, and 234 is 30# club, so I'm sure I'll have earned it by then.

I did have crisps and a bar today - but I was out all night at rehearsal so sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. At the moment I am bushed so I'm going to quickly check out the other posts I've missed today (would you believe I didn't until today find the button you click to 'see all new posts since your last visit?' All this time I've been going to every individual board....) and then get to bed.

I really appreciate all of you who chimed in here. It's great to know so many people are cheering you on!
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Postby Sojourner » March 12th, 2007, 6:57 pm long is your hair and how much of it are you cutting off?
Hair can be pretty heavy, y'know? It might just take you over the edge
into the 30# club!! I'm just sayin'... :lol: :lol:

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Karli » March 12th, 2007, 9:10 pm

Sojourner long is your hair and how much of it are you cutting off?
Hair can be pretty heavy, y'know? It might just take you over the edge
into the 30# club!! I'm just sayin'... :lol: :lol:

ha ha... when I got my hair chopped off (which was consequent with my 40#s gone forever mark), I joked with people that I lost weight because of it and it helped me get into smaller jeans :mrgreen:.

2 POUNDS, LADY NICKIELUV :shock: :cleader:
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Postby Sojourner » March 12th, 2007, 10:35 pm

Karli helped me get into smaller jeans :mrgreen:

Uhmmm...are we back in Lizabette's journal talking about "pubies" again?
:roflmao: Sorry, I just couldn't resist!
Whatever ~ UNCA started it!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby CaribGirl » March 13th, 2007, 6:59 am

So where is this "see all posts since last visit" button? I too go to each individual topis ( and now I feel really dumb!).
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Postby bikipatra » March 13th, 2007, 7:38 am

CaribGirl wrote:So where is this "see all posts since last visit" button? I too go to each individual topis ( and now I feel really dumb!).

Upper right.
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