So I was down almost a pound today, and that's good. But I think I'm suffering ill effects from the sugar in the Miracle Whip. I am starving today. (Like Biki was earlier after the syrup incident.) I've already had my snack for the day, although there's more water I can get in and will do so after posting this. Hopefully that will help.
However, I realized today I'm an idiot. I was thinking that I still don't have anything for lean, and now the tuna is gone (thanks for the tip, Jo, I'm going to pick up some dressing next time we shop!). So I thought I would do 6 supplements today instead. Then I thought of eating the eggs as my lean even though you're not supposed to because it's all I have, and having vegetables with them, when I remembered - DUH - we can have real eggs! I could have had that yesterday and avoided the whole condiment issue! So I'll be having eggs today and shaking my head at myself. It's not like I didn't KNOW about the eggs - I had them twice last week. But I always think of my lean as meat, so there you go.
I also earned another mini-reward today. I have this chart and I earn something every five pounds (although my husband has not been great about paying up and owes me two rewards still - now it's three). I got on the scale before my shower because I have determined previously that when my hair is wet I weigh more (sad, isn't it?). But after my shower I tried again just because I was so close, and it read .1 pounds lower and that earned me my reward. I even got on again to double check in case it was a fluke. I'll take it, however pathetic it was how I earned it! Must have had heavy dirt today.
Despite the hunger, I have felt great today - mentally, I mean. I felt pretty. I was having a great hair day. I was in my new jeans and I thought they made me seem narrower. Today with the kids, being the day before vacation, we had a 'fun day' reviewing old songs from earlier in the year, and doing some of the dances with them I was thinking "I remember the first time we did this and I felt so heavy." I was hopping around and singing and my breath support even seemed better. Of course it was also a Friday and we have all next week off, so maybe that was the cause of my mood.
I guess starting my exercise next week will be good timing then - I won't have the excuse of not having enough time. I'm not sure what I'll do yet - I like the bike we have but it has to be in our bedroom, and it takes up so much room - maybe I'll rearrange the furniture and find a way to make it work. Then I can start to get some reading done again - there's a way to enjoy exercise! Of course my husband is going to kill me because just before Christmas I had him move the bike OUT of our room and back to the garage because I was never using it....
Well, this killed 15 minutes anyway.
Off I go for now.
Oh, and Jo - I can't imagine sweets and chocolate NOT calling to me but maybe someday.... And Biki, yes they'll have fresh ones next year but what if I reach goal early?! Probably this is not even an issue though because I know I'm not going to buy them myself - not worth the risk - and I doubt my husband will even remember the conversation. OK, I was going - bye!