Thanks for checking in, Robin - yep, I'm still hanging in there. It was a busy morning (we went a-visitin') and when I got home, the site wasn't working for a while - I kept getting an error message when I tried to come on.
I'm having a bit of trouble at the moment - I'm not hungry - in fact, I'm pleasantly full after my L&G - but I'm thinking to myself that I'm rocking the program after five whole days, so I could have just a little bit of chocolate or something and it wouldn't throw me off.
I know this is false - it would totally derail me, probably for several days. So I'm not going to have the little 100-calorie cookie snack pack - but I want it. I miss my chocolate and sugar and desserts.
I can have my cocoa before bed, though, and that is sweet and chocolatey enough that it pretty much fills the bill for that dessert craving. But I don't know - the idea of giving up sweets depresses me, yet I don't know if I could ever have 'just a little' in maintenance. I LOVE them, and I love LOTS of them. Maybe I should just keep a supply of cocoa always?
Well, I have time to think about it, I won't be maintaining any time soon. I think I will just always love food much more than is healthy, and it will be an even bigger challenge learning to maintain my weight than it's going to be to lose it.
Oh - also, I was up almost two pounds this morning, but I had a very salty dinner last night so that's probably why. That's what I'm saying, anyway. I know fluctuations, even big ones, are pretty normal, and eventually you can't help but lose weight on this plan. It still gives me a little twinge to see a gain, though, and maybe that's where the cookie thing is coming from today. I'll resist it - I REALLY want to get to that 100 days and I know the time will fly by until mid-November, if I just stay true to that goal I think I'll be amazed at where I am by then. Plus, it will just feel great to say that I did it, after all the times I started and faltered.
Then what? Well, then I start on another 100-day quest. One day at a time, I can do this. I just have to trust myself and love myself enough to let myself succeed instead of throwing up cookie-shaped roadblocks.