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Postby nickieluv » January 5th, 2009, 6:41 pm

Today was fine EXCEPT both my husband and I were dying of hunger. It seemed odd to me, so I checked the BBQ sauce we used last night (I know, no BBQ sauce, but I'm not a stickler for condiments because I usually don't use much at all - however, last night's chicken was way overcooked so we used the sauce to make it edible) and OMG it has *10* carbs per serving! And we each probably used 3 to 5 servings. Holy crap. So no wonder we were dying today. AND we were both up a bit in weight. No more BBQ sauce at all for me! Unless we can find another brand that's a heck of a lot lower in carbs, and I don't see that being likely.

Other than the hunger, it really was no problem sticking to plan. I did have one diet soda today and I've also been better about water today - 4 16oz glasses. I prefer to get in 6 but over the past few days I've barely gotten in 2 so today was much better.

We also exercised this morning and I made it through. I'm going to try each day to do a little more, raise my own intensity, and not get complacent about the routine. We're doing it on weekdays and changing the workout every two weeks. I joked because I was up a pound after exercising, so I said that obviously exercise doesn't work and I wasn't doing it again. But it made me feel better about myself and I felt more productive all day long because of it, so I'm definitely going to keep it up.

I'm supposed to eat one more time so I should go. But even though I got up early today I'm not feeling tired. It might take me a couple of days to adjust to the new schedule and be able to sleep at a decent hour. I think I'll go have a cocoa and then maybe read in bed. No matter what I weigh this week, I'm happy with what I'm doing. I know it's the right thing and it's making me feel great (even if I was hungry today because of that screw-up).
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Postby nickieluv » January 6th, 2009, 4:00 am

OK so I'm not losing. I'm getting scared that maybe all those false starts did something and now even Medifast won't work for me.

I'm sticking it out until vacation - I've got no better plan to try - keep exercising and stay on plan (and I had no condiments whatsoever yesterday :lol: ). But still I'm getting nervous.
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Postby Lauren » January 6th, 2009, 7:25 am

Hey, Nick, happy new year!

Okay, I just HAVE TO jump in on this. You have only been back on plan a few days, one of which included 3-5 servings of BBQ sauce, which, if it really was 30-50 carbs, I can only imagine the calories and sugar, which would absolutely lead to both water retention and perhaps a little increase on the scale. That, in conjunction with not getting enough water, is most likely the reason you're not seeing the big drop in weight that we've all come to know and expect.

This is not at all meant to be negative, but rather, encouraging. Imagine truly sticking to the guidelines, getting in ALL the water, leaving out the "extras" and THEN taking a peek at the scale. And then, if you combine that with your exercise plan, you will absolutely see success!! And I know that you are motivated by the numbers, so you have make the choices that will lead to the drop on the scale. You can't expect the big drop when you tinker with the plan - you know that, Nickie.

You can do this. You're so close!

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Postby nickieluv » January 6th, 2009, 7:30 am

I tried to tell myself the same things but I didn't believe myself. For some reason I find you more trustworthy than me. :lol:

I'm trying to stay calm. I know in the long run exercising is better than not, and I don't really hate it as much as I thought I would - but it's not all cardio, so I'm not getting super sweaty, and I'm not even doing half the cardio that's there like I'm supposed to because of lack of support for the girls. There's a lot of jumping and that just plain hurts. I'm planning to go find a sports bra tonight. I figure I should get the smallest one I can squeeze my body into, and then it might hold them in place.

My quads are killing me today, though. I felt stronger doing the routine today, able to do more with the weights, and I didn't feel a lot of pain other than a little stiffness in the quads as I came downstairs to work out. But since I work out, rest, eat, shower, and go back to bed, maybe I'm not getting enough stretching afterwards. Because they kill. To stand, to sit, to walk, and heaven help me when I need to go upstairs to the bathroom. Nothing else hurts, though. I feel a little fatigue in other muscles but no pain. There's lots of squatting and lungeing in this thing.

The best part is knowing that I've already done it. I don't have it hanging over my head all day. After vacation I look forward to trying something else - maybe that Power 90 system. We did that once before and I actually stuck with it for all 90 days. But I was eating whatever so I didn't lose any weight or see any changes in my body - but I did feel a lot more energetic. I've got a moment now when both girls are happy and playing, so maybe I'll go check that out. We have tons of exercise videos but I like when programs are put together for me. At least at this point. Maybe later on I'll feel more comfortable making my own routine up.

I don't have to face the scale again until tomorrow morning, so I'm just going to eat my appropriate foods and keep on living. I was tempted to pop a Froot Loop in my mouth this morning, though, as I got a bowl for my oldest. I was *this close* to doing it, too, then remembered. Funny how autopilot kicks in so quickly.

Oh, and this was instructive - day 4 my husband was watching football (Sunday, of course) and practically every commercial was for food. And we were both hungry that day. We didn't feel tempted but I realized how often that advertising would get to us - if we didn't take something out to thaw, or felt too tired to cook, or just plain wanted something yummy. I can see that planning meals will be a key to maintenance for us or else we will just go back to ordering in a few times a week.

End of entry for now. Hope to see some smiling faces on the boards when I come back later. :D
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Postby DogMa » January 6th, 2009, 8:37 am

Just FYI, they do make sugar-free (and low-carb) barbecue sauce. Several companies offer it, including Walden Farms. No sugar, no fat.

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Postby nickieluv » January 6th, 2009, 12:53 pm

I felt so dumb when I checked the bottle and read the carb info. Lesson learned. Doesn't Walden Farms have salad dressings, too? Can you order online, or is it crazy expensive if you do? I don't think we have anyplace nearby that carries such chic low-carb fare.

I took some Tylenol for the quad pain - did nothing. Ouch! I think it's getting worse instead of better. Tomorrow I'm still working out but I'm skipping the lunges I think.

I'm not getting discouraged by the weight so much as scared. I know in my head that I probably will lose weight in the long term, and I didn't weigh myself on the literal day 1 so I missed out on getting to see the big water weight loss. I'm still probably down 8 pounds but that's just a guess. I have this inner 'fairness meter' and it seems to me that what I deserve is to be unable to lose weight because of all the fooling around I did for the last few months. So I'm afraid my negative thoughts are true.

I just have to have more faith that what I'm doing will work. I have no fears about my husband losing and he's going through just what I am, since we're eating the same things (and made the same mistake) and are working out together. So I'm not sure why I can reassure him but not believe that what I'm saying applies to myself.

I know just how fast this time until vacation is going to go - especially because this week the school musical starts and even though I'm on maternity leave, I'm still the vocal director. So that's two nights of piano lessons, two nights of musical rehearsals, and the remaining night is choir. Plus Sundays I always have to go to church. I was having some second thoughts about quitting the church job in September but the way my life is going to look for the next three months, I can't imagine adding full-time teaching into the mix and still being able to do it all with two kids and possibly another one on the way. So I'm definitely still going to stop working there, but we'll keep going there and I'll tell them that whenever they need a music sub I'll fill in for free (they usually have to pay a sub). I'm still debating about doing the musical again next year. The money is very nice but it's a lot of stress. Three months with no time at home except the weekends is a long time. My other guilt factor with both jobs is that I don't know who'll they get to replace me. Pickings are slim in such a small town. I feel badly leaving the church and the school in the lurch, so to speak. But I'm trying to remember that I can't let guilt rule my life - I have to think of my family and what's important for them. It's still hard for me to make these choices, though. I don't like disappointing people.

Well, that had nothing to do with anything. Time to eat again, another hour until lessons start, and before I know it this day will be over with as well. I don't like how fast it's going. It's going to be Labor Day way too soon.
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Postby nickieluv » January 6th, 2009, 12:57 pm

And thank you Lauren and Robin and Leigh for coming by my journal with suggestions, words of reassurance, and words of wisdom. It's all appreciated and hopefully will keep sinking in.
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Postby Lauren » January 6th, 2009, 2:11 pm

Yeah, Nickie, I was going to mention the Walden Farms thing too, but I figured you were just "anti" those types of things. I always buy the Walden Farms online, I just buy a ton of products at once in order to have the shipping costs makes sense. I buy the individual salad dressing packets (Ranch and Thousand Island are my faves), as well as some jams (Strawberry and Apple Butter I like). The flavors for ALL their products are decidedly dietetic, but I have found, like most things (including MF), that the first try I hate it, but then I end up adapting to the flavor, and after a week or so, I end up loving it! Hey, that's just me, but fortunately our palates tend to adjust and adapt to what we provide them. Hence our tendency to "forget" the gloriousness of non-MF-friendly foods when we're fully immersed into the plan.

And regarding your sore quads, c'mon, tough it out! That's what exercising a new body part does! As hard as I exercise (daily), I still find new muscle groups to work on and I am thrilled when I have that pain, because it means I've discovered an area that I need to strengthen and spend more time working! The key to helping some of the soreness is to get up and moving as much as possible. I know it seems counterintuitive, since you really just want to lay around instead of feeling the pain, but I PROMISE that if you keep the muscles warm, they'll hurt less, and you do that by keeping them moving, walking, whatever.

And stop doing your Nickie over analysis thing on the weight loss. Just follow the dang program, girl! Just do it, and stop hyperanalyzing it! :-)

Oh, and don't offer your services to sub for free if you KNOW they're going to have a hard time replacing you - suddenly you'll be subbing regularly and NOT getting paid, hardly a bump up on the quality of life front!

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Postby nickieluv » January 6th, 2009, 2:22 pm

Lauren wrote:Oh, and don't offer your services to sub for free if you KNOW they're going to have a hard time replacing you - suddenly you'll be subbing regularly and NOT getting paid, hardly a bump up on the quality of life front!


You sound like my husband. Maybe I'll just decline payment if they ask me to sub rather than volunteering up front. I'll be in on the interviews so hopefully someone good will come along - but the tough part will be if someone doesn't come along. I think I'll be stuck with the job - how could I keep attending the church and not fill that big hole? It's not that I hate the job - it's just the time thing. They might end up having to hire two people to replace me - one music director, and one organist. I do three or four jobs there and if they can't find someone willing to do it all, who knows?

It'll work out in the end. I'll check out Walden Farms later on, I think - better to wean myself away from extras for now perhaps. When we're rich again (ha ha) I'll look it up again. I'm not against subbing stuff in, I'm just against the cost at the moment - I love the MF crackers but I'm finding it hard to justify buying MF snacks when I could have 2 pickle spears which are just as salty and crunchy but way cheaper. Plus I only have a snack maybe twice a week.

Well, I have to go - lessons coming soon, hubster wants to talk about our respective days for a few minutes....
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Postby Lauren » January 6th, 2009, 2:32 pm

AAAAAGGGHHHH! Nickie, you're killing me. It is not your responsibility to fill the hole and do the job when you don't want it anymore. Doesn't matter what the reason is, it's your choice, and it's THEIR job to find the replacement. And if they need to find multiple people, then so be it. I don't care how selfish this sounds, but there will always be people like YOU who make things too easy on the other people who get to take advantage of your generosity. Let them find someone else to suck in. :-) Oh, and I assure you that there are other folks with talent, they've just been in hiding. People always appear out of nowhere. Especially bc it's a paid job in a bad economy, heck you may have someone there ask you for private lessons to refresh their skills so they can take on that position!!

And yeah, no need to jump on the WF train right now, just stick to the plan, no extras.


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Postby nickieluv » January 7th, 2009, 4:08 am

Lauren and Leigh, point taken. It's hard for me to do things like this, but I do feel it has to be done. I'm kind of wishy-washy about it though because I like these people. Plus my husband is on that board that you spoke of and will have to find my replacement - and he hates work. :-P He was reading over my shoulder so I had to put that in. Butt out hubby! Go away!

OK, he's gone now. :lol: I'm not telling anyone until after Easter, that gives them more than 4 months to find a person or people to replace me. So I will keep evaluating until then. But I'm 90% sure I'm not going to change my mind.

I guess it's pretty egotistical of me to think I can't be replaced. Of course I can. And I have to be honest, if it took two or even three people to do what I do, that would be kind of an ego boost, too. :D

So I worked out this morning but only about halfway - I did the whole thing, but way cheated on some movements. I was very tired this morning - getting only 7 hours of sleep is not enough for me but it's hard to go to bed before 10. I really should be in bed by 9 because I'm a person who needs a lot of sleep. Even 8 wouldn't be too early for me if it weren't for the fact that it's right after the girls go to bed, so I'd get no alone time with my husband.

I also felt weaker today, as opposed to how strong I felt yesterday. And the weight was up 1/5 of a pound today from where I've been holding steady for the past few days. I tell ya, this drop better come soon, or I'll - keep doing what I'm doing and just suck it up. But still.
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Postby DogMa » January 7th, 2009, 9:54 am

C'mon, Nicks, you've been reading MY journal long enough to know that you're going to have strong, energetic workouts and some lamer, half-a$$ed ones, too. Just the fact that you DID it, even though you didn't feel like it and weren't able to give it your all, is something to be proud of.

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Postby Lauren » January 7th, 2009, 3:11 pm

Yeah! What she said!


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Postby nickieluv » January 7th, 2009, 6:28 pm

Thanks workout mavens! I tried to feel proud that I still got up and did it, but I felt guilty about being really lame during some parts. The quads feel better today (that's mostly what I crapped out on) so I'm hoping to go to bed at 9 and get more rest and hopefully have a killer workout tomorrow. I finally have a sports bra, too, so maybe I can do some more of the cardio as well. :mrgreen:
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Postby nickieluv » January 8th, 2009, 7:43 am

Working out today went much better. I did do more cardio. But all the jumping still hurts my back. I don't know what's up with that. I thought it was the bra but it still happened with a sports bra. Granted I got almost the cheapest one I could find, but it still held pretty well. It feels like a tight muscle right in the middle, just below my shoulder blades. I tried doing some stretching and it felt good during the stretch, but just tightened right up again when I straightened out. I'm going to experiment with my mattress (we have a Sleep Number) and see if maybe a different firmness will help. Maybe it's just sleep tightness.

So the scale. This morning I was down to 247.8 (been hanging in 248-point-something land all week). Then after working out it was 247 even. And then about 10 minutes later, after my shower, it was 248.2. I knew I shouldn't have broken my weighing rule. Then I would just be thinking I was 247 all day. I wonder if the same thing would have happened if I had a big old expensive doctor's scale? But I just have what I have. I was pleased to have a drop, no matter how small, and tomorrow is the official weigh-in day for us so we'll see what I end up with this week.

Yesterday was a nice relaxing day at home. I had cleared my piano lessons so that I could go to school musical auditions, and then school was closed, so I wound up not having to do anything all day (except the usual at-home stuff). Which was nice, but today I'm going to pay for it by being out of the house from before 3 until after 9. I'll take a couple of bars with me and a jug of water, but I'll end up 6&0 today. Unless maybe I have a L&G for lunch. We'll see. Tomorrow may be the same because I'll be gone for several hours as well. In the long term, though - at least until March - it looks like I can look forward to always having a quiet Wednesday. So that will be nice.

Well, I need to eat. Yesterday and today I've not been hungry - finally. I bought my daughter ice cream sandwiches, even, I felt so assured. Every day that goes by is one day closer to our trip and while eating there is still undecided, I know I can make it five more weeks on plan and exercising. Even if I don't lose a pound (well, that'll piss me off, sure, but at least I'll feel better physically) I know the vacation will be better because of the work I've put in. I'll be stronger and ready for the long days of walking and swimming (hopefully if the weather is warm enough) and playing with my daughter at Disney.
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