Rule #872 about my husband - do not believe him when he says it's not that cold outside.
After getting out of my warm jammies and getting dressed, and then spending another 10 minutes bundling up the baby and myself, we were outside for about 8 minutes and even after that my legs were wet and numb from all the snow and my daughter's face was all red. We all recovered quickly but I really don't think it was worth it. Maybe we can try again when there are only a couple of inches, not over a foot! Pure silliness on my part to even try! It was pretty cute, though - the snow came almost up to the baby's waist. Of course we forgot to take pictures!
I'm on right now mostly because I'm being a real b**** and I'm not exactly sure why. I may be more upset about missing school and having my schedule thrown off than I thought. Or I may be more tired than I imagine. Or, being 'due' soon, maybe it's PMS (although I usually have never had symptoms except when I was on the pill - can the weight loss be affecting that somehow?). Or it may be the pressure of Valentine's Day.
My husband bought me roses and I didn't get him anything. I was of the impression we don't 'do' Valentine's Day, and never have. He told me that, no, *I* have never done anything, but every year he at least gets me a card. I didn't have any money until yesterday and no opportunity with the storm to go shopping - but he says he would have been happy with even an e-card. And I think this kind of pisses me off. Yes it's not fair that he got me something and I did nothing for him - but that word 'nothing' is what bothers me. It's one day a year. I've been trying to change and be more loving in the last few weeks, and while I know that doesn't make up for months of being neglectful of him, why should I suddenly feel like I've let him down and ruined everything just because I didn't do something today? I really don't remember him getting me a card every year. I'm not a holiday person. I'm not a birthday person. Last year for his 40th he wanted a surprise party and I thought he was kidding about that, too, because that's not anything I would ever do.
These types of days are important to him and not to me - I know that means I should be thoughtful and make a big deal of them because he wants me to. So probably even more than feeling mad, I feel guilty - and then I feel mad because I feel guilty and I don't want to feel that way.
So of course I want to grab something chocolate and sulk. I can have another supplement at 2 so maybe that will be my bar today - my legal chocolate. But that leaves 90 minutes to try to figure out what my problem is and deal with it without using food. Probably a good mental exercise but I really don't want to. Whine, whine.
I don't think I've really hit on what's bothering me yet. Usually, when I get it out, I feel some sort of 'aha' moment, or the bad feelings go away somewhat because I've figured it out. All of the above is probably true, to one extent or another, but that's still not it. I'm just in a bad mood and everything is ticking me off - the way the house looks, everything my husband says or does, my daughter's toys all over (even when they're cleaned up, they're still in the way - we need a bigger house). I'll go think about it some more I guess. Hopefully something will break through.