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Postby nickieluv » December 21st, 2008, 9:03 pm

I sort of wanted to be on today, but I wasn't. And my daughter and I made a gingerbread house so that's sitting around tempting me and I'm wondering if I should even bother trying to be on tomorrow. But I think I will just do it. I am getting that feeling of 'want' and candy is not all that great. And I am definitely 'all that big.' I want to continue the process I started almost 2 years ago, and let myself succeed. I have spent a lot of time stalling, I guess you'd call it, waiting for the perfect time and all that jazz. Tomorrow seems like a good day. As good as any. The big family parties are over, we don't go out for New Year's, there are no excuses left in that vein. My husband is not going to start up any kind of diet plan until probably after the new year, so it will be a bit hard to keep going, but I've done it before and I can do it again. And I am actually craving the feeling I had when I was on plan. I am craving the 'thin' feeling that you get even after that first day on the diet, the feeling that you are getting cleaned out and energized and walking on air.

So I'm back on the horse tomorrow and actually looking forward to it. For a couple of days now I've been looking almost wistfully at the MF in the cupboards. I'll take that as a good sign. Here's to me, doing it.
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Postby nickieluv » December 22nd, 2008, 6:20 pm

I didn't make it today and it was totally my fault but not my intention to slip up.

My daughter had another doctor's appointment today at the hospital over an hour away from us. The weather here has been awful the past few days, and this morning it was pretty bad. We were in a rush to get out the door and still have enough time to take it easy on the roads (and we were STILL late by 15 minutes besides but they were very understanding) and even though I'd been planning it out in the shower what I would pack to take with us so I could be on plan, I completely forgot to take anything - including forgetting the stroller for the baby - and then everything took so much longer than I expected, that we didn't get home until 2pm and I hadn't eaten all day. I didn't have a clue how to make the plan work after that, so I was just off.

Definitely back on tomorrow - I am a little nervous but also very excited to make some progress. I'm thinking about exercising, too. There's so little time until we go to Disney and I want to make as much progress as possible in that time. I have a 30-day program that I've been wanting to try. It kicked my butt on the first day I tried it last time, but I want to just keep trying this time and see where I get. I might try with the treadmill first and then when we're 30 days away from vacation try this other program.

I've got 7 weeks - if I could get down to pre-prego weight (207) that would be awesome. But even hitting the teens I know I'd feel a lot better - heck, even losing 10 pounds I would feel better.

So, tomorrow it is. No where to go, no reason to be off - and I'm throwing away the rest of the gingerbread house tonight. My daughter (almost typed her name - oops!) has lost interest and we've picked off everything good anyway.

Well, I'm off to go guess-timate my tax returns. I'd like to know if we're getting a refund because I overspent (what a surprise) on Christmas (among other things but mostly that) and need to know if I need to go back to work. :roll: :oops:
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Postby nickieluv » December 25th, 2008, 5:58 pm

You are some sort of rock. I would not have been able to not cheat with that kind of atmosphere. I'm just sitting here at home mostly and haven't been 'good.'

I'm doing the all-American thing of 'enjoying Christmas' and that means that technically I should be back on plan tomorrow. Tomorrow is 7 weeks to the day until vacation. But I'm no longer saying when I will or won't be back on because I basically don't know until the morning hits.

I did have three supplements on plan on Tuesday, but then went off - eating the leftovers from the night before. Today's leftovers will fit nicely into a L&G so we'll see about tomorrow. I haven't thought much about it.

I do hope everyone had a happy Christmas - we had a beautiful Christmas Eve service at our church last night, one that I hope to enjoy more next year when I am not working that job - it will be nice to go to church and be able to really enjoy the message. I really don't get much out of it now because I'm always so stressed about providing ALL the music - I'm the choir director, bell choir director, children's choir director, accompanist, and organist. It's too much and it makes church just like one big concert every week. I look forward to church being about worship - and I know that I should be able to worship through the music I provide but it just doesn't happen that way - I'm too wound up.

Anywho - happy holidays to one and all, whatever you celebrate, and here's to a thinner Christmas next year. But one step at a time.

And a big giant medal to everyone who stayed on their diets during the holidays. If you can do that, the rest of the way will be a piece of cake. Or, a piece of chocolate mint bar. ;)
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Postby nickieluv » December 27th, 2008, 9:44 am

Yes, I think when I make the announcement that I'm quitting (after Easter) that will be part of my explanation. My kids are so young and when I go back to work full time I want to keep my time away from home to a minimum. It would make the most sense to stop teaching piano, but I do that in my home and I love it. This church job, while the money is great, is keeping church from being what it should for me. If I cut back to just being the organist, which I thought about doing, it would still be too much. I want to be able to sit in the pew with my family and actually experience and listen to the service. Right now I spend all my time looking ahead in the bulletin to make sure I'm set up for whatever music is next, and I really can't concentrate on the sermon or anything else at all.

Well, anyway, I'm back on today. Just seemed like a good day to get back on. So here I go.
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Postby nickieluv » December 27th, 2008, 7:46 pm


My fault.

Didn't tell my husband I was starting today - wanted to keep it quiet for a few days and not draw attention to myself. He ran out to the store for 'a couple of things' - forgot half of what we actually needed - and brought back tons of clearance-priced Christmas-themed temptation.

Obviously I didn't want it too badly if I let that get to me.

I believe I will try again tomorrow. I'm going to go scour the house for temptations and see if I can't get them put on a high shelf I can't reach without a chair or something. I really want to be back on plan. The desire to eat is very strong but I know I can be stronger.
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Postby nickieluv » December 29th, 2008, 12:32 pm

Monday and still not on. I have to be honest, I'm using my husband as an excuse here big time. Waiting for him to start up his diet again before I start mine. It makes a little sense, because if he's not on a plan there's more temptation around. But it's also a major excuse because I'm capable of being on without him, since I've done it before. Then I say 'why be on for a few days just to gain it all back at the next gathering?' Like I couldn't stop myself or something.

Every day wasted is like two days I'll need to be on plan to make up for it. So dumb, but I'm looking forward to seeing the weight loss, just not looking forward to eating what I should (there's the should-monster again). So like me to want something for nothing. Except it's really not like me. Just when it comes to my weight.

Not much to say, you've heard it all on this merry-go-round a bunch of times. I'm glad to read of so many doing so well - the thought of you all on here losing weight does inspire me and keep me coming back.
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Postby nickieluv » December 31st, 2008, 11:23 pm

Well, tomorrow (which I guess is really just later today since it's past 1am right now) is the beginning. In theory hubby is doing MF with me (I tempted him by telling him he could be at his goal in 6 weeks, being one of those bastard men who lose weight by sneezing or whatever) but I managed to piss him off tonight so who knows?

So we were planning to watch movies tonight. We watched one. I chose the next one, because I knew it was one he'd been wanting to see and I thought it might be interesting (300). By 15 minutes or so into it, I knew it was of no interest to me, so I asked him if he would mind if I did other work while he watched the movie, and he said no.

However, at the end of the movie and almost midnight I had to hear about how I ruined his NYE by not watching the damn movie. I told him he could have stopped and realized that I wasn't enjoying the movie and suggested we watch another one. Then he says that because I'm the one who picked the movie I should have suggested that. Whatever. It's a stupid circular argument that will never be resolved. So I just gave up and kept working. What a fabulous evening.

The problem with my husband is that he builds everything up in his mind to be perfect, and real life never measures up, so he gets pissed. I didn't do anything wrong but it didn't line up with his dream night, so I'm at fault. At least I got a lot accomplished. I have one more project to finish by the end of the day on Saturday - a relatively big one, but not insurmountable - and then I'll be set for a while in terms of projects.

So tomorrow is supposed to be day 1 for the both of us, plus we're putting away all the Christmas decorations - both of those things are going to put my husband in a bad mood, so all around it's going to be just a peachy start to the New Year. But I'm glad to be getting back on plan. I'm feeling that old eagerness to start that I felt back in July.
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Postby nickieluv » December 31st, 2008, 11:27 pm

Oh, and I decided to put my ticker starting weight at my original starting weight 2 years ago. I'm practically back there anyway, plus it'll make more sense in terms of my 'club' because the numbers will match up. Once I make it back to the 60# club, that is. Hopefully by Easter!
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Postby nickieluv » January 1st, 2009, 7:03 am

Well, I'm having my first supplement of the day. Yay me.

The male that I share my house with is obviously still angry. Whatever. Being the bigger person (literally and figuratively) I'll say that it's because we've spent too much time with each other. He wanted to go see family yesterday but we had a snowstorm that dropped a lot of snow, then there were high winds and low temperatures so we kept the kids home. Maybe if we'd gotten to go (he hates being cooped up at home) things would have been different last night. He's been on vacation since Christmas Eve and most of the time it's been nice having him home, even though he does mess up our routines, but at this point I think we'll both be glad when he goes back to work!

My goals (other than sticking to program, but I've got the food and water stuff pretty much down as long as I'm not cheating!) are:
--to weigh myself only once a week
--starting Monday, to exercise every weekday

That's it so far for the things I can directly control. Of course I have other goals, like losing 30 pounds before vacation, packing away the maternity clothes for good, donating any clothes larger than a 1x.

I'm aiming for no cheats whatsoever from this point forward. I think I can do it but it does get harder when you get to a lower weight. I remember last time once I got under 200 I almost completely lost my will to be on program. Maybe that had something to do with wanting to have another baby at that time, but I think a lot of it was feeling I had 'arrived' - because the body I saw in the mirror matched the body image I hold in my mind. Looking at the pictures now I see I had a long way to go still - but part of me can't imagine I could ever be thinner than that. On the other hand, I was still 20 pounds heavier than when I got married, and I felt like a huge cow then - so I guess 200 feels better on the way down than on the way up!

It's a new year and I've spent most of the last year indulging my whims. So now it's time to keep the goal in mind and take the right steps to get there. 2009 will be my skinny year. (And of course all the years after that, too!)
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Postby katieb920 » January 1st, 2009, 5:22 pm

I thought my husband was the only one that acted that way. LOL Hey nickie hope you are having a better day. And congrats on getting back on. Hope you and your family have a great 2009
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Postby nickieluv » January 1st, 2009, 9:31 pm

Thanks Katie and Leigh - the husband and I actually communicated today about what happened last night and it's water under the bridge now. Phew.

We are both on plan today although I almost had a doughnut moment when we were out for coffee with some church members. But having us both on a diet made it a lot easier to stay strong - he had black decaf and I had water (don't like coffee myself).

Having the trip so touchably close - only 6 weeks now - it doesn't seem like such a long haul to stay compliant that whole time. Not sure what will happen at Disney but I'm packing enough supplements for the trip so that I have no excuse to make bad choices.

Also with my husband on plan I'm doing 5&1 instead of 6&0. It is so nice to have him doing it with me. I don't know if he'll make it because he likes to eat. He always liked low-carb because he felt he could eat a lot of food and still lose weight. But he made it through today and he plans to give it at least a week and see how it goes. I warned him tomorrow would be worse, but that by day 5 at the outside he should be feeling really good.

Did I mention I'm excited he's on plan with me? I didn't realize how much it meant to me until I came here to type about it. I feel so much more supported and less alone. He won't need to diet for nearly as long as I will (if he loses like Shane he'll be at goal in a month!) but I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

Well, tomorrow is a new day and it's time for those pounds to melt away. Get thee hence evil poundage!!
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Postby katieb920 » January 2nd, 2009, 5:41 pm

Gosh I wish John would go on Medifast but he can not. He is also a chef and he really does need to taste everything. He is starting to watch what he eats, and John and Matthew have been working out so I am happy about that. I just need to get my but in gear and do it.
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Postby nickieluv » January 2nd, 2009, 7:45 pm

He always told me he could never do MF because he needs food - but he's doing just fine after two days and even says he kind of likes it. Of course he lost 7 pounds overnight so that helped! Damn men....

So he's officially my diet buddy at this point in time, for however long he keeps it up - at least until Disney I bet. And starting Monday he'll be my workout buddy, too, so we should be kicking some serious butt in the next 6 weeks.

I am SO looking forward to vacation. I will miss my youngest, who's going to stay with Grammie while we're away because 7 months just seemed too young for such a trip - plus it will be nice for my 3-year-old to have some time as an only child again. But to be away from my baby for 10 days will be VERY hard. Thankfully we have cell phones so my mom can send pictures and even videos every day - and I hope she will. But in spite of that one bad part about going away, I'm looking forward to everything else. And I'm excited to see how much I can lose by then - but certainly, especially adding exercise into the mix, I'm going to FEEL so much better even if I haven't dropped the 30 pounds that I'm hoping for. But a girl can still dream of those numbers falling.

Feeling pretty tired - not sure if it's lack of sleep alone or also the early days of MF, too. My husband feels very weak and tired. I told him he should feel better by day 5 or so - maybe sooner. I'm so happy he's on MF with me, but I'm also happy for him because I know it works and I know how great he'll feel when he takes off his excess weight. He only has about 40 pounds to lose, 50 at most, so he'll be done long before I am. I'm already trying to talk him into following the transition plan because at least that will be a few more weeks that he's almost on plan with me before I have to do this alone.

I have a bit of apprehension about the vacation because he might decide to be done with MF after we get back, and it may be hard to get back on without him. I am going to try to be 4&2 on vacation but I'm not kidding myself - I have a feeling I will be indulging in a few things while there. My hope is to keep the damage minimal. I know I COULD stay on plan completely but I'm not sure I want to. My attitude may be different in 6 weeks, though, so I'm not making any final decisions yet other than definitely planning to bring supplements with me so I can be on plan if I make that choice.

Well, I'm off for the night - I have to eat one more time and then it's off to bed. I think I might be allowed to sleep in tomorrow and can I tell you how intoxicating that sounds right now?!
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Postby nickieluv » January 3rd, 2009, 7:15 pm

Day 3 is moving to a close and it was a bit of hungry day for both of us, but we made it. Monday will be the test - with my husband back at work I'll be alone again and so I might be tempted to go back to old habits. I doubt it, though, knowing that he'll be coming home and we'll be having our L&G together.

I want to head to bed but I have to eat one more time tonight, so I need to wait at least another half hour. So I'm going to go kill time (hubby is watching football and I just can't get into that) and we'll see how everyone is doing tomorrow.

Oh, and he's lost 9 pounds in 2 days. I'm not sure how much I've lost because I didn't weigh myself Thursday, or today, so I only know how much I weighed yesterday. I'm trying to keep off the scale for the most part, and I'm doing pretty well with that. My new rule is I only step on once in the morning and/or before I take a shower. Weighing once a week will not work for me because if it's a week where I see a gain on that one weigh-in day, I know I'll be discouraged. Better for me to see daily fluctuations.

Well, off I go. Toodles.
Last edited by nickieluv on January 4th, 2009, 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby nickieluv » January 4th, 2009, 3:32 pm

Thanks, Leigh. It is pretty great. We've talked and he's already planning to go back on it after vacation, too - but he has no dreams of staying on plan while we're away. He's just going to be 'on vacation' in every sense, and correct the damage when we get home. I'm still not sure what I'll do. I don't want to be busting out of my clothes by the end of that week after all. It's all still milling around in that brain of mine.

I did weigh in this morning and I'm not ecstatic with the results so far - but then again, I don't really know how high up I got before starting up again on Thursday. So maybe I'm doing better than I think. Conservative estimates would say I've lost about 6 pounds, so that's pretty good. I just was really hoping for a 10-pound first week to get me rolling, because I pretty much have my heart set on being in the teens by vacation. I know it could happen, or not happen, and all I can do is be compliant and wait. But that would totally rock, let's face it.

Exercise starts tomorrow - I'm only planning on 20 minutes at day, weekdays only. It's a start, and more than I've been doing at least. As per Leigh's advice about timing the supplements, I'm planning to exercise, rest, shower, have a supplement, then go back to bed if the girls will let me. They're usually asleep until at least 7, and more often it's closer to 8. Plus getting up early will force us to go to bed a bit earlier - me especially, since I've been up way after midnight most nights for the past month - and I know more sleep will help the weight loss, too.

More so than weight loss, though, I know that Disney is going to be a physical vacation with lots of walking around the parks, so I want to be in a bit better shape as far as cardio is concerned so that I can enjoy myself without being all sweaty and out of breath.

We're pretty excited on all counts. We just have to stay strong for each other. Hopefully we can. And notice I didn't mention tomorrow at all. I can do it. It will be easy. I will be awesome. :D
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