Wow. What a difference a few hours makes.
My husband and I spoke and we have both spent the last several weeks being unhappy with a pledge that we made to each other - namely, to wait two more years before having another baby. We thought we wanted to get finances more in control, lose more weight, be patient - but that's not what either of us wants.
I had a little scare the past two days and I can't even call it a scare - because I was praying that I was pregnant. I spent months and months - actually, almost 2 years, even before MF - telling myself that if I could get under 200, my reward would be to get pregnant. But when I got there, that didn't seem to be the plan anymore.
I am EXTREMELY excited to tell you that we have decided to try to have another baby. NOW. (I don't mean right this second, don't worry.
) And so, I am not going to be MF'ing. I know that I could be on it until conceiving. But I feel more comfortable trying to get my eating habits into a healthy place without using MF. I will be starting up my prenatal vitamins again in the morning, and I am going to plan out a 1200-calorie diet with lots of produce - both fruits and vegetables - and avoid junk food and fast food. Neither of us wants to wait any longer.
Depending on how quickly we succeed, I may be back on MF in 15 months at the earliest - 9 months of pregnancy and 6 months of breastfeeding. I WILL be back. MF was a Godsend for me and I feel right now that it is the way for me to reach my goal. But right now, my goal is to add to my family with another daughter or a son.
I feel so happy about this. I think I've been struggling with this for a long time, and it's what started up my cheating. I feel so hopeful and so excited.
Now, 15 months is a long time. And I have to tell you, I know I won't be coming here very much, if at all. My focus is going to be in a completely different place. But I have really appreciated the help I've gotten here, and the PM's while I was on my 'break' this week - so please, if anyone wants to keep in touch via e-mail, just send me a PM because I don't know if any of you will still be here in 15 months - and I really want to know how you're doing. I know, I can always come back - and I'm sure I will from time to time - but still, if you want my e-mail, let me know. I'm happy to correspond!