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Postby nickieluv » January 7th, 2008, 3:58 pm

Thank you for the drop-ins Biki, Mike, and Aries (or Ovaries - I confess when I first read your title way back when I thought that was what it said, too!! I cracked up when Sojo wrote about it. :lol: )!

Sorry it's been so long - I've been avoiding dropping by only because I knew I'd be here for hours if I tried to read up on everything I've missed. So I just stopped by a few journals and posts - please understand if I missed someone it wasn't intentional! I just got swamped really quickly - it's already been 45 minutes and I'm just getting here to post, which is the whole reason I came here in the first place! You guys suck me in....

We've heard the heartbeat and everything is going really well. The morning sickness has been bad, and it's still going on even though I'm in week 13 - last time it stopped in week 11. But now I do have some good moments and good days, instead of feeling miserable all the time. I'm hopeful it might end within a couple more weeks - seems like it's tapering off bit by bit.

No ultrasound yet, so no gender news - we have a name if it's a girl but no luck with boy names at the moment. Five or six weeks and we'll have the ultrasound and hopefully know what we're having. I don't know if I have a preference - I know what I'm doing with girls but I'd be happy with a son, too, of course - whatever it is I know I will love it enough to drive it crazy someday! :mrgreen: "Mom, stop hugging me, my friends are watching!!!"

The weight - I know I shouldn't be worried about it, but I am. I'm not restricting my calories or certain food groups or anything - I just eat what I want (or what I can, depending on the nausea), but I do weigh myself every day still. I seem to maintain for a few weeks and then have a big jump, and then maintain again for a few weeks - the cycle continues. So far I've gained only 6 pounds, which is not bad but more than I wanted. My doctor says if I stay under 230 it'll be a success. I was hoping to stay under 220 but I don't think that'll happen. I find myself eagerly dreaming of Medifast. I know for sure I'll be back here again to lose the baby weight plus lots more that I should've lost before. I wonder if next time I'll be true to the program without the need for all that justification?

My thyroid is still out of whack - my dosage goes up and up every month. So I'm still exhausted most of the time - but I'm hoping eventually the dosage will be right on and I'll start to feel better in that way, too. It's annoying having to worry about that on top of all the pregnancy woes, but I'm hopeful that if we stay on top of it, I'll be able to breastfeed this baby successfully. I breastfed my daughter for 5 months but I had to supplement with formula right from the first week because she wasn't gaining weight, and I wasn't producing nearly enough milk - I barely made enough for one or two nursings a day, and I hope that was because of my at-that-time undiagnosed thyroid issue and this time, I'll make plenty of milk.

Well, that was probably TMI but what do you expect from me? :D I'll be back again after the ultrasound - I think of this place and all of you pretty often and I'm sorry I can't come around more often - but like I said, you all suck me in, and I'm beat every day!!!

Happy New Year and congratulations on all the successes here! I can't wait to join you as a loser again someday!
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Postby electra000 » January 7th, 2008, 4:05 pm

Hey Nickie! It's so good to hear from you! I have wondered how you are doing. I am glad to hear all is well ! Thanks for checking in! :D
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Postby DogMa » January 7th, 2008, 4:18 pm

No ultrasound yet, so no gender news - we have a name if it's a girl but no luck with boy names at the moment.

You know, "Robin" works for both boys AND girls. :lol:

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Postby lifelovinaries » January 7th, 2008, 9:06 pm

hey nickie! good to hear from you. I'm glad that everything is going pretty well (with the exception of the morning sickness). Hmmm...i say Erica if it's a girl, Eric if it's a boy! There. It's settled! Take care.

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Postby ChynnaDoll » January 7th, 2008, 9:13 pm

Nicks, didn't know if you'd get back to my journal so here's what i said:

ChynnaDoll wrote:
nickieluv wrote:Hi Chynna!

I'm just popping in to update my journal - I can never hope to catch up! - but I wanted to say welcome back and good luck on correcting your little slip. I bet it'll be a quick recovery!

It is soooo GOOD to hear from you girl:+)))) You got'a email me and tell me EVERYTHING!! I hope you've been doing alright with being in pre-mommiehood:+) you know if it's a he or she yet???

Yeah girl, i DID have that little slip but i'm right on'it..doing exercise with "OC" and making sensible food choices. I'll have to go check out your update!

Miss you:+)

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Postby Tawanda » January 8th, 2008, 6:49 am

Nickie, sorry to read that you have been having trouble with morning sickness but hope you feel better soon. Such good news about hearing a nice healthy heartbeat!
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Postby GucciGoo » January 25th, 2008, 9:34 am

Hey there...

DH and I have decided to TTC in a few months for another baby. But I have been piling on the weight and need to lose some before we start planning. We want to start in April so I only have a few months.
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Postby MerryMary » January 25th, 2008, 8:26 pm

Hey Nickie!
How are you and baby doing?
Hope all is going well. Think of you often.
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Postby MerryMary » February 14th, 2008, 4:10 am

How's Mommy Nickie doing? Hope you and baby are well! :D <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
Sending prayers your way ...
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Postby nickieluv » February 22nd, 2008, 9:33 pm

Here I am, checking in after the ultrasound as promised. Nice to 'see' you, Beth, Tawanda, and Mary! I hope you are all feeling great and looking forward to spring soon (I say soon - I have to have hope!). Good luck TTC, Beth - we'd actually decided to wait a few months, too, when this happened, and I wish I'd lost some more before starting. So I wish you luck losing, too!

Baby is healthy and very cute (it's just ultrasound pictures, but I'm sure she's cute!) and the tech said 80% girl. So I'm tentatively making the ticker pink for the remaining weeks of pregnancy - and we'll see what comes out!

I am finally starting to feel better - less tired, not sick anymore - it's been a slow process. I am also embracing my shape and breaking out the maternity clothes, instead of bemoaning how much I look like a sausage in my pre-pregnancy clothes. I finally have surpassed even the stretchiest of my wardrobe. It feels good to just go with it. I've gained 17 pounds so far but when I get depressed about that, I remember that I am still 50 pounds less than my pre-MF highest ever weight after my first daughter was born.

Well, I guess that's all for now - still eager to come back to MF and I'm just hoping now we can afford it when I'm out on leave - I have a month's supply waiting for me, though, so when the time comes I can start right away! And I think I might try WW Core while breastfeeding if my doctor OK's it - I had lots of trouble with the first baby and milk production so I don't want to go super low-calorie until the baby is weaned.

Thanks for the well wishes and I am looking forward to the day when I can get caught up with everyone again!
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Postby nickieluv » February 22nd, 2008, 9:47 pm

Hey - just wondering. I did a little surfing here and popped into some journals - Jo, Lizabette, Chynna, Tawanda, Sojo - but someone is conspicuously missing and I can't find any clues. Did something happen to Biki? If it's a big can of worms or something can somebody just PM me about it? The last thing I could find said she was having dental surgery, mid-January.
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Postby Mike » February 22nd, 2008, 11:49 pm

Great to see ya Nickie. Glad all is going well. Its always a nice thing to see you perusing the forum. We all eagerly await more news and your eventual return.

As for Biki... yes, she left the forum. We are told she is doing okay though.

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Postby Serendipity » February 23rd, 2008, 4:34 am

Hi nicks! I sent you a pm. Nice to see ya!
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Postby ChynnaDoll » February 25th, 2008, 10:05 pm

heyyyyyy Nickie!!!..girl it's so GOOD to see you, and you're having a little GIRL...boy auntie lula is gonna spoil her ta death...i KNOW she's cute, just look at her momma :-P I've been so busy with pre-Easter stuff at church until i haven't been able to be here as much as i'd like..i'm so glad i saw this tho! Take good care of you and little "Nikeirra" ok? :-P

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Postby Sojourner » February 29th, 2008, 1:11 am

Hiya Nicks!
Thanks for stopping by my journal with the much appreciated condolences. :heart:
I'm really glad that you and baby are doing well! 80% girl, huh?
I have some friends like that, but most of them are male. :lol:

Anyhoo...thanks for the update!


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