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Postby DogMa » October 5th, 2008, 5:13 am

Wow. Things change so quickly around here! Good luck with the new plan.

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Postby nickieluv » October 5th, 2008, 10:09 am

I know - I'm a nut right now. I have two months of MF in my cupboards. I still hope to use it. Although if we decide to 'see what happens' then I will probably stick with this new one if it's working. The thing with this one is, I want to be sure to exercise regularly because it is almost twice the calories of a normal MF day. It may not even work - I just thought it was worth a try, since I can't keep myself away from the carbs and stuff right now. I can have - gasp - bagels and yogurt and fruit. And like MF I don't have to count calories literally, just measure my portions and have a certain amount of each thing per day.

Well, so far so good today - which is nice, because pretty much everything is on this plan as long as I don't go binge on Chinese. I'm actually going to have two cookies later. Big day for me. :lol:
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Postby Mike » October 6th, 2008, 8:48 am

Hi there. Just wanted to check in with you and make sure you are doing okay. I've been checking here, just not posting much, so I have been watching. Hang in there and keep it up.
Pre WLS 460
Low after WLS 300
Start of MF 350
Previous MF low 280
Restart MF 330

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Postby nickieluv » October 6th, 2008, 7:14 pm

Well, I had one really good day on this new program, and today was not so good. But I don't feel a lot of guilt about 'cheating' since the things I ate were all on the program - I just ate too much. So it's binging, but not cheating. Which in my mind is better. :oops: :roll:

Guess what the nut job is doing? Trying. Yep, again. I figure why wait when I'm already on that road right now? If it works out, in another 12-18 months I'll have my body back for good. All sorts of reasons not to do this, but lots of really compelling ones to go ahead with it. It is official and hubby is on board. :yes:

So I'm sticking with this new plan, because I think I can do it right through the pregnancy. 1500 calories is not really too low and I have plenty of body fat to keep my energy up. Wish me luck - again! I'm really, really excited about it. Hoping for a boy this time, but if I do end up with three girls I will still be about the luckiest mom in the world. :heart:
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Postby nickieluv » October 6th, 2008, 7:42 pm

Also - I posted food for sale in the swap-n-shop - if you can buy any packets, please do. I will be so sad if all of my food just ends up in the trash.
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Postby nickieluv » October 12th, 2008, 12:36 pm

I see that all I had to do was leave, and people came flocking back. :lol: It's a good trade for the boards, believe me. I hope everyone has a great week!
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Postby dede4wd » October 12th, 2008, 3:40 pm

Best of luck with the new program! Hope it works GREAT!

Let me know how the ebay sale goes...I'm a creature of habit and only eat certain things, but if you get no takers, I'd be happy to take off your hands the:

S'mores Bars - 26
Beef Stew - 17 packets, 4 expired (4/12/08 )
Chocolate Pudding - 2
Chocolate Mint Bars - 16

Send me a PM if you haven't gotten rid of them yet!
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Postby nickieluv » October 13th, 2008, 6:01 am

Actually it was pretty awesome - I listed them Wednesday morning, and by Wednesday evening they were gone! I never have that kind of luck, so I'm looking at it as a sign that the plans I'm making are the right ones.

As for my new eating plan - I'm not really on any kind of plan at the moment. I have one all lined up, I just keep not doing it! It's a real-food plan, no prepackaged stuff, so it's a little more work. But mostly I'm just stalling. The least I can do, though, is start the exercise, so I'm going to start walking every day for as long as the kids will let me at a stretch. If I don't at least do five minutes every day, I'll get out of the habit VERY quickly and won't pick it up again. I just have to find an extension cord so I can plug in the treadmill (rearranged the house last week and now it doesn't reach the outlet!) We took a walk all together on Friday because it was so nice, and yesterday I was actually playing with my daughter outside instead of just sitting and watching her play. It helped me realize that I want an active life, not a sedentary one. And if I'm going to get pregnant again, I don't want to gain another 45 pounds, so I'm doing lots of reading on what is safe and so far it seems that a moderate diet and walking are perfectly OK. So that's the plan!

I can't resist coming here, though - doing MF or not, I like to know what's happening with you guys! So I'll be lurking. 8)
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Postby nickieluv » October 28th, 2008, 8:11 pm

OK, so anyone who knows me from my posts will not be surprised.

I'm ssssslllllllinking back. Boo!

I was so conflicted about the baby - I kept gaining and gaining, and I've lost practically nothing since giving birth - what I did lose has almost all come back. My habits are awful, I'm getting no sleep and eating very haphazardly, and I was scared to death of getting pregnant and winding up over 300 pounds by the end of it.

I felt like I had no choice, though, because hubby said now or never. Everything I was reading was saying it's dangerous to space pregnancies less than at least 18 months apart, but I was ignoring that and trying to be positive and thinking of my sister-in-law, who has two girls 12 months apart, and they are both fine. But she was at a normal weight. I have risk factors anyway from being fat, let alone two back-to-back pregnancies. Plus a family history of diabetes, which I have avoided so far in the first two pregnancies, but this felt like pushing my luck.

So I talked with hubby and said I was coming to terms with not having any more kids, because now did not feel like the right time, and I didn't want to cheat my second daughter out of her mommy time by being pregnant so soon. And what does he say? That he is so in love with our kids that there is no doubt he wants to try for a third, and if it has to be in a couple of years instead of right now, he is OK with it. God is truly great - if only we listen and heed the clues.

So He is telling me to get fit, now. I fought it for the last week or so - thinking I could still do this on my own, use real food, exercise, keep my calories low - but I have no time to exercise and no energy to boot from the lack of sleep (being up past midnight every night does not help, but that's another vice). I didn't see how we could possibly afford for me to do MF - and like the impulsive chicky I am, I sold my 2-month supply a few weeks ago on eBay. There's no way I can replace it for the price I sold it for. Dumba**, right?

I looked around on eBay tonight, pricing things, then went to my health coach's website and put some things in the cart to see what the cost would be. With my BeSlim discount and taking advantage of case pricing, it's costing me less to buy direct than to buy off eBay. So I ordered it. Put it on a credit card, which I hate to do, but I'm going to have faith that God is leading me in this direction, wants me to get the weight off, and so will lead me to find the money to make it happen.

I am scared, of course. Scared that I will fail. But I am putting our finances on the line to do this, and I truly do want another baby, and I will not feel comfortable trying until I am solidly away from the 200s. Like by 30 pounds or more. Goal would be even better, of course, but you never know what will happen.

I've ordered some goal clothes, and some clothes for my current size which I will no doubt return immediately since I am no longer resigned to being this size forever, and I can stand to wait a few weeks to fit into some pre-prego stuff. Plus there's a bit of money I can recoup - almost enough to pay for my first month - by sending back those things.

I am excited, too. Glad to be taking control. And I can even start tomorrow, instead of waiting for my order to come, by trying to space my meals the way you're supposed to with MF and going lower carb. I thought about doing it on my own with 100-calorie packs and a L&G, but I was concerned about the total lack of nutrition that would be. I mean, 5 Special K bars are not the equivalent of 5 MF meals, right? Plus, knowing that it works, I don't want to screw with it. I can't do it on my own right now - I need the structure. I remember the awesome feeling of being on plan for several days in a row, and I'd like to feel that way again.

I do have tons of exercise DVDs, plus the treadmill, and I am going to find a way to make exercise a part of every weekday at least. My all-or-nothing perfectionism gets in the way there - thinking if I can't do an hour of sweat-dripping exercise, then I'll just do nothing. 10 minutes of walking is better than none. I have to remember that. Plus, what a great example for my daughter to have exercise time. How cute would she be doing the little dance moves with me? (I prefer cardio dance workouts.) I'll just have to be sure I don't do the Carmen Electra with her in the house. :oops: :mrgreen:

Well, that's my tirade for tonight. I need to KISS - keep it simple, stupid. I get so caught up in the charts and graphs and rewards and the future-tripping and the "how-much-weight-can-I-lose-if-I-don't-cheat-for-xxx-number-of-days" that I forget to take it one day at a time, one meal at a time. The numbers will follow if I am following the plan, but they will do so at their own pace. I can only control what goes in my mouth and how much I move my body.

I am ready to be one of the success stories. I am ready to Make Me Thinner!!!
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Postby SuzyQ66 » October 29th, 2008, 6:07 am

Nickie - there are several of us here that are restarters. The first week for me was a killer and I am only on Day 10. But I know the rewards are well worth it. I wish you success and we are here for each other.
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Postby Mike » October 29th, 2008, 10:34 am

You can do it Nicks... keep at it. ;)
Pre WLS 460
Low after WLS 300
Start of MF 350
Previous MF low 280
Restart MF 330

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Postby DogMa » October 29th, 2008, 12:09 pm

Nicks, do NOT be afraid that you won't succeed. You know full well that success is totally up to you, and that if you stick with it you WILL lose the weight. And this time maybe the financial aspect will help keep you on track. Because if you cheat, not only will you be wasting the money you spent on Medifast, you'll be spending even MORE money on food. Unnecessary food.

You can do this!! Do it for the girls, but most important, do it for yourself!!

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Postby nickieluv » October 29th, 2008, 5:00 pm

I am starting tomorrow!!! My SIL had some shakes and she doesn't like the liquid supps, so she let me have them. Her father also had some leftover stuff and he's not doing it anymore, so I have that, too. Almost two weeks' worth, certainly enough to last till my order gets here, and then a little buffer in case an order gets held up or something.

I was in the shower tonight and realized I am starting the day before Halloween. I am either very dedicated or very crazy. But of all the things I know will still be there at goal, baby Snickers bars are pretty much guaranteed. It will be a good test of how serious I am.

All my shakes for tomorrow are premixed in my shaker bottles and lined up ready to go. I'm planning to do that every night so I have no excuses like 'it was easier to grab the granola bar than make a shake.' I only ordered cocoa, capuccino, and some bars, so I'm planning to use the cocoa cold since I like that better than the actual shakes. But since I was given a gift I'm going to use it! I am excited about keeping it simple and getting only things that are super easy to make, and that I like. Cocoa and capp curb my sweet tooth every time. And a bar if I feel the need to chew.

I weighed just over 250 tonight. Embarrassing but true. When I restarted after the baby was born I got down to 221 before the whole BF'ing drama began. What the h*ll happened? Where did the time go? It's scary how fast the weight has come on. It's what made me realize that I had to do something, or I was going to be right back where I started and then some. This plan is just so darn easy - why do I cheat so much? It's everything I've said I wanted - simple, no cooking, no measuring, no counting calories - but still I give in to temptation.

I have all my usual grandiose goals and plans and pledges, the ones I always have the day before a diet starts. I won't list them all again because you've heard them all before if you've been here a while. Goal one is to get back into real non-maternity pants - and not just squish myself into them and be unable to sit or breathe, but really fit into them. So that's the one I am focusing on for now. When that happens, then we'll see where to go from there.
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Postby CaribGirl » October 30th, 2008, 5:26 am

Baby steps, Nicki, baby steps. And the first step to fit comfortably into non-maternity pants is a great (and achievable) goal. Get there, then make a new one. You have done it before, you can do it again. And yes, I swear the Snickers will still be there.....
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Postby nickieluv » October 30th, 2008, 5:43 am

One shake down. It was pretty good actually, letting it sit overnight. Better than I think they usually taste. Maybe it was because it was so cold?

I am already a little nervous about day 1 but I'm just going to have something every two hours and hopefully that will work. I have to stop eating 2 hours before bed because I've started taking my thyroid pill at night (because it was tough to wait that hour in the morning lately before eating) so I've gotten pretty used to not eating anything after dinner. That part should be OK. It's just that I'm already feeling hungry and I just finished my shake. I know I just have to go through it for a few days and within a week or so I'll be feeling much better.

So I squeezed into the MATERNITY pants this morning. Ugh. When even those don't fit you know there's a problem. It's like my midsection just exploded with this baby - sure the eating didn't help, but it's also like my body shape really changed this time. With baby 1 I didn't notice any real differences before and after. I'll be needing some heavy duty ab exercises this time around.

Official starting weight - 247.8. Yikes. That's up over 12 pounds from where I was a few weeks postpartum. Down only 5 pounds from my highest pregnancy weight. And not even 20 pounds down from where I was when I first started MF way back when. I am so relieved not to be getting pregnant again right away. It would be a disaster and if I ever got over 300 pounds I don't know if I could mentally turn myself around. So glad to be here!

So I'm off to make a new ticker - with that awful starting weight - and work on spending my day on-plan and getting rid of this flab!
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